Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Audio Excellence

These might not be the only Audi's in Jake's house.

Prairie Girl  posted that Jake was nominate for the Audio Publishers Association (APA) Audie Award for his narration for The Great Gatsby.

Jake is nominated in the Classics category and is competing against:

Coming of Age in Mississippi by Anne Moody; Narrated by Lisa Reneé Pitts

The Complete Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; Narrated by Simon Vance

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley; Narrated by Dan Stevens


Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez; Narrated by Armando Duran; .

Jake has readers and reviewers loving what he did with the F. Scott Fitzgerald classic.

Audio Book Review said about his reading:

"..even if you have read it a dozen times, you will find Jake Gyllenhaal’s narration of it is excellent! The Great Gatsby Audiobook read by Jake Gyllenhaal is highly recommended! It gives you a new appreciation of how important voice is as a instrument of master actors."

Library Journal named his Gatsby was one of the Best Audiobooks of 2013:

" Narrator Jake Gyllanhaal[sic] gives an understated performance filled with nuance and a thoughtful appreciation of the written word. Never overpowering, Gyllanhaal[sic] allows time for readers to draw their own conclusions and investigate their own interpretations of the novel’s many facets. This fresh audio production will inspire readers to experience the classic anew."

For a little rewind here's several clips of Jake reading The Great Gatsby and showing his range, with a little New York accent thrown in too.

From the sounds of it's hands down for Audie.

The winners of the 19th annual Audie Awards.will be announced on May 29, 2014 at the Audies Gala in New York.

Olympics for ALL Moment:

How you can use McDonalds to help support LGTB rights for Russia at the Sochi Olympics.

There is yet another way human-rights and LGBT activists can leverage an Olympics sponsor's existing social media campaign to speak both words of protest and words of support for LGBT equality in Russia and worldwide. This Achilles' heel of Russia's censorship policy has been hiding in plain sight since the McDonald's #CheersToSochi hashtag was first hijacked in January.

And although McDonald's has abandoned the use of the #CheersToSochi hashtag, the Cheers to Sochi campaign website is still up and functioning and, according to their press and social media updates, still a conduit to talk to Olympic athletes and teams who are, right now, behind Putin's Lavender Curtain.

Send a message while Olympics continues.


  1. Other than dating Reese, when it was all over the place, most of my friends are clueless as to what is going on Jake's life, and what's going on in a celeb's life has zero affect on what movies they see.

    I agree. I think that is 90 to 95% of the movie going public. Even if there is some rumor, most people go see the movie becasue of the subject matter. They could careless if an actor is secretly gay. If that were the case John Travolta, Cruise, Spacey and a whole host of other stars would be out of a job. But there not.

    So, I don't see the need to get so emotional of a star with gay/hiding in the closet rumors.
    This only happens when one invest too much time in the star - with Expectations.

    Enemy costs $12.99 because it hasn't been released in theatres yet.

    Well, DirecTV has released movies (before) they are released in the theatre for free. I've seen at least 3. All 3 went nowhere though. But $12.00? humm

  2. If that were the case John Travolta, Cruise, Spacey and a whole host of other stars would be out of a job. But there not.

    Hallo!! None of them played one of the most iconic gay roles in the recent history of cinema Jack Twist

  3. I don't get your poin Ang but I loved Life of Pi

  4. Prime example of one who invest too much time in the "role" Jake played and the gay rumors.

    I'm not saying Jake is not gay or bi. But, so What.

    Jake is not Jack Twist.

    Way too much emotional investment in Jake vs Jack Twist.

  5. I understand now, you're absolutely right, I agree with you

    That's the problem with Jake, people can't see him detached from the role he has played, first was Donnie Darko, then Jack Twist,
    This means two things
    1) People can not separate fiction from reality
    2) Jake is a fucking great actor :)

  6. The glaring omission on his list is obviously Los Angeles -- interesting because Hoffman was a big time Hollywood actor who spent lots of time in L.A.

    Clearly, he didn't think it was a suitable city to raise a kid in.

    Hopefully I'm quoting you, Tom. It was a little hard to tell which was the article and then when you came in, lol.

    I think I'm going to plan a trip to L.A. I'm going to see if a chick from Johnson County KS can survive that city or will it swallow, chew and then spit me out like the discards of a sunflower seed. BWAH!

    Fares are very reasonable to L.A. and I've not been there yet, only to the upper half of Cali. I would visit all the Jaustin points, of course. The Grove. Pinkberry. Heck, I could go to the Abbey. Maybe even journey along up the coast a bit if I dared to rent a car. The world is one's oyster, the opportunities are boundless.

