Saturday, January 11, 2014

Past, Present, Furture in a Week

Sunday started out with Jake sitting down with Denis to talk about Enemy

And a month of pancakes,  Jake was back to his healthier self, no more super skinny mini.

While he gained back the weight he lost the faux, with the announcement of his "break up".

After a couple days Jake's snapped as if to say he's back in action.  Is this equivalent of when girls get dressed up in their sexiest outfit and go out to show - "I'm so over them" ? 

But now it's back to business.  And before Jake starts climbing that mountain there a flurry of Enemy press.

Friday the poster, on set pics and "oddly paced" trailer  were made the rounds.

With tweets putting him in NYC and LA this weekend, it sounds like he brought his twin back.  That's the only way to be in two places at once. (Right?)

Now it's not sure if Jake will be enjoying the Golden Globe parties either in LA or NY because  he is set to start filming Everest Monday (Jan 13).  According sources filming is expected to mainly take place in Val Senales, Trentino Alto-Adige, Italy.  (Trading those pancakes for pasta there, Jake)

Let's just hope he knows his way around the mountain.


  1. That trailer is horrible. That would certainly not make me want to see this movie. Jack needs to start working with some top notch directors. His career and his approach needs to change. Not sure what is driving his decisions at all anymore. Maybe he is where he wants to be. Maybe he doesn't have the time to be a star and just wants to make a little money. He is lazy or does he have other responsibilities. He def does not have any time for serious bearding gigs. That is obvious.

  2. So many of Jake's peers have passed him by. After BBM Jake was a star. Something changed his plans. Just obvious now.

  3. Now it's not sure if Jake will be enjoying the Golden Globe parties either in LA or NY because he is set to start filming Everest Monday (Jan 13).

    What's kind of sad is who knows if this start-up date is really even accurate now. Impossible to believe any filming dates given when it comes to Jake.

    It's also interesting looking at how hard WME and Jake himself campaigned for award nominations and yet if he was going to be nominated for any majors, he would have missed the actual award show hoopla part due to the filming commitment overseas. That seems so ironic.

    Well, in any case, not a good note to leave the country on with this latest NYC/LA gaffe. By taking this dangerous sounding role, it seems clear to me that Jake wants desperately to get out of the country for a long while, away from having to do photo ops, bearding and away from observing & prying eyes and ears.

    You have to be yearning to get away to agree to do this role. I've read about his character and seen the pictures of Scott Fischer's corpse which still sits frozen on Mt Everest. This has got to be a dangerous role and I don't know at all about doing a role like this when you have so many little ones. But he is. Who knows, maybe that's part of the reasoning as well for taking the role in the hopes that people would conclude that "no one would do a role like this overseas for so long if they had a family of children! Gasp!" Yeah well, he did.

    Here's hoping he has plenty of time on the mountains for all the privacy and space he craves as well as mental, emotional peace. One look at the Camo Man train platform photo op pictures and it seems that Jake has really lost his self identity or something - probably the most head shaking pictures of him I've seen yet.

    It's become like watching a traveling show where he's an actor playing himself. I keep hoping for the curtain call and Jake to emerge from behind the curtains, waving his arms, saying "It's me! Here I am!"

  4. Not sure if people realize how huge, how disastrous this latest caught in a lie is for Jake and Maggie.

    This one was pretty darn bad.

  5. Congrats to Special's Pats!! The Chiefs probably would have been a nice little appetizer for them, eh?

    Tom, did the polar vortex dip its toe in your waters? Even Atlanta had minus temperatures last week. Unheard of! I think we hit minus 9, minus 10.

  6. not a good note to leave the country on with this latest NYC/LA gaffe

    There was no gaffe, just your cherry picking of tweets.

    This has got to be a dangerous role and I don't know at all about doing a role like this when you have so many little ones.

    It's not a dangerous role and there are no little ones.

  7. Happy Sunday,

    The tension is palpable in the trailer, you really get the sense of the character becoming unglued. It's not what he says, but how he says it - and the background music, and the dark tones in the cinematography. Jake is a very good actor.

    I wanted to comment about the Brokeback opera, it does sound interesting and I am interested to hear more about the libretto that AP is writing.

    I would say 'doomed' in the sense of J&A's relationship being thwarted by outside forces'. The times were not accepting of a relationship like theirs, and it was confusing to them as well. The fact that it did not end happily I think made people everywhere take notice and ask why - why can't people being same sex relationships and be happy.

  8. I care. I've been watching Jake slide into oblivion for years now. Just when I think he might begin to live a more free, honest life and begin taking some interesting roles, he either stops working or when he returns to the set, he's making bizarre films like Enemy. I read through the comments yesterday and this is definitely not the first time Jake has been caught being in LA when he didn't want anyone to know he was there. Particularly, this year.
    Kind of reminds me about his acting out when he was younger with the public sex (e.g. Toothy and Goose in the van), almost hoping to get caught.

    I don't get why he wants WME to continue doing headline producing stories that firmly plant him in New York, when he can easily get caught at a taco truck or with his "niece" at the Ritz Carlton or going through an In-N-Out Burger drive-through with Austin. His movie choices are perplexing and so are his closeted choices.

  9. Oops, I meant to say E&J....

  10. It's not a dangerous role and there are no little ones.

    Really? Actors get hurt doing far less physically demanding roles. If we're to believe Jake, he slashed up his hand in a mirror just doing a scripted interior scene.

