Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Recipe Relief

With Jake's hand on the mend everyone should be relieved that Thursday cooking isn't left up to just one man:

Although deep fried turkey might be a new tradition, but not so sure about a turkey burrito.

Speaking of traditions.  OMG is bring one back after a suggestion from a longtime OMG'er.

The OMG Cooking Klatch is back !!

Now with the start of the holiday season you probably have your favorite recipes out so why not share them with your friends here at OMG.  For the next three Fridays we will have Fav Food Fridays and a chance to share you favorite recipes.

This coming Friday (Dec 2) - Appetizers and snacks.   Dec  9 - Main and Side dishes  and  Dec 16 - Sweets and treats.

And hey any of you have any recipes for Thanksgivukkah or Hanukkah start to share those today and tomorrow.

Thanks ROMA! 


  1. Anyone else cooking tonight for tomorrow? It's a desserts for me this year.

  2. I'm totally freeloading this year. I wasn't planning on having a family TGiving at all this year because I was going to have to work all weekend but things kind of lightened up. I just got home from work about 1/2 hr ago and I'm done for the weekend, my trade off for not having to go in over the weekend.

    So now I will join my little family and unexpectedly head down to Wichita in the morning for one of those joint family dinner things. I am totally freeloading, I didn't have time to cook. Didn't even have time today to go pick something up!

    My job is totally ruling my life this year. Good thing I love my co workers and where I work.
    : )

    Happy TGiving Eve and Happy Hannukuh to all who observe.

  3. I'm cooking tomorrow but since its just the two of us, we are having a small rack of lamb. It's too much trouble to make turkey for 2, plus we are away the rest of the weekend so leftovers would go to waste. I've become toally dependant on Epicurious.com for recipes. So easy to search an ingredient and go from there. But, I do have that recipe for those Spotted Pig deviled eggs and I am in the process of making them now, for tomorrow. Brings back memories of the good time we all had when we saw Jake.
