Thursday, January 16, 2014

Ring it out

Jake and Denis are the cover boys for Filmmaker magazine.

Something about Jake in this picture rings a bell.

Is the bearded face?  The white tee?

Or is it that big ring on that chain?

The one that is front and center

That looks a little too big for Jake's slender fingers.

Now .....who has bigger rugged hands?


  1. It's truly funny watching you desparately trying to figure out Jake's whereabouts on a "Daily" basis when you're "lost".

    Where on earth are you getting that? An entree of wishful thinking on your part, I think, with a heaping side of fogginess.

    I'm busy watching Chloe and Maycee the weimarunar, and doing so through the weekend. I learned about a week ago that two of my former charges, Molly and Lucy the two border collies who were the sisters of Rotten Little Jingles, were put down to sleep. They were both about 15 yrs old and hit failing health at the same time, making it easier for their owner to let go of them.
    I've seen quite a few of my dogs pass away and it's kind of sad but part of life as well. I'm gradually letting go of my dogsitting days as my job becomes more and more time consuming and demanding.

    But it's good to watch these two and stay in some pretty luxe digs at the same time.
    ; )

  2. Wow wow, Jared and Jensen presented together at the Critics Choice tonight. What a striking couple they make. I think Jared Padalecki is one of the most beautiful creatures in HW. I've never watched Supernatural but I'm always up for some Jared P.

  3. They are both really good looking men aren't they PG. And plenty of rumors have been around forever about them as well, despite both being married.

    Interesting that after years of keeping his chains hidden, Jake has been displaying them pretty freely since dropping the latest beard. A crack in the facade.

  4. They are, m. Jensen is classic handsome whereas I think Jared's appeal comes not only from his long, lean body but his playfulness and energy. His hair is gorgeous and his eyes always have this wide-eyed, eager look.

    I've seen a few pics of them together and there does seem to be a lot of chemistry there. And Ted did have a blind vice on them, didn't he? Unfortunately, if that is indeed them, their story is all kinds of tragic.

  5. Sorry PG about Molly and Lucy, always hate to hear bad news about animals.

    I'm also sad about Mr. Kincaid and the Professor, shows I always watched and loved.

  6. Hi Dest! Yeah, I got the news at work which wasn't too good. All the memories come back and I had a lot of good memories - I had watched them for a long, long time. Their mama was very good to me, too. I've been so lucky. They all love their pets so much.

    Austin is getting a lot of love from France. Some station over there has shown Prayers for Bobby for the first time and many are tweeting to him about it. That's great.
