Saturday, March 29, 2014

Close but....*

Looks like Jake headed to the States and then poof!

Maybe he wanted to surprise someone with his clean close shave

Some 'em if you got 'em

Very interesting

Jacob let us talk about this cigar. Is there something you'd like to tell me?

*....but no cigar


  1. No cigar is right.

    See how they do that? Every time.

    The one man band comes through town, bangin' and a clangin' in a one-float parade; you can't miss it.

    And then.

    The noise abruptly stops, the one man band is gone. Traceless.

  2. That first gif is something. It's mezmerizing captured in that single replay. I don't doubt that the whole set of TDAT witnessed 4th of July-level sparks.

    You read so often about stars falling in love and having affairs on sets.

    What is different with Jake and Austin is that they remain together to this day.

    What an incredible story.

  3. What an incredible story.

    "incredible" is the keyword

    Sydney Squatrito ‏@sydn3yx3 15m
    not only did my sister stand across from Jake Gyllenhaal on the subway, but when they got off at the same stop he called her beautiful #wow


  4. Did anyone who still lurks here (and there are still plenty of them), dating back to the beginning of Oh My Godot, ever think they would see the day when the paid visitor would endorse straight Jake?

    And everyone knows who that is. There's only one. It's the same visitor who has trolled this site since Day One.

    And he is now actually trying to sell straight Jake. Look again and let that sink in.

    Does that not tell everyone something? That's just like Perez Hilton selling out. Same thing.

    And why would a common Joe Bloe troll do that? Leopards don't change their spots after years in the same jungle.

    Bad Jake indeed. Sell it somewhere else, Jack. It'll be a cold day in hell when you can come here to OMG and find a market for that made up tweet. #Embarrassing

  5. "made up tweet"

    mmm I don't think so ;)

  6. britt ‏@brittanyyyya 2 h

    jake gyllenhaal stopped my cousin at the subway station to tell her she was beautiful……um okay @ssquat every girl hates u

  7. Well, let's see. Am I going to believe that Jake is hitting on a girl?

    Or am I going to lean towards Jake in a place that sells tacos?

    Whitney Harbour (@whitneyh_86)
    3/30/14, 1:52

    So did I forget to mention that I saw Jake Gylenhaal at Taco Bell in Sherman Oaks the other night? Um ya. TB is better than McDonalds!

    Sherman Oaks: Sherman Oaks is affluent neighborhood in the San Fernando Valley region of the city of Los Angeles, California.
    Source: Wikipedia

  8. It's your lame tweet against my lame tweet, Jack.

    And of the lame tweets, if I had to take one, I would go with the Sherman Oaks tweet. Not the first time Jake would be seen purchasing tacos.

    Remember this tweet by @TamaraBascobe who was in L.A. at the time?

    Tamara Bascombe (@TamaraBascombe)
    8/3/13, 17:27

    Standing in line with Jake Gyllenhaal getting some fish tacos ��������

    Great memories.

  9. mmm good question

    I think you should go for the truth,aka Jake in NY hitting random girls on the subway, dining at"il Buco"

    Scott M. Welfel ‏@ScottWelfel
    Out to dinner with @labnyc123, #tonydanza and #jakegyllenhaal at @ilbuconyc

    strolling in Soho,

    Thug Biotech Analyst ‏@Thug_BioAnalyst 11 h

    was bout to mug dis dude in soho, den realized it was jake gyllenhaal. I ain't messin' wit dat

    and be mistaken for a homeless

    Thomas J. Quinlan ‏@thomas_quinlan

    Either Wendy & I just passed Jake Gyllenhaal or there's an #NYC hobo walking around the city impersonating him really well. Tough to tell.

  10. You know Austin is in Texas right?

  11. Produce a real time picture, Jack, then I'll reconsider.

    And I don't want photo shop. I don't want fuzzy. I don't want dark, can't hardly see restaurants. I don't want the back of a head, missing dinner companions, vases and glasses that I have to look through, coats and visas and papers covering the face until I can only see 3 eyelashes.

    Until that can be done, you can post lame tweets all stinkin night. No sell.

  12. When you give me a real time picture of Jake buying tacos in Los Angeles, I'll take into consideration your request

  13. Until that can be done, you can post lame tweets all stinkin night. No sell.

    LOL! Don't forget bulky guitar cases.

  14. You do know that there was nothing about that tweet which guarantees Austin was or is in Texas.

    Funny how she took that original tweet down, isn't it? Then she put it back up after altering the picture so that we could see the boarding pass and sunglasses in his hand and she also forgot how she phrased her tweet the first time and altered her wording.

