Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Prison(er) Release

Another to add to the Jake DVD collection,  Prisoners was released today both on DVD and Video On Demand.

Jake's new DVD is movie and that's it.  A total stand alone.  No outtakes, no behind the scenes, no additional scenes,  no special features.  Just the theatrical release.

For all Warner Bros effort to get award nominations, it makes you wonder why they didn't want to create something more for the consumer market.  Was it to make the rapidly increasing release timelines for movies to the DVD market that studios have to make now?  Was it that the quick film/edit/release track that Denis was on, that didn't allow for extras?  Or could it have been that both of it's main stars were schedules that were so tight and full of travel, there wasn't a lot of time to do extras or sit downs?

With a good box office and reviews Prisoners should do well without  the Special Features to entice people to buy, rent, or download.  While the theme is not exactly the feel good holiday stocking stuffer many will want to catch Jake's critically praised performance.

Speaking of stocking stuffers... the big guy will be coming to fill yours soon, and since it's Tuesday a little throwback to Two Wheel Tuesday to boot.


  1. We watched Prisoners tonight. I'm so glad I watched in the comfort of my own home rather than a movie theater. A very dark film that was difficult to watch many times. Jakes performance was good. Not Oscar worthy, but good. There were a few too many plot holes to make it a great film. But it was good. Not one I care to watch a second time though given the dark nature of the movie.

    Of all Jake's films, none come close to his work in Brokeback. That is the only film where he was not Jake, but totally Jack Twist. A confluence of everything going right in that film that made it perfect. Every frame was as good as it could be. His character in Moonlight Mile comes close. But for whatever reason he has not topped Brokeback for me yet. I still see Jake the actor in the other films.

    Getting back to Prisoners, I also noted that Jake looks truly adult now. All the boyishness he has was not shown in this film. He was not filmed to make him look beautiful like Ang Lee did. Not appropriate for this film, of course.

  2. Jack Twist was the role of a lifetime which came very early in Jake's career.. He may never find a role so perfect for him as Jack.

  3. My entry for dessert!


    3 packages of Jello - 3 0z. Each
    Black Cherry, Lime, Strawberry or your favorite flavors

    One packet of Rasberry Jello 3 oz.

    3 Cups Boiling Water

    1.5 cups cold water

    1 cup pineapple juice

    1/4 cup of sugar

    1/2 cup of cold water

    1 teaspoon vanilla

    2 envelopes of Dream Whip

    1 cup of cold milk

    Prepare the first 3 flavors of JELLO separately, using 1 cup of hot water

    and 1/2 cup cold water for each package.

    Pour each flavor separately into 8 x 8 x 2 inch pans and chill until firm (or overnight, preferably.)

    Mix the pineapple juice and sugar and heat until sugar dissolves. Remove from heat and dissolve Rasberry Jello in hot liquid. Add 1/2 cup of cold water.

    Chill JUST until syrupy--do not let mixture get firm.

    Combine milk, vanilla, and the Dream Whip in a bowl with a narrow bottom. Blend. Beat until the mixture forms soft peaks.

    Fold the mixture into the syrupy rasberry JELLO and blend together.

    Cut the firm Blackcherry, Strawberry and Lime jellos into cubes about 1/2 inches square.

    Fold the jello cubes into Rasberry Jello mixture--your aim is to create a “stained glass window.”

    Pour into a 9 inch angel food cake pan or a bundt pan.

    Chill for 8 hours, and then unmold.

    Spread the tops and the sides with additional Dream Whip and if you want, spread the top with coconut.

    This recipe makes about 10-15 servings.
