Saturday, November 2, 2013

Jumping Into the Ring?

The Wrap is reporting that  Jake is in talks to star in the boxing drama “Southpaw,” for the Weinstein Company.

 Harvey Weinstein picked up the movie that at one time had Eminem attached to star in it.  “Southpaw” was originally sold as a pitch to DreamWorks, who hired “Sons of Anarchy” creator Kurt Sutter to write the script.   "When DreamWorks tapped out, MGM swooped in planning to distribute through Sony, though the film was eventually put into turnaround, which is where the Weinstein Company rescued it."

If  the deal goes through, Jake will play a left-handed prizefighter who wins a title but suffers a tragedy soon after and must put his life back together to earn the respect of his young daughter.

While the film is set against the backdrop of the boxing ring, with Antoine Fuqua (“Training Day”) set to direct. In an previous interview, Fuqua previously told the LA Times that “the heart of the movie is about a man learning to be a father.”

 “Southpaw” is expected to start production next year.

And one more reminder for all U.S. OMG readers to turn their clocks back one hour.  


  1. The Academy loves boxers and actors who who portray boxers. DiNiro, Swank, Brando, Stallone etc etc etc:-)

  2. her red carpet interviews about Jake cooking mirror Jake's own recent talking points about loving to cook and Maggie's very recent comment about how Jake is a great cook. This is no accident it is orchestrated.
    The question is why? Can we expect a bachelor's cookbook, Jake?

  3. A bachelor's cookbook. lol. They all feed off of each other, I think. Things are borrowed, things are photocopied and scanned, they go through the compost pile and come back out as recycled product.

    We ought to know, right? Management steals off of words and observances made on OMG all the time.

  4. Time for a smack on the hands of Management. Then I'll share something more fun that we can enjoy. But this needs to be said.

    I think after Austin's tweet of the fishing incident, Management was not happy with him. Between that and the caught-in-New York City business last weekend, Austin's been put in a corner for a time out.

    His twitter account has suddenly ramped up again, always predictable whenever something has leaked out or been disclosed. Every single time - you can count on it. Nothing new, whatever. It's become old hat by now. I don't think Austin has much to do with his account anymore anyway, especially ever since the fishing ticket incident.

    But that being said, it needs to be pointed out to Management that they need to lay off of the tween set.

    Pretending to have Austin twice DM a little girl who hasn't even lost her baby fat yet and along with her friend who look to be anywhere from 11-13 years old is irresponsibly treading on territory that is illegal.

    There's plenty of college girls out there in the supply chain to choose from. But they need to lay off of that tween age group. Those girls don't know any better and they're at a very vulnerable age, not to mention innocent. When I think about a 33 yr old male tweeting at a girl around my niece's age, it sends off all kinds of alarms.

    It's absolutely uncalled for and it's sinking to new lows.

    Leave them alone.

  5. Sorry about that high unpleasantness but it needed to be addressed. I can't let it go in good conscience. Twitter isn't a free playground where you can just do whatever you want because you're hidden anonymously behind an avatar. There's just some real slime at work behind some of these management teams and those they hire to monitor celebrity accounts. They need to be called out when they've crossed a line.

  6. Now here's a fun comment made on Data Lounge. This guy posted before on DL and we posted his comment then, which was made not all that long ago. Well, there's a new thread on Jake over there and he came back to comment again because the OP of the thread is trying to sell JIS:

    I've said this here before. My bf used to live next door to him up on Mulholland. Well, sort of. More like in the house above him on the hill (hard to explain, but they were neighbors, whatever). He and Jake were friendly in that mild neighborly way. This was during the Reese Witherspoon days. Reese was over constantly, (he says she's actually quite sweet if a little intense), so there's no doubt they were close and good friend, but that the only person who spent the night was a cute guy named Austin, who my bf also knew and quite liked. He would see Austin come over at night and leave in the morning. No doubt. And my bf is NOT a gossip guy, he couldn't care less. It just was what it was.

    When he told me all this, I LMAO. I never believe all the "everyone is gay" DL BS. But he absolutely validated the years of Jake gossip, and, no he isn't a DLer.
    by: Anonymous reply 23 10/31/2013 @ 04:07PM

    If you want the link to the thread, here it is:

    Jake Gyllenhaal Covers GQ Australia Talks His Family, Hugh Jackman, and Acting...

  7. Great find on Datalounge PG. Thanks for sharing.

    Now why would Austin be spending the night?

    Some late night backgammon? ;)

  8. Here's some other great news.

    Two West Point graduates were married Saturday in the military academy's first wedding between two men.

    Larry Choate III, class of 2009, married Daniel Lennox, class of 2007, before about 20 guests.

    Choate, 27, taught Sunday school at the U.S. Military Academy's Cadet Chapel and said he always thought of it as the place he would get married if he could.

    West Point hosted two same-sex weddings of women in late 2012, more than a year after New York legalized same-sex marriage. But Saturday's wedding was the first time two men wed at West Point.

    CBS News

  9. My bf used to live next door to him up on Mulholland. Well, sort of. More like in the house above him on the hill

    HILarious! It's always a fun read when someone has no geographical or terrain clue.
