Monday, January 27, 2014

A little Ciao?

Has Jake finally gotten to the mountain?

It appears that Jake was on his way to Italy this past weekend, but the mystery is where was his starting point.  Because it didn't look like it was from NYC.

The other question is will the man in the Big (Not Yellow) Hat be in Italy this time too?

The man loves himself some Italy.

And no Pharrell, we don't mean you.


  1. Ha ha ha ha, that's great. That Pharrell hat was funny. He got Smokey the Bear some free publicity on Twitter, lol.

  2. Going to be a real tough one for the southeast today. They're calling for some major ice, particularly around the Wilmington area.

    Snow's one thing, major ice is a whole other deal. You hate to lose your trees, so sad! Plus, you worry about losing power.

  3. What a horrible winter. 78 and sunny in Tampa, Fl :-)

  4. You know it's cold when they tell you that it costs more to for the electricity and heat before 9 and after 6 at the office and encourage you work then or work from home. (Yup use your electricity not theirs)

  5. Oh, my. That hat vs the Arby's sign is a hoot!