    Or skip the jaunt up the coast and just swing in there for a quick weekend. Who's been there? What area do you recommend one stay in?

  7. Someone needs to go back to their blog. You aren't taking up residence here. It's not our fault T2 was destroyed. OMG will not become another cesspool. It's not happening.

    We're not going away. Some of us are not changing our beliefs. It's futile.

    I haven't watched Brokeback Mountain for I bet at least 1 1/2 years. Actually, longer than that if you want to require seeing the movie in its entirety. I even write AU!AU slash so you can't even really consider that unable to let go.

    I have stated quite loud and clear why I haven't liked/watched/purchased Jake's last several movies. Excessive & gratuitous violence and profane language. Those two factors alone have instantly eliminated them. Plus, just as importantly, I am not contributing money towards bearding and fake social media expenditures.

    I don't need any other reasons. And no one has to even explain or excuse their reasons if they don't want to.

  8. L.A........I've been wanting to go there, just hadn't planned anything yet. How does one get around there? Are they a car city or a cab city? Is it like Chicago and a lot of places are within walking distance? Do they have a mass transit system? I have never heard of people riding buses in L.A.

    Again, congratulations to Jake on his Audi nomination. Those are some great pictures in your post, Special, particularly that first one. Jake had some great long legs in denim, didn't he? The putty slacks & white T shirt is/was one of my all-time favorite pictures. I like the homey boy shorts and powder blue jacket picture.

    Do you reckon all of those clothes went to Goodwill?

  9. I'm not saying all the comments were put up by you know who but I have a good idea which ones were.

    Okay, I'm gone, still have some lunch time remaining. I'm still in dumbfounded shock. I attended a meeting today where we had no safety moment. I don't know how to function.

    Heck, we even had a safety moment at our holiday party!!!

  10. What happened to Safety First there PG?!? :D

  11. L.A........I've been wanting to go there, just hadn't planned anything yet. How does one get around there? Are they a car city or a cab city? Is it like Chicago and a lot of places are within walking distance? Do they have a mass transit system? I have never heard of people riding buses in L.A.

    This is a jokey comment, right?

  12. "Sometimes we stay in Hell a long time because we have learned the names of the streets."

    That is an awesome quote PG. I think it really captures why people stay in the closet.

    Regarding LA, it's a hard town to get around in without a car. They do have busses, but unlike some other cities they don't run very often. Cabs can't be hailed on the street, so you have to call them, which is not very convenient. Traffic is also really heavy in LA, and I would guess a cab ride is not going to be cheap. And plan on being stuck in slow-moving traffic. LA is also huge, geographically, so it's not like NYC where all the big tourist sites are not too far from each other.

    You can't walk very many places either. Some shopping areas, downtown, that's about it.

  13. Destiny is right PG. LA is not doable without your own wheels.

    At least the trolls rhetoric is so consistent it's easy to spot and ignore.

    I've checked in a few times while on the road but had trouble with commenting. Hotel internet speed should be a lot better considering it's all business travelers. One lengthy comment disappeared completely so I just gave up. And this is my first time trying again. Back Monday.

  14. What happened to Safety First there PG?!? :D

    I know! We were breaking up after the meeting and on the way to the door, I said, "Hey, we didn't have a safety moment!" and so my cube neighbor made one up real quick about not riding your bicycle when it is lightning outside as we had some lightning yesterday afternoon. It just did not feel right not having a safety moment.

    Our holiday party safety moment involved pointing out where the exits were in the room and not to drink and drive.

    There is always an opportunity to point out a safety tip when you are in a group like that.

    : )

  15. Thanks Destiny, thanks m!! I didn't recall seeing buses in pictures of the guys walking around L.A. Sounds like where I live - we're all about the car.

    Very good advice sounds like to me. Thanks again!

  16. PG the whole thing that I posted about PSH's will was all article. I didn't post a comment :-) It sure did think about what a horrible place HW must be. Drugs and lies :-( Supposingly Jake moved away from there wonder why he still lies.

  17. Ah okay, thanks for the clarification. I wasn't sure.

    Undoubtedly, it's not the city itself which is so horrible. It's the environments and elements one encounters in Hollywood/L.A. I've never been presented by the temptation of drugs, I'm very fortunate. Don't have to pretend to be somebody else.

    I'm sure L.A. has some great things to see. I don't know hardly anything about the city. There are some really decent fares right now headed that way though.
