Wednesday, March 26, 2014

BFF's for sure

It's been a while for Austy and  bikes on the blog but this is a perfect pick for the cycle riding film loving fellow.

The Bicycle Film Festival

"Brendt Barbur, Founding Festival Director, was compelled to start the Bicycle Film Festival when he was hit by a bus while riding his bike in New York City.  He insisted on turning his negative experience into a positive one.

 In 2001 Barbur started the Bicycle Film Festival as a platform to celebrate the bicycle through music, art and, of course, film.

The Bicycle Film Festival has been a major catalyst for the urban bike movement, one of the most powerful and culturally relevant forces of the last decade. The BFF is sure to carry this momentum into the next decade."

Just a glimpse of some from last year

BFF is schedule to be in LA April 4-5 and don't worry Austin if you miss it there it's going to Austin and London too. 

Bikes and Movies, it's Austin favorite combo except for this BFF:

  And hey Austy why not get behind the camera and the handlebars again and do your thing for BFF.


  1. Will we ever see these two padres on their bicycles again????


  2. Not sure how real that rumor re True Detective is. As much as I would like to see Jake do it, the author has stated several times that he has not even written the next series, and he's leaning towards focusing on women next time. I can't recall his exact quote now, but I read every article about him and listened to every interview he and the director did while hooked on True Detective. One of the most articulate and intelligent men I've ever seen. Truly great television. I hope they rule at awards season.

  3. It's a rumor that was out there on the internet by Digital Spy, if I recall right, m. So, you know, you take it with a grain of salt.

    Just like so many other things you take with Jake, you take with a big salt lick. And a Zoom In. A captain's chair. A bag of popcorn. A Google Search. And an archive of research.

    Face value is not found in the JakeWorld Glossary.

  4. HA HA HA HA ha ha hah lol. **titter**

    Can you believe there is actually a Disney show called Jake's World? BWAH!!! ha ha ha.

    Too perfect for words. If only I could get rid of the apostrophe and the 's'. Then it would be truly be the perfect avatar.
