Friday, November 22, 2013

In His Words

Fifty years ago the world was forever changed.  For those who remember where they were when it happened and for those who came after, all  have experience a world that lost a piece of its innocence.

Austin has always been an admirer of JFK.  Way before he was committed to Parkland  he took a moment at the White House to pay homage.

And later when he became a part of  Parkland his pride of being a part of the film about that day in Dallas was obvious.

Several day ago Austin tweeted this quote

"Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth." -JFK

Austin be that non conformist you want to be and break out.

Happy Austin Friday.


  1. "Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth." -JFK

    I wish Jake and Austin believed that quote. I do not believe they live it.

  2. I think the younger women do still like Jake. Def not like post BBM but they like him. I also think he made some inroads with the younger male crowd. A lot of the young guys really liked POW.

    I do not think Jake is ever gonna be a matinee idol or a superstar. I do think he can win an Oscar someday though. I certainly think it is time for him to step away from the cop mode though.

  3. What really makes me believe sometimes that Jake and Austin do have a family is that I think Jake would have been able to walk away if it had just been him and Austin. I think there was a really big reason he eventually sold his soul. I know he is a momma's boy but hopefully she does not control him that much.

  4. I do not think there is a litter though. I think 1 or 2. 5 or 6 would not be manageable. I did check in also over at WFT2 a couple days ago and it is mostly one person over there. Plus we do all have our own opinions here and are allowed to express them. We all respect each other opinions and I know i continue to have an open mind.

  5. I am on a rant this morning. I think Family Tile whatever it is and many it is stays in one place. I don't think they live out of a duffel bag and are flown from coast to coast on a whim. I do think Jake tries to establish that he pretty much has no roots.

  6. I also believe Jake's got kids. You would think no more than two because that's what a sane man would choose to do. However, I don't think Jake is the type of person who soft-pedals things. And, I don't think he's risk adverse either.

    There's an arrogance and entitlement aspect to Jake that makes me think he would love to pull something this big off and tell everyone else to shove it. He has the insider protection provided by the complicit entertainment media and WME to pull it off too. Remember the same media that covers up the gay, will cover up closeted gay fatherhood.

    Having four or more kiddies wouldn't surprise me, let's just say that. He definitely stopped having them though. That's why he has accelerated the career side of life this last year. It's very noticeable, in fact. Even in 2012, he wasn't working that much. But, in 2013 everything changed. Since all this kid stuff began in 2007, that's a five year span.

    You can have several kids, with a surrogate, within that time frame. If he had twins, as has been speculated before, even easier to increase the numbers quickly.

  7. I don't think Jake has any children, and Austin is a past f!!k buddy.

  8. Nah. Jake's still with Austin. They've got kids.

  9. I agree, Multiplier Effect. What I see Jake doing is something I've seen happen in civilian life. A couple has a child, the mother takes off time to bond and nuture the kid until they're pre school age and then the mother returns to work. Either because they need something else for themselves personally or they want to help earn money.

    You see this a lot. I think the timeline shows that Jake took time off from Hollywood and a lot of filming because he virtually disappeared off the radar and everyone was wondering why he wasn't working.

    Why wasn't he working? Because he and Austin were doing the breeding thing and he wanted to be with the infants as much as possible.

    Now they're done and it's time to earn the $$$ to pay for the medical insurance, the nannies, the clothes, the food. My gosh, a gallon of milk costs about $3, right? Geez! A box of cereal will cost you almost $4.


  10. I have to say that while it looks like Austin admires JFK, I'm surprised he would pick that quote. He knows that he and Jake are not living that quote.

    Perhaps that was not him who issued that tweet.

    Well, I'm off to hit the shops around here, wanted to pop in for just a second. Everyone have a great day!

  11. My avatar is of a favorite traditional restaurant that we always used to eat at on Saturday night. Osage Beach built a nice highway to help alleviate traffic congestion on the main drag. But with that new highway, came diversion away from the main thoroughfare and so many hotels, restaurants and shops suffered because of the bypass of cars.

    So we've lost a lot of our favorite shops and places to eat. Happy Fisherman was always so popular. It was cheesy, you know. Overpriced. But it was traditional. We still ate there. And now it's closed!!!! We were devastated.

    Anyway, Happy Fisherman lives on in my avatar!

