Saturday, February 1, 2014


Adding a couple of ee's for Jake today.

First a new trailer for Enemy

And another new  role - Ezekial Moss

Jake and Amy Adams have signed on to star in the Prohibition era drama “Ezekiel Moss”.

The story is of Iris a widow ", who, emotionally fragile after the loss of her husband, runs a boarding house  in a small town overrun by religious fervor  provide for her and her spirited son, Joel. Her life is forever changed when she falls in love with Ezekiel Moss (Jake), a mysterious drifter has the divine ability to channel and physically inhabit the spirits of the dead.

This is the sophomore directorial project for actor Philip Seymour Hoffman.

Jake you've got the drifter part down pat 

but it's a  little shape-shifteree  - hmmmm who would know something about that?


  1. jacqueline ‏@jacrodgers 6h
    Just passed Jake Gyllenhaal ๐Ÿ‘Œ couldn't get a pic bc he was making out with a model... Ok
    from Manhattan, NY

  2. What rings true and what doesn'tFebruary 2, 2014 at 8:19 AM

    Thanks, Mr. Troll. I mean this tweet must be true because we've seen evidence of Jake making out in public so many times over the years. Oh, wait. That's right. There is no proof once again because instead of an Instagram gotcha moment, we get the obligatory "Aw shucks, I couldn't get a pic" when actually it should have been ever easier to capture one this time because we're told Jake was "preoccupied." To stretch credulity even further this person is suggesting they are a mind reader since somehow they were able to determine the occupation of a person squished up in make out mode, just by passing by them. And, finally the tweet must be true because it conveniently includes the place where the "incident" occurred. And, where might that be? Of course! Manhattan. I mean why would Jake be located anywhere else? Unless, of course, he was supposed to be in Europe by now.

    Wait a second. That is...unless Jake's delaying his overseas duties to help find Peter that next movie role. What a guy. Sacrificing his own career for his brother-in-law. I mean, it wouldn't be like Peter has an agency like maybe CAA to help him find work.

  3. Just passed Jake Gyllenhaal ๐Ÿ‘Œ couldn't get a pic bc he was making out with a model... Ok

    Alyssa Miller?

  4. Maybe the "model" was Austin Nichols? He's got the body for it. And, no gender was provided.

  5. "Maybe the "model" was Austin Nichols"

    I guess In that case would be "OMG Jake Gyllenhaal is making out with a man in the middle of Manhattan!" or at least a "male model" would be added to the tweet

  6. ^^ Not necessarily. We are talking about New York. The city that never sleeps. Everything goes there. You are the one who is jumping to conclusions.

  7. WOW! Some people seem all hot and bothered by that tweet! That's right, it doesn't fit the narrative

  8. Actually, what doesn't fit your narrative is that Jake is gay. Yet, somehow you are lurking on a blog that celebrates that very fact, pushing Straight Jake. Now, whose hot and bothered.

  9. WOW! Some people seem all hot and bothered by that tweet!

    Ha! Hot and bothered? Sounds like you're the one freaking out. Surely, you didn't think you were going to put up that nonsense and not have responses to it? Jake has probably been in Europe for awhile. Takes a bit to transport a family overseas.

  10. ^^ Not necessarily. We are talking about New York

    I don't get the sense of what you saying, Zachary Quinto lives in NY and is out and proud is dating a male model, and each tweet and sighting of them together is a succession of "Omg Zachary Quinto is walking hand in hand with beautiful male model", "Omg I just passed Zachary Quinto and his beautiful boyfriend, a male model", "Omg Zachary Quinto and his boyfriend who looks like a male model are making out in this restaurant etc ... NY's people reaction it is not as cool and detached as you said, It's not like "hey we're in NY this happens everyday in every where in this city, who cares, next"

  11. ^Hi mary!

    Nope! Just a friendly soul when it comes to Jake and Austin.