    What was that about? I think she was a rookie paid account, that's what I think happened there. Sloppy work.

    All I can say is that must have been some bad ice cream because he takes off, leaves the "girlfriend" and the ice cream truck, and heads to Texas?

    After one hinting tweet, he's never been heard from again. What about some dancing at Gruene Hall? No La Mancha dining?

  15. Oh, my gosh, PG! Maybe Austin is laid up from food poisoning. You know how dangerous it is to eat a bad milk product.

  16. Good thing Jake isn't known for playing the piano. That instrument would have been hard to maneuver through customs. And, a harmonica wouldn't have been large enough to hide that colossal noggin' of his.

  17. I think the paid troll left to go search in the File Room for that manila folder labeled "NYC Brick Wall Restaurant photos").

  18. After one hinting tweet, he's never been heard from again. What about some dancing at Gruene Hall? No La Mancha dining?

    Careful what you ask for, you might get it

  19. Either that, or we are suddenly going to get a pic of Austin in front of some Texas landmark. How about the Zilker Park Trail of Lights? Picturesque and tailored made for photoshopping.

  20. Maybe Austin is laid up from food poisoning

    Oh too bad
    if this is the case, I'm sure Chloe will take loving care of him

  21. I have no problem with it. Bring it. But it's going to take you how long to get it done?

    Face it. It's Too Late.

    Seven days have passed with nothing. And now you're going to produce something?

  22. if this is the case, I'm sure Chloe will take loving care of him

    No go. She's filming in LA. Austin obviously didn't care enough about her to stay with his lady love. Just a simultaneous tweet to connect them in Santa Monica last week. Not even a shared cone between them.

  23. oh PG don't get nervous now, people tweet and take photos of celebrities all the time, regardless of your sensitive nerves

  24. don't hold your breathMarch 30, 2014 at 10:49 PM

    Austin obviously didn't care enough about her to stay with his lady love.

    Judging by the passionate kiss on the red carpet, I think you will have to deal with Chloe for a long time MM

  25. Jake is in NY hitting some random girl in the subway

  26. See, this is the big problem Mgmnt has with Austin.

    What has been going on for the last seven days with Austin? I'll tell you what. What's been going on for the last 7 days is his normal EKG reading. This is "normal" for him: Nada. Zilch. No action.

    That's why you can always tell something is up when his EKG spikes like a heart attack.

    Mgmnt has been too busy setting up their boy Jake. So busy that they forgot all about Austin.

    Regardless, if Austin is in Austin TX, then that's where Jake and the family are, too. So take your pick.

  27. Is Jake dancing on tables in NYC too?March 30, 2014 at 10:52 PM

    Jake is in NY hitting some random girl in the subway

    Drunken Stepfather, is that you?

  28. Drunken Stepfather, is that you?

    No I'm The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come boooooo

  29. Judging by the passionate kiss on the red carpet,

    I've seen more passionate kisses between two guppies.

    I think you will have to deal with Chloe for a long time MM

    You mean Austin is going to "date" Chloe for 6.5 years like he did with each of his other main squeezes. I mean it's pretty normal for a hot heterosexual male to "date" three girls for a total of 20 years. And still not tie the knot.

  30. oh judging by his behavior on twitter, I'm sure Austin dated several girls under the radar, as well as the famous ones, and speaking about former famous girlfriends, looks like he and Sophia are not friends any more, perhaps they have ever been, where is the theory Sophia and Austin have been friends forever, looks like that everything is finished quite ill

  31. I certainly hope Jake isn't hitting random girls. Paid troll needs to pay attention to what he's typing - that's the second time he's made that type-o.

    And get out of here with that crap. It's just darn embarrassing that WME has sent the paid visitor here to try and sell straight Jake.

    I'm embarrassed for the visitor. I'm embarrassed for WME.

    And I'm doubly embarrassed for Jake and Austin who continue to hide out in the kangaroo pouch of the Hollywood Closet by allowing so many people to lie on their behalf with nonsense such as this.


  32. oh judging by his behavior on twitter, I'm sure Austin dated several girls under the radar,

    Proof please. Actually, gay men love to be associated with under the radar liaisons. Funny how that works.

  33. There is plenty of evidence that Austin and Sophia were friends. That was a ridiculous thing to say.

  34. Poor troll with his lame o attempts. He used to claim we'd see Jake married to Reese any moment too. Then Austin married to Sophia. But of course that will never happen since Jake and Austin are the couple that is bound together. Did he finally get kicked out of WFT2? No place left to go.