  12. Since all this kid stuff began in 2007, that's a five year span.

    And, it looks like they planned to have most of the kids between October-December, although I do believe another one was born in August, 2010. The main reason being that Jake had to promote LaOD that year (including the Swifty contract). So he was a bit busy with both career and closeted behavior activities between October-December that year.

    Actually, it was pretty smart (i.e., strategic) to plan around the latter part of the year to have the kids. The holidays provide all kinds of convenient cover.

  13. Watch this for a Long TimeNovember 23, 2013 at 11:06 AM

    it looks like they planned to have most of the kids between October-December, although I do believe another one was born in August, 2010.

    Not one kid in sight with these two.

    Does anyone here know how difficult it is to manage 3 children with a mother and father who's in entertainment? Jake and Austin living on separate coast and 6 children hidden from the world and press all born in a row since supposedly 2007. Both admitting to not having any children. Both never seen with a child that's not a relative.

    It's insane and fantasy (sorry, but it is), to believe such stuff. People believe this because "they Want to", not because there is strong evidence, because there isn't. Anyone can see and understand this. Hanging on to a photo from the Reese years in Paris and a few tweets is crazy. Hell, Reese has had another child and that child is growing older.
    The J/A married with children thing is laughable.

    Gay or bi, well, that's another story!

  14. Watched this for a Long TimeNovember 23, 2013 at 11:08 AM


    And, the years are ticking......

  15. I've watched a long time tooNovember 23, 2013 at 11:33 AM

    Not difficult to handle kids when you have handlers, nannies, schedulers, ass wipers, chefs, private jets, etc.

    Jake and Austin can afford all of these amenities, easily. And, from what I've seen there is loads of evidence that these two are papas. You may not like what they are doing, but there is lots of evidence that they are doing it. You are the one who wants to wish away the closeting parenting Jake is doing. The fact he looks ten years older than he should tells me the lifestyle has taken its toll too.


  16. Does anyone here know how difficult it is to manage 3 children with a mother and father who's in entertainment?

    Bigger secrets than this are kept all the time. Money can buy anything.

  17. The J/A married with children thing is laughable.

    Let's see. The commenter thinks the idea is absurd, yet somehow is always at the ready to explain away the possibility. Your hyper-interest and obsession with the topic is showing and stands in downright contrast to your "too cool for school" persona and disdain.

  18. I luv how peope who are childless think they know about kids by googling, observing people who actually gave kids. Sounds like really bad fan fic by middle aged women w/o partners nor kids

  19. Jack don't think you're fooling anyone. Now run along.

  20. I may not have children, but I have nieces and a nephew, and I have plenty of friends with kids and I see and hear what it is like to have kids. Nobody here is deluded as to what it involved when you have kids. But when you're wealthy you can afford all kinds of help, and people live split lives all the time. It's not ideal, but in HW that is often what you get.

    Matt Bomer spends around 5 months in NYC filming White Collar while his partner and their 3 kids are back in LA. He tries to fly back on weekends when he can--and when he does, he's only there 24 hours. Simon Halls has to fly all over the world to accompany his PR clients to big events, and I'm sure there are times when both he and Matt are away from home.

    They also manage to keep pictures of their kids off the gossip sites, etc., and have had them pulled. So yeah, someone could hide kids, and raise kids in HW under less than ideal situations.

    The only thing that is different is that I don't think J&A are going out much in public with the kids, and I still think it is really fucked up to hide the existence your child/children. You can acknowledge and talk about your kids and still have privacy for your family.

  21. Sorry about your favorite restaurant PG, I know it bums me out when places like that disappear, and usually they're replaced by chains and not family-owned places, to make it even worse.

  22. Agree with everything you said Tom about that JFK quote and Jake's fan appeal and status in films.

  23. It would explain the hatred for young and fertile women on this blog. Here women are nothing but vessels for making babies and for gay men to use and exploit them for.

    You're hilarious. Keep spinning the yarn, Jack. It is winter time after all, there are sweaters to be made.

  24. You can tell when 1) the discussion is not to Mgmt's liking and 2) there must be some nails hit on the head.

    Again - I have absolutely no doubt our neighbor blog next door has been taken over.

    None. RIP indeed. :*(

  25. Austin rarely works and if they have kids, it's pretty obvious he is the full-time caregiver.

    I doubt they have more than 2 kids because I don't know many modern families who have more than 2 kids for various reasons not just money.

