Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Put your Heads Together

It could be described as the movie version of the awkward family photo, this photo of Jake + Jake begs for a Top Ten List.

Top Ten Captions for Jake's Awkward Family Photo Movie Photo.

10. No more Lionel Richie - Just to be Close to You

9.  When I said braid our hair I didn't mean together.

8.  Who thought this Doublemint Gum ad was a good idea.

7.  Denis never said anything about conjoined

6.  It could have been worse they could done the Brandy Snifter

5.  Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

4. Is that my beard or yours making that noise?
    Hey I didn't tell her to Instagram again. Ohh you meant the face.

3. This how those rumors on Datalounge get started.

2. No one knows we stole Jimmy Fallon's three legged pants from The Tonight Show.

and the Number 1 caption for Jake's Awkward Family Photo Movie Photo.

Mitosis: The Movie


  1. An Irish Gaelic football star is being praised for making a progressive statement during a St. Patrick's Day match.

    As the BBC originally reported, Ger Brennan thanked the "girlfriends and boyfriends of the players" after Dublin's St Vincent's March 16 victory Castlebar Mitchels in the All-Ireland Club Championship.

    "To the family, girlfriends, boyfriends of the players and everyone involved, there's a lot of work that goes into playing for your club team and the county, and there's always an awful lot of support behind us," he said in the speech, footage of which can be found above. "People don't often see that, so I'd like to give thanks to all the families and friends."

    To be fair, it's just a passing reference, but in the world of sports, anti-gay sentiment remains strong. German soccer club Bayern Munich is currently facing fine of about $83,000 for an anti-gay sign unfurled during a match against Arsenal earlier this month.

    No word on whether Brennan's remark was somehow timed to coincide with St. Patrick's Day. This year in particular, U.S. celebrations of the Irish holiday in New York and Boston faced a barrage of criticism for their anti-gay sentiment.

    Check out the video.

  2. Denis never said anything about conjoined

    LOL. Cute one, Special!

    I like Jake in black and that is some fantastic wave in the hair.

    Reminds me of Austin's in his last several pictures.

  3. Interesting that V-neckline T on Jake. You just don't see him in those.

    : )

  4. So basically Jake never left Europe

  5. What an example of grace.

    Judy Shepard (Mother of Matthew Shepard) on the death of Fred Phelps.

    "Regarding the passing of Fred Phelps, [husband] Dennis and I know how solemn these moments are for anyone who loses a loved one," Shepard said. "Out of respect for all people and our desire to erase hate, we’ve decided not to comment further."

  6. An incredible statement by Judy Shepard.

  7. So basically Jake never left Europe

    Give it up. No $ale here on that one, your words are wasted.

  8. Hey Jack, how about another breadcrumb trail to Just Jared pictures?

    Or should we just call you "Ouch" now?

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Hey PG, what's the count now of Jake sightings in London this morning. I think it was up to 90 at last count. *wink*

    PR really should try the more subtle approach. I don't care how many tweets suddenly appear out of nowhere. Quantity is not quality and that Austin, TX WME party tweet is all I needed to see to know where Jake has been all these weeks.

  11. Sorry but the whole scheme failed. I cannot be bothered.
