Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Brokeback Bravo

With award season on, Jake's most lauded role to date is back in the news.  Brokeback is back, this time as an opera.

Several years ago there was talk of producing Brokeback as opera and
 was originally meant to be first staged in US, being commissioned by the New York City Opera, which was well known for producing new works with popular culture interest.

The organization is now defunct, and when the company’s director, Gerard Mortier, resigned, he took Brokeback to the Teatro Real in Madrid.  It’s set to open in Madrid later this month, January 28th.

Charles Wuorinen is the composer, with Annie Proulx returning to her own story by working on the libretto (ie text of the opera).

What BBM the opera is not, is "the opera version of the  movie", the piece is described as ‘grittier’ with tighter characterization, and the addition of a ghost and a chorus. Canadian bass-baritone Daniel Okulitch takes on the role of Ennis, while American tenor Tom Randle is Jack.

Broadwayworld seemed impressed with the music, saying the “Score evokes the mountains with its swells and strains, bringing to life the harshly imposing Wyoming landscape from which the story was born.”

 The openly gay Wuorinen describes it as, “A story of doomed love, in this case a complex homosexual relationship taking place in a very homophobic society.”

Doomed love? Is that perception that people had of the movie?  Was it doomed?  Or was it something else?


  1. Go home, 0617.

    You are not taking up residence here so get that idea out of your head. Play in your own yard.

    I would go see that opera if it was in the US. Here's hoping one of the boys provides us OMGers an opportunity to meet up somewhere here in the States in 2014. It wouldn't even need to be a promotional event, I guess. But it's more fun if it is an event like a film festival or a Q & A. **wink**

    Certainly won't be Nepal or Italy tho, will it. You folks ready for the Jake drought coming up because this is going to be a looooooooong shoot. Nice opportunity for the Jakester to get away from prying eyes, isn't it. That's alright. Nice thing about the seasons, they always come and spring will come like clockwork.

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  4. Just asking Why the F do you care? Truth is if you seem to put a lot of your energy and time into questioning what is said here.

  5. Former International Midfielder Thomas Hitzlsperger Reveals He’s Gay

    David CameronVerified account ‏@David_Cameron

    As an #AVFC fan, I've always admired what Thomas Hitzlsperger did on the pitch - but I admire him even more today. A brave & important move.
    10:25 AM - 8 Jan 14

  6. The Real M, so happy to hear things are on the mend! That is great to hear!

  7. I never thought of the romance between Ennis and Jack to be doomed. I was taken back when I read that was how the composure saw their relationship.

    I do wonder what Annie will do with the libretto and what she will do with the spirit of Ennis.

  8. Doomed love? Is that perception that people had of the movie? Was it doomed? Or was it something else?

    I think Annie Proulx thought of Jack and Ennis as star-crossed lovers from the beginning, comparable to the epic romances of couples like Romeo and Juliet, Heathcliff and Catherine or Tristan and Iseult. Therefore for her, Jack and Ennis' love story was bound to end in tragedy as they not only faced the severe prejudices of a closed-minded, violent and conservative society, but their own inability to figure out how to make a life together work. Their love was not only ill-fated, but forbidden as well.

    I think Ang Lee’s cinematic genius was to make the non-heteronormative themes of Brokeback Mountain into universal ones. Powerfully, showing how these two lonely men’s love was doomed to perish within the homophobia of an oppressive straight world. The destined calamity maximized even further by the rural underpinnings of stoic repression and hyper masculinity. We all have free will, but there were so many forces working against Jack and Ennis, including their inability to talk to one another, that the ability to build a life together seemed irreversibly doomed from the start.

  9. ***slumps and slides down to the floor***

    Holy Moses, M & M. I feel devastated after reading that.

  10. Now I don't know if I can ever watch Brokeback again, LOL! Nah, I'm just kidding. That was a Greek tragedy of a comment. Perfectly describing that heart-ripping movie which is my favorite movie of all time.

    And always will be. It was perfect and timeless. Jake and Heath were forever beautiful.

  11. Uh oh, Destiny -- Matt Bomer got a real buzz cut!
