Friday, January 24, 2014

From Screen to Real Life

A little Flashback Austin Friday

Back to Prayers for Bobby

 In Prayers for Bobby Austin plays the brother a young man who kills himself when he can't cope with his mother's (and family's) intolerance to his homosexuality.  Mary Griffith becomes a gay rights advocate after his death, and the story brings a strong positive message of support for the gay community.  Even though it was just 5 years ago, and so much had already changed, many actors might've passed on it. Especially if there was gossip about their own sexuality and relationships.

But not Austin.

Austin isn't one to shy away from roles that other actors might be reluctant to take.  Early in his career, he  found himself naked in Six Feet Under in a threesome with another guy, and it was a role that got him noticed for other roles.  In John from Cincinnati he played what some thought could be Jesus Christ or an alien.  In Informers  Austin played a bisexual player who slept with everyone, his friend, his friend's mom, his friend's girlfriend, his friend's girlfriend AND his friend at the same time, and end up with AIDS.  And in Ray Donovan his plays a closeted A-list action star with a penchant for transexuals.

 In Hollywood, it's usually taking real life and putting on screen,  perhaps this time doing the opposite and taking the risks from the screen to real life.

Happy Austin Friday


  1. So is this why all the hyperactivity on the blog yesterday. I daresay....

    my day consisted of jake gyllenhaal and matthew mcconaughey being at my school and then seeing paul wall???/

    college man college

    Jan 25th 2014 · 1 note
    Jake seen on U of Texas campus

    ashley (@sportssgirl)
    1/24/14, 16:55

    Only at UT do you have Jake Gyllenhaal and Matthew McConaughey causally walking around. Hell, I ran into John Cena walking to class one day!

  2. From a University of Texas Austin Housing blog:

    RT @UTAustin: @UTHousing Indeed. On campus to film CBS Sunday Morning interview airing Feb. 9 or 16.
    Austin, Texas

    Here's a picture of Matt Mac posing with some students on campus that one of the students posted:

    People saw Jake but no pics

  3. ^^^ This would be why the Grub Street whitefish report and the Waiting and Still Waiting and the lonely train ride picture.....he's been in Austin TX all this time ever since he left Sundance......

    Or should I say, "they've" been in Austin TX all this time. That would be the correct terminology.

  4. kaBoom!

    Thank you to M & M for finding that U of Texas Austin Housing blog. That was a really and important, nifty find. Big Gold Star.

    I saw the tweets yesterday but I told her that I didn't really pay no mind because the tweet that was getting retweeted so much and I saw on Tumblr didn't mention when she saw them on campus. So I thought maybe she was talking about years ago when Jake was hanging with Matt & Lance.

    But it was all pretty viral yesterday and other students were feeding off of it. The Austin Housing blog confirmed it all and the why Matt was there.

    Now I'm not sure if Jake is going to be on that episode of Sunday Morning CBS show but we'll see, I guess. Ha! I reckon they could edit him out now. lol. That would be interesting, wouldn't it.

    Now it also maybe explains the hyper troll monopolization yesterday and it also might explain all the excessive Jake/Taylor activity on Twitter going on right now.

    Try to bury the Texas stuff. That's how that works.

  5. Your Scrubbing Bubbles avatar is perfecto, PG! I knew the troll was trying to distract from something yesterday. I guess s/he doesn't realize that we can actually multitask.

    Anonymous ?? said...

    How do PR get these people to scrub their tweets and posts? Money?

    As PG has pointed out, there are many techniques to bury inconvenient or embarrassing info on the Internet. Most approaches hardly ever having to do with money changing hands. Although, there's little doubt that if something really scandalous were to occur, I have confidence that people have been paid off in much the same way as paps get "compensated" for photos that never see the light of day.

    Usually, PR simply opts for the persuasive approach (emphasizing their clients need for privacy), and most people have no problem cooperating with the requests. Probably, like that Tortuga gal on New Year's Eve. Gay fans are probably persuaded to delete Facebook or Twitter comments based on an appeal to how the chatter could hurt their client's career. All the while reassuring the poster how supportive the artist is when it comes to gay rights.

    Of course, there are more heavy-handed approaches utilized too, depending how much of a money maker the artist(s) is. (That is, how much is at stake.) For instance, Modest! Management played hard-balled with Larry supporters back in 2012, when the boyfriends were pushed back into the closet after they entered the American market. Some of the individuals even posted the threatening cease and desist letters/emails they had received on their Tumblr accounts to demonstrate how they were being harassed and intimidated by "suits". Because...gasp! Heaven forbid that Harry and Louis might be viewed as gay. LOL!

