Thursday, February 6, 2014

Last Tonight But a New Tomorrow

It's Jay Leno's last night as the host of The Tonight Show

But it's been a long long time since Jake as been on the show

Jake's last appearance on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno was  January 13, 2006
 After all the Brokeback jokes Jay made Jake came on most gracious to talk about the movie.

There is no way to tell why Jake never returned to the late night talk show, despite the number of movies he promoted in the last 8 year. But it was clear Jake had a problem with the host.

It was glaring how Jake never returned to Jay's couch.  But he went to visit Conan after Conan was fired from NBC.

Don't think that will happen with the new host of The Tonight Show though.

It's the giggles to between Jake and Jimmy that will be the biggest problem.


  1. It is odd, isn't it? Had to be some kind of reason he didn't ever return to Leno, who knows and that will remain one of those permanent unexplainables like the missing of Boo.

    Funny, the stubborn "united stance" taken by the Gyllengaards. The timing is just...extraordinary. Yeah, that's the word I'm looking for.

    ; )

  2. Jake also stayed away from the Ellen show for a very long time. He did make an appearance recently. It seemed after his rebirth as the upfront macho hetero guy was complete he was allowed to return.

  3. the word I'm looking for about "Jake is not in ny, those pics are every kind of photoshopped, where is the photo with Peter? theory" is #epicfail

    just...extraordinary indeed

  4. The photos of Jake and Michelle Williams at Philip Seymour Hofman's funeral are heartbreaking (as are those of others who attended).

  5. Awful day at work today and only just heard about the funeral. Everyone is so hyper focused on this man but 1000's of people lose parents, brothers, sisters, fathers, friends every day due to substance related deaths.

    A lot of pain all over the world but Hollywood in particular has some real unhappy people seeking solace through this type of pain relief. Not sure what the solution is.

    Very unfortunate.

  6. Not really appropriate to address anything else on this thread. It can wait.

  7. I'm going to step out on a limb and say that I think some of those pics from Wednesday were photoshopped. WME, along with other management groups, use a similar technique against the more savvy observers. They float some obviously digitally tampered with photos one day, get fans to react, and then suddenly the real pics come out.

    It's on the same level as the "homophobe" or "delusional" charges often made against sharp-minded critiques that poke holes in the carefully crafted, sanitized public image of a performer. It's meant to embarrass or discourage those with independent minds.

  8. I wouldn't be surprised that Jake is still suffering from survivor's guilt and for his bad decision making during his Reeke years. Saying nothing when Heath died and then being photographed with his beard and her two kids (the height of the kind of phoniness that Heath despised) was really a slap in the face to their friendship. Attending Hoffman's funeral with Michelle is maybe his way of trying to make amends for bad judgement in the past.

  9. Interesting, isn't it how the paid "visitor" suddenly has time to hang around again?

    Hmm. Funny how he had virtually disappeared most of the day yesterday because all online hands on deck were clearly necessary.

    As I said earlier yesterday, I have no problem retracting. I'm not that full of pride that I can't do that and have done it many times before. Unlike the paid troll, who just simply "vaporizes" without so much as a whimper when he's been shown on the wrong path.

    As far as I'm concerned, nothing ventured, nothing gained. I still see all kinds of wrong with that photo of Jake at the beauty salon dinner. I'm not wavering off of that. There's a reason why Maggie is shown behind "empty" chair. And like the person said before, very well photoshopped on purpose in order to lower the "boom" the next day.

    They were still all flushed out. They were flushed out last night to show unification against a leaked story which indicated all was not necessarily as it was professed to be on a couple of fronts.

    It's obvious now why Jake was in NYC. He hasn't been there all along, though.

    And one has to ask why he's still on a holiday break when the rest of the kids have looooong been back to school.

  10. And like the person said before, very well photoshopped on purpose in order to lower the "boom" the next day.

    I couldn't have said it better.

  11. One thing's for sure, I look forward to a lot more frequent family outings like last night's. It's great to see them debunk that awful Star story. You go, Gyllengaards! That'll show 'em. And maybe we can look forward to seeing a lot more of the whole clan now that the cobwebs have been shaken out - including you know, with the girls, too. Jake and his nieces together out in the open and not in a side by side.

    Yeah, that would be really heartwarming. Maybe a park pic where Ramona and Gloria could take turns combing, brushing, and scrunching up Unca Jake's hair.

  12. And one has to ask why he's still on a holiday break when the rest of the kids have looooong been back to school.

    As well as asking the most critical question of all. Why is so much effort put into hiding Jake and creating an entire backstory for both his personal life and his career? That's the question all of this hocus pocus is trying to bury. Jake is hiding something BIG. So big, we now even get outright lies and misdirections about his filming schedule. Something that has nothing to do with hiding the gay, but everything to do with hiding a family.

  13. Ramona and Gloria could take turns combing, brushing, and scrunching up Unca Jake's hair.

    Maybe that's how Jake got his ponytail? ;-)

  14. Blogger destiny said...

    The photos of Jake and Michelle Williams at Philip Seymour Hofman's funeral are heartbreaking (as are those of others who attended).

    My first thought was that of anger when I heard this. I am not sure what it says that Jake was with Michele. Maybe it does make some kind of statement. Still how awful it was that Jake behaved the way he did back then. I lost so much respect for him then.. I do not think I ever got it back:-(

  15. I am not sure what it says that Jake was with Michele

    I'm trying to figure out why there are so many photos on IHJ. Wouldn't just a few have expressed the sentiment? 3 pages of photos seem excessive.
