Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Magic Beard

First it was Magic Shoes

Now it is a Magic Beard

Now you see it

Now you don't

Now you see it

Now you don't

The story line is that he drove to the apt, then he suddenly lost all his clothes and they hooked up. And got a  full beard in just minutes (insert your own joke here)
 they only other person who can tricky beard magic on camera is Jake... ohhh yeah.....hmmmm.

 And well because .... just because you may need to see it again. ; )


  1. The state of Florida is in the process of getting the Gay Marriage vote on the ballot in 2014 and with popular ex guv Crist now running on the Democratic side chances might be good. It would be awesome to see Florida become the first state in the South to legalize Gay marriage.

  2. Wow Tom can you imagine what a impact that would make in the South?

  3. I am def going to find a way to get involved SK. Plus hopefully get former Gov Crist back in the Statehouse as a Democrat.

  4. Fingers crossed that Florida is one of the next states, Tom.

    Ah yes, the magic shoes. One of the early photoshop photos full of obvious errors. A few missing beams as I recall too.