    There are kids. I'm not sure how many, but there have been far to many clues and "sightings" for there not to be. Also, he's still with Austin, which I would find hard to believe if there was no family keeping them together.

    Oh, another reason I think he has kids is how reclusive Maggie suddenly has become with her own children. She and Peter used to love to flash Ramona everywhere and Jake used to be seen with them. No more though. Probably because he doesn't want to have to explain to his own children why he can't be seen out on the streets of NY with them.

  11. Really? Actors get hurt doing far less physically demanding roles. If we're to believe Jake, he slashed up his hand in a mirror just doing a scripted interior scene.

    lol. That was a good one.

    I can't imagine this Everest filming crew is flying all the way to Italy just so they can film on a movie set inside a warehouse complete with fake snow and a bunny hill.

    I'm looking at the low temperatures in this Val Senales, and in another week, they're going to have overnight lows in the single digits.

    Have you seen what these climbers go through? Have you seen the pictures from this 1996 Everest expedition with that one guy returning with a burned off nose? His face was nearly all black because of the effects of the freezing wind.

    Have you read about how Scott Fischer's last hours must have been like? Go look at the Google images and that's not a good way to go. These climbers are nuts.

    That one guy who lost his nose, he lost both hands and part of his right arm all because they got caught on that mountain.

    This story isn't going to be a Disney happy fest, let me tell you. It'll be yet another one of Jake's films I won't be seeing. What a gruesome, unhappy story.

    Of course, I read on FB about the medical emergency team that is tapped to go along on this filming and no doubt they will have experts who know their way around this kind of athletic "adventure". But still. You have to go into this filming with respect for the weather and the mountains. It's got to be serious business for it to be realistic.

  12. My questions were not for climbing a mountain but for sheesh who thinks any new name hides his identity.

  13. sheesh BY ANY OTHER NAMEJanuary 12, 2014 at 10:22 AM

    It's a M-O-V-I-E.

  14. Of course, I read on FB about the medical emergency team that is tapped to go along on this filming and no doubt they will have experts who know their way around this kind of athletic "adventure". But still. You have to go into this filming with respect for the weather and the mountains. It's got to be serious business for it to be realistic.

    Do you think they're filming on a peak the height of Everest?? Um, hardly. As sheesh a above me said, it's a MOVIE. And as such there will be a lot of green screen used. Jake and crew will basically be filming on hiking trails.

  15. Jake and crew will basically be filming on hiking trails

    Well, there's plenty of those in California. The production company could save a heap of change and just stay on in the good old USA, if that's all they are going to be doing. And, didn't we just see an article where Jake got lost in the Malibu Canyon with Josh Brolin while hiking. Frankly, I'm not sure if Jake can handle a bunny slope.

  16. as sheesh above me said". There is no above anybody, sheesh and shiny are the same.

    Athough not to let this Everest filming bunny slope discussion detract from the big Jake/Maggie NYC / LA Friday night debaucle.

  17. Tom, did the polar vortex dip its toe in your waters? Even Atlanta had minus temperatures last week. Unheard of! I think we hit minus 9, minus 10.

    It did PG but never really got below freezing at night. In the day it was in the high 50s or low 60's. Hopefully winter is over down here:-)

    If done right the movie Everest could be incredible. I read the book. That would be one I would go see.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Probably because he doesn't want to have to explain to his own children why he can't be seen out on the streets of NY with them.

    Exactly. Notice in the Just Jared post from "Friday the 10th", that they did a side by side set of photos, even though Jake and Maggie were both in New York City, according to the post's claim. It was a way of placing Jake next to his niece without them actually being in the same physical setting at the same time before the camera.

    Also, notice in those Facebook Colombo coffee photos that the paid visitor brought over here last year, that when you could see Ramona or Gloria, you didn't have a clear shot of Jake. When you had a clear shot of Jake's face? You didn't have either of the girls. (Or A. Miller for that matter. BWAH!!! lol.) [btw, has anyone checked to see if those pictures are still there? I don't imagine they'll be there forever - they'll be scrubbed someday]

    There is a reason for this, just as climbing a mountain pointed out. I agree, it is likely why Jake hasn't been posing with the Gyllengaards over the past year or so as his own children are reaching the age where they are understanding things better. They're talking. They're asking questions. They're very impressionable.

    How can Jake explain to his own kids why he can go out scootering with Ramona but he can't take them out in similar fashion through Central Park? I doubt he will. It would be emotionally scarring.

    Well, it's gorgeous here today. Time to get back out into that Vitamin D. I just wanted to touch on that one observation.

  20. I would not want to have explain to my children why I denied their their existence to anyone. They could not possibly understand.

  21. Poor troll. Undermines his own credibility by arguing for arguments sake that the sky is green when its obviously blue, then wonders why no one even takes them seriously.

    Congrats to the Patriots and to the Niners. Fun games to watch.

  22. What a dour trailer. And the soundtrack was annoying. The film is going to need stellar reviews to draw a crowd.

  23. Wonder if Austin will be doing the Golden Globe parties with the crew of Ray Donovan? Just saw Liev who lost out to Brian Cranston for the Golden Globe for Actor-TV Series Drama.

  24. Congratulations to Jon Voight who won a Golden Globe for Ray Donovan.

  25. Congratulations to Jon Voight! It's been a pleasure watching you work, sir.

    6:21 PM - 12 Jan 14 · Details