  12. NY's people reaction it is not as cool and detached as you said,

    LOL! There are many hipster, "too cool for school" people in NY. You need to get out of the Stone Age because your bias is showing.

  13. There are many hipster, "too cool for school" people in NY.

    LOL! If they are that "cool", they wouldn't even bother tweeting about it :)

  14. The poster assumes the model is a gal, which tells me what their agenda is. More hetero wishful thinking.

    Jake Gyllenhaal is gay. So is his longtime companion, Austin Nichols. That's why they're a couple. They're both gay and have been together for over a decade. See how that works? Surely, no one in their right mind believes Jake is straight after that Alyssa M. stunt. That was one of his worse professional hook-ups. Right next to Taylor Swift and Minka Kelley.

  15. There are many hipster, "too cool for school" people in NY.

    Why what NY's people do with Zachary Quinto should not do with Jake who it's a bigger star?Where are all these hipster "too cool for school" when it comes Zachary who mostly attended gay and hipster areas of the city?

  16. LOL! If they are that "cool", they wouldn't even bother tweeting about it :)

    Thanks for reminding us about the motivation of why someone would "compose" and send out such a tweet in the first place. If this person was such a starry-eyed stalker type, desperate to find 15 minutes of fame through this celeb spotting, they would have supplied a picture. Sorry. Another fail on the part of JiS shippers.

  17. trolls always give themselves awayFebruary 2, 2014 at 9:26 AM

    Where are all these hipster "too cool for school" when it comes Zachary who mostly attended gay and hipster areas of the city?

    So you watch and monitor everything that is tweeted about Zachary Quinto? That's kind of strange, isn't it? Or, maybe you're just pulling it out of your a**? I'll vote the latter.

  18. Yes, totally can see you are not hot and bothered by that tweet LMAO

  19. Notice too how the original "tweet" wants us to know where Jake is in terms of the city, but somehow forgets to tell viewers where Jake was seen? Park, restaurant, train station, brothel, etc. I've seen celebrities before and I know people are automatically skeptical so I either take a photo or I state exactly where I was when I saw them. This person does neither. That's always a tell-tale sign of someone either trying to impress. Someone on payroll. Or, someone who just cannot stand the idea that Jake is gay. Which he is.

  20. I know, things get pretty lonely over in that black hole impersonating as a Jake blog.

    WME has created a blighted neighborhood over there and so because there is no traffic any longer, the one given the reins has to go where the audience is.

    What a waste of time and wages on their part.

  21. Yes, totally can see you are not hot and bothered by that tweet LMAO

    I think that would be you. Since you continue to describe a simple response as being "hot and bothered". Basically, you are suggesting that anyone who would dare to question the truthiness of a tweet must be hot and bothered. I think that is the purpose of blog. To call out bullshit when you see it. I'm sure I will see the term, delusional, soon too. You trolls are so very transparent.

  22. You know what I think?

    I think Jake has been overseas for awhile with the family. I wouldn't be surprised if his role in Everest is much smaller than I thought.

    But because he just wants to get the heck out of Dodge, that Gyllenichols Family is hiding out somewhere over there - maybe England. Because we've seen a tweet which indicates he's got a place over there.

    With this new Ezekial romance movie coming out with Amy Adams, you're looking at him & Austin probably not coming out for who knows, at least another decade or so.

    These kids are getting big. Too big to keep hiding. They can't keep hiding them and they can't keep living this way. Those boys will crack.

    So I wouldn't be surprised to see Jake and Austin move overseas soon just so they can hide those kids. The pap laws are much stricter in certain countries (I forget which one it is that doesn't allow pap pictures) and I can totally see these guys leaving America now.

    Yup. That's what I'm beginning to think.

  23. See? He always reveals himself.

    There's really basically only about one paid troll around here. Push the right buttons and you'll flush him out.

    Kudos to those who hit the right button.

  24. And if/when Jake, Austin and the kids do move overseas, you can bet Maggie and the girls probably will follow. Especially if there is trouble in the Gyllengaard relationship.