    Several of the younger fans folded, but the older ones often stayed on as a sharp pointed thorn in management's side to this day.

  6. Now, several startups are offering to help people manage their online identities and scrub embarrassing information.

    Michael Fertik recently launched a company called . For a small fee, he digs through clients' Internet profiles and then shows them how they appear online. If clients see something they don't like, ReputationDefender will contact whoever controls the Web page and urge them to delete the material.

    If they resist, Fertik — a Harvard law grad — says his company is ready to use attorneys.

    "This is sort of a PR service for the everyday person. Celebrities have been using PR services at the cost of thousands of dollars a month for decades. Now we can do that for every person for less than $10 a month."

    Fertik says he got the idea for his business from news stories.

    "College students were getting denied jobs after college because of content about them on the Internet. You know, frat pictures someone took of them years ago doing a keg stand when they were 19. This stuff can haunt you for many years."

    Another identity management business is , co-founded by entrepreneur Tom Drugan.

    One of company's early clients was Mark Zeiba, a Chicago dentist. Zeiba, 28, is sensitive about appearing too young to patients.

    But if patients Googled him, the first thing they found was a page with a link to college drinking pictures.

    "Couple of buddies and I sitting at a bar with a table full of empty beers in front of us. And I just realized at that time when people would come in and say, 'Oh, I saw a picture of you.' It just wasn't the idea I wanted out there and the image I wanted out there."

    Naymz created an official Web page for Zeiba. It also bought ad space to make sure his profile appeared on the first page of popular search engines. For that, Zeiba pays $4.95 a month.

    Naymz also advised Zeiba on how to contact the site with the bar pictures and have them removed.

    "I know that some people, they spend a lot of time on the Internet and they're familiar with blogs and everything, but I personally don't have the time and I don't have the know-how to do it at this point," Zeiba says.

    Excerpt from Startups Help Clean Up Online Reputations

  7. Even when you delete images from the Web, they sometimes live on search-engine files.

    Drugan tells clients that if they can't get rid of negative material, they can obscure it by creating "a lot of positive, accurate info, about yourself." He recommends creating a blog or a MySpace page.

    "The more positive content you have about yourself, the more likely that's going to be pushed to the top of Google and the other search engines and push that other information down to the second or third page where very few search-engine users actually get to," Drugan says.

    That's probably a good idea, because recruiters seem to be poking around.

    of more than 1,000 hiring managers by CareerBuilder — the Internet job site — found that one in four used search engines to screen candidates.

    David Perry, an executive recruiter, says a candidate to become a chief financial officer was found to have a gambling problem.

    "We actually found it out and... tracked his profile back to a online gambling site on the Web. Now, you have to ask yourself, What's that got to do with his job? Well nothing, probably. But this is a... multibillion-dollar corporation that we were putting a chief financial officer into and we just didn't think it was appropriate."

    It's too early to know whether identity-management firms will attract many clients. After five months, Naymz has 3,000 users, but only 150 clients for its paid, premium service. But Perry says that with so many recruiters vetting people on the Internet, job candidates either need to background themselves or hire someone else to do it for them.

    Startups Help Clean Up Online Reputations

    by Frank Langfitt
    November 15, 200612:01 AM

  8. I get so tired of these games. Some days it just feels like the internet is nothing but a PR cesspool.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Even when you delete images from the Web, they sometimes live on in search-engine files.

    Drugan tells clients that if they can't get rid of negative material, they can obscure it by creating "a lot of positive, accurate info, about yourself." He recommends creating a blog or a MySpace page.

    "The more positive content you have about yourself, the more likely that's going to be pushed to the top of Google and the other search engines and push that other information down to the second or third page where very few search-engine users actually get to," Drugan says.

    That's probably a good idea, because recruiters seem to be poking around.

    A survey of more than 1,000 hiring managers by CareerBuilder — the Internet job site — found that one in four used search engines to screen candidates.

    David Perry, an executive recruiter, says a candidate to become a chief financial officer was found to have a gambling problem.

    "We actually found it out and... tracked his profile back to a online gambling site on the Web. Now, you have to ask yourself, What's that got to do with his job? Well nothing, probably. But this is a... multibillion-dollar corporation that we were putting a chief financial officer into and we just didn't think it was appropriate."

