Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Ode to an Overcoat

 Ohhh grey coat where have you gone?

You  came on the scene and captured our attention (or was it who was wearing)

Classic at first sight

But upon closer inspection finding the quirkiness like your owner

Your too short sleeves

Trying to pass ragged and hemless

Warm and cozy

Thought perfect for every occasion

Popping back up
Where did you come from?

Where did you go?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.


  2. In those Lakers pics there is absolutely no boundary lines between those two body contact wise or even in the way they look at each other. So obvious.

  3. yeah those pics spoke many words, more than the Toothy Tile blind vice even. their faces give so much away when they are photographed together.

  4. sorry if already posted. Ted hinting Jake isn't actually single? (duh)

    gerica ‏@primanirules Jan 8
    @Ted_Casablanca TT “@VanityFair: Jake Gyllenhaal is single again http://vnty.fr/1eHcfHE ”

    Ted Casablanca ‏@Ted_Casablanca Jan 8
    @primanirules @VanityFair oh really?

  5. Jake is like a magnet drawn to Austin the way he leans into him. So cute!

    As for the coat, it's possible Austin has outgrown it. He seems a lot beefier - in a good way- now than in those early photos.

    Speaking of photos, just Jared has pics of Jake in NYC today so we were right that he is not out of town yet.

  6. I feel much the same as you do Tom and agree with most of the gang here... those Laker pictures continue to "speak volumes" and no amount of subterfuge will ever change that.

    Austin and Jake are just the happiest chappies when in each other's company, it just oozes and radiates from them.

  7. I'm sure Ted knows that Jake is married to Austin.

  8. Ted Twitter,
    Thank you so much for posting that. I totally missed it.

    That was huge of Ted - huge on the scale of post-E! Ted.