    They're starting to drop some hints (i.e. like that Just Jared post yesterday involving Maggie) and I am really starting to see this happening.

    The Ezekial movie announcement confirms another push back and there's no way these guys can keep these kids in the States a whole heckuva lot longer while maintaining those kids' well-being.

  25. The pap laws are much stricter in certain countries (I forget which one it is that doesn't allow pap pictures) and I can totally see these guys leaving America now.

    France is one of the strictest. But, England can be pretty friendly towards celebrities as well. Even Italy has tighten privacy laws over the years.

  26. And who even says "gal" anymore...other than 60 year olds

    I'm thirty-four. My dad uses that word all the time. So it's amazing how you are incorrect, once again. And you definitely are a homophobe as well as suffering from a severe case of ageism if you continue to make fun of people who are over 50.

  27. Because in the grand chain of finances, Jake's paychecks eventually touch the usage of paid trolls, you have to start observing the 'when' and the 'what' of this particular visitor's reactions because there's often explanations or causes behind the 'when' and the 'what'.

    For example, notice that when certain topics are discussed i.e. the big taboo subject of Peter and Maggie, and oh, let's say the recent Austin TX sighting of Jake, they may garner very little if any reaction, particularly hostile reaction.

    Yet today, something as simple as a lone, harmless tweet erupts into a discussion over Zachary Quinto as well as Jake's mother (whom no one was even talking about to begin with and has no current relevancy) to the point of being some kind of heavily debated and hyper-focused topic.

    It pays to observe what topic gets ignored and treated like a hot potato.

    Because it is in that very detail that you just might find the real reason behind the "look over here!"

  28. I continue to be rather intrigued by that Star magazine blip. While at my local Hy Vee this morning, I picked up the rag's current edition just before getting in line to check out and didn't have to flip too many pages at all to find the article. It was on a page called "Dish" and was one of about 3 or 4 little "scoops".

    The story about Jake and Maggie was in the upper left corner, kind of a high profile placement and used an old, old picture of the 2 siblings wrapped around each other to accompany the gossip.

    The story ended with a quote from the family friend who said that basically Jake could not be bothered trying to help Peter out because he had his own career to worry about.

    So I cannot help but be intrigued by this story that really does paint Peter in a wimpy, 'loser' type of role and as though he depends on Jake to get him his work.

    Where does a story like that even come from? And why does it paint Jake in such a superior light? I don't think the GHaals are really in the rags much anymore. I subscribe to People and Jake is rarely in the publication anymore.

    So I have to wonder why this story appears. It really does come out of nowhere.

  29. All good points. That reveal is odd, but if stripped down does look like the beginning stages of planting a seed about Peter being the odd man out. Could be something is up. If Jake and Austin do move overseas you know his mommie and Maggie won't be far behind. This will be interesting to watch unfold.

  30. Philip Seymour Hoffman Found Dead
    By Kathy Ehrich Dowd and Liz McNeil

    Philip Seymour Hoffman has died at age 46.

    The Oscar-winning actor was found dead inside his New York City apartment Sunday morning, a law enforcement official confirmed to PEOPLE.

    A friend found the actor inside his Greenwich Village apartment around 11:30 a.m. Sunday, per the New York Post, which reports he died of an apparent drug overdose.

    The NYU-trained actor entered rehab last May for snorting heroin.

    The Fairport, N.Y., native is survived by his longtime partner, Mimi O'Donnell, and their three children: daughters Tallulah and Willa and son Cooper.

  31. He apparently was found with a needle in his arm.

  32. This is so sad, he was an amazing actor.

    Plus the movie he was going to make with Jake sounded really interesting.

  33. So sad about Hoffman. What a talented actor he was. And he has 3 young children too. I know he had gone to rehab once and the news is saying it was a 10 day stint. Who walks away from something as powerful as heroin after only 10 days. He must have just checked himself out early and stayed addicted. Tragic.