    It's too early to know whether identity-management firms will attract many clients. After five months, Naymz has 3,000 users, but only 150 clients for its paid, premium service. But Perry says that with so many recruiters vetting people on the Internet, job candidates either need to background themselves or hire someone else to do it for them.

    Excerpt II

    by Frank Langfitt
    November 15, 2006 12:01am

  11. After finding this article which is actually dated back to 2006, so imagine how it is now. But the same concepts are followed.

    And I firmly believe this is how Jake's people have pushed and shoved Jake and Austin's Laker pictures down towards the bottom of a Google Image search. They did this by having Jake go to the Lakers game with Reese and then they had Austin go to the Lakers game with Soapy. They tacked on to Jake's search by having him do that ass leer at the Lakers game. All 3 of these Laker game events created so many more current pictures and they are what you find now when you search either guy with "Lakers".

    They purposely did this to try and bury those Laker pictures which were notorious for linking these two guys together in so many people's eyes and minds.

    These are all carefully crafted plans and they are filled with ill-intent. It's manipulation of the highest execution going on in the background.

  12. Fascinating reading. Jake has been seen in Austin, TX which means all these online articles stating that he was going to be filming on January 13 in Nepal have been planted by his PR team.

    By this point, how can anyone think that Jake is not hiding something big? Otherwise, why continue to officially plant stories that you are somewhere where you're not. Never mind that Jake is in Austin, Texas. His boyfriend's backyard.

    Hollywood actors in Nepal to shoot Everest film
    AFP – Mon, Jan 13, 2014

    Jake Gyllenhaal arrives at …

    View PhotoActor Josh Brolin arrives at the …
    Kathmandu (AFP) - Hollywood actors Jake Gyllenhaal and Josh Brolin have arrived in Nepal to shoot a new film based on the Everest bestseller "Into Thin Air", a government official said Monday.

  13. The trolls are really upset. That means you guys are onto something. From what I read in the previous thread Methodical Muser was dead on about the different dates. The troll is either stupid or just wants to continue to disrupt the conversation. I vote for keep deleting them. They ruined WFT.

  14. Hollywood actors Jake Gyllenhaal and Josh Brolin have arrived in Nepal to shoot a new film based on the Everest bestseller "Into Thin Air", a government official said Monday.

    I forgot to highlight this. PR is scum.

  15. Too bad Jake is in NYJanuary 25, 2014 at 2:12 PM

    Jake was in NY yesterday, as usual, to the movies with a date to see "Her"

    sam ‏@samsheffer

    Her is a very great film. Wow.

    sam ‏@samsheffer
    Jake Gyllenhaal watched Her in the same theater as me. When I walked home, he was in front / behind me too. Very awesome. <3 NYC

    sam ‏@samsheffer
    @ohnorosco when i exited the theater he was walking in front of us, and then we got ahead of him and his date

  16. Things get delete because people are abusive and name calling, not because of the facts they state. You might want to make note of that Jack.

  17. Usually, PR simply opts for the persuasive approach (emphasizing their clients need for privacy), and most people have no problem cooperating with the requests. Probably, like that Tortuga gal on New Year's Eve.

    You cannot privately contact someone on twitter unless they are following you. How does PR get in touch with random tweeters?

  18. Corporations are people too, except more soJanuary 25, 2014 at 3:03 PM

    They contact the appropriate resource and get the information. PR and management groups have lawyers on retainer. Corporations have far more power than you can ever imagine. I work in the industry. I know.

  19. Well, somehow they got ahold of the Larry Tumblr gals.

    Read that article up there from npr. They have ways of getting ahold of you.

    Hollywood actors in Nepal to shoot Everest film
    AFP – Mon, Jan 13, 2014

    Jake Gyllenhaal arrives at …

    View PhotoActor Josh Brolin arrives at the …
    Kathmandu (AFP) - Hollywood actors Jake Gyllenhaal and Josh Brolin have arrived in Nepal to shoot a new film based on the Everest bestseller "Into Thin Air", a government official said Monday.

    I don't know how any fan of Jake's can ignore how they were outrightly misled by these initial stories placing Jake in Nepal.

    Then there came the tweets and stories placing him in New York City, Park City UT and now Texas. Even if he really isn't in New York City, this is what his people are pushing, i.e. the eating whitefish with curly haired girl and I Take the Morning Train picture.

    So you have to say, what the hell? Why are they saying he's going to start filming on the 13th, he's in Nepal, but then you get all this other stuff.

    You reach the point where you no longer believe anymore what is printed about him as far as filming is concerned. It's gotten that bad.