  26. Dad was trashed here big time. I think I was the only one who defended him at times for some things.

  27. I think Jake's bearding arrangements have become so ridiculous and get so little attention that when they are over they do not even bother making an issue of it. He just moves on.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. she thinks she knows...lolNovember 23, 2013 at 9:35 PM

    They also manage to keep pictures of their kids off the gossip sites, etc., and have had them pulled. So yeah, someone could hide kids, and raise kids in HW under less than ideal situations.

    Google image search Matt Bomer children and you come up with hundreds of pics. So no, they haven't been pulled.

    PG, can you tell me the name of Jake's management? Not his agent, not his attorneys, not his publicist, but his management company. Talent agency is not the same as management. Nor is legal representation. Nor is a public relations firm. You know what? He hasn't had management or "Mgmt." as you like to call it since he canned 360.

  30. PG, can you tell me the name of Jake's management? Not his agent, not his attorneys, not his publicist, but his management company. Talent agency is not the same as management. Nor is legal representation. Nor is a public relations firm. You know what? He hasn't had management or "Mgmt." as you like to call it since he canned 360

    Shove it, Jack. I don't pretend to know all the technicalities of Hollywood's levels of management. But you know what? I work for one of the largest corporations in the world and I do know levels of management. The term 'management' applies to upper administrative levels who do what? Who manage strategies and procedures, and make final decisions.

    You are not going to tell me that Jake is making all of his business decisions. He's not deciding what television shows he does. He's not managing all of his travel decisions and the publicity department who decides how to handle social media and damage control. He's not sitting at a desk balancing his checkbook and deciding what stocks to invest in, real estate to buy, movies to check out that he might be interested in. He's not going through the real estate ads looking for places to stay while filming in Nepal and Iceland. He's not handling the car rentals, the limo rides, airport shuttles, handling the media when a controversy occurs like rumors of a romance with Austin Nichols stemming from some Laker photos.

    You going to tell me Jake is sitting in the director's chair doing all of this decision making? He's running his whole show? He's managing his entire career road and finances?

    Don't nitpick with me over Merriam Webster technicalities. You who have been over here all day.

    And why? Because Jake's people want you over here because they don't want a discussion going on about the kids. They don't like that there are other people saying they believe there are children.

    Read it and sweat.

  31. WME is a full service management firm and that includes image management. With gay actors, it is even more important to have more hired hands on deck.

  32. You say that Jake fired 360? Why did he fire 360 if he is the one making all of his career decisions? You say he has no management? Then what did he fire 360 for if he's the one managing his own affairs?

    Jake is a business. Every business has to have someone(s) making strategic decisions. That is management level work, Jack.

  33. Every time the discussions turn towards the kids, this is what happens. You get virus infested links, obscene pictures, name calling, and all-day interference.

    You also get what is becoming a rare social media event anymore which is an Austin tweet.

    I'm sure part of the reason why Austin tweeted today is due to the open discussion on OMG today. An intelligent, insightful discussion.

    Part of the reason for this all day interference and Austin's tweet is also undoubtedly because of the discussion yesterday over WFT2 being hostilely taken over and now being used to promote straight Austin and to try to poke holes in OMG revelations.

    I definitely believe in what I'm seeing over there. So much so that I'm willing to stick my neck out over it.

  34. Good point Destiny. Plenty of straight stars have kids and we have never seen their kids. So hiding the offispring of 2 closeted guys is a no brainer. Neither Jake or Austin have behaved like single men for many years, PR pablum aside.

  35. I luv how peope who are childless think they know about kids by googling, observing people who actually gave kids. Sounds like really bad fan fic by middle aged women w/o partners nor kids

    ^^ I agree.. Weird and clueless


  36. Sorry Destiny. Hiding 6 children is insane, and denying they exist is child abuse.

    Some here may think this is something to celebrate and say "clueless" again.

  37. ^^^ I say "clueless" again.

  38. Someone is agreeing with their own comment. I think they need to get back home. There's moderating to be done, after all.

    ; )

  39. Soooooooo... If Hugh is in New York City....and Jake has been in NYC for a Q & A, why wasn't Hugh at the Q & A too, I wonder?

  40. And why is the decision made to send Alyssa Miller out of town (NYC) just when Jake Gyllenhaal is returning?

    What is that about? Does Mgmt (oh, excuse me, the Mystery Decision Maker) really think anyone is buying this virtual fauxmance? How on earth can those two hold hands if they can't even spend one minute in the same zip code?

    I'm sure their hands miss each other.
