Thursday, March 6, 2014

To The Left, To The Left

Last year it was mention about Jake playing a boxer in the film Southpaw, and it looks like it is going to roll this summer.

When Jake was at his thinnest during filming Nightcrawler OMG talked about what weight class Jake might box in but it looks like he should enjoy all those carb loving days in Rome, because it will be back to the gym and strict diets to get into fight shape - literally!

Jake will be playing a welterweight boxer in Southpaw which means his 6' frame will be between a lean 140 lbs (63.5 ) and 147 lbs (67 kg). Lots of lean proteins and veggies through the summer.

The movie, directed by Antoine Fuqua, was written by Kurt Sutter best know for the cable hit “Sons of Anarchy”. Originally written for Eminem but was shelved after Em decided to focus more on his music, the story "chronicles the rise of a lefty welterweight all the way to a championship title as he battles various tragedies in his personal life, and wins back the love of his daughter." It’s about boxing but it's not about boxing," director/pugilist Fuqua told the LA Times last year. "The heart of the movie is about a man learning to be a father."

The hunt is on for the co-lead role Titus ‘Tick’ Willis, a former boxer who retired after losing an eye, and following the death of his son.

The Weinstein Company picked up the rights to the movie, and are providing the funding. With Jake's solid performance in the last string of movies, and boxer story (The Champ, Rocky, Million Dollar Baby and The Fighter - all Oscar winners) and the support of the Weinsteins this project could go all ten rounds and come out a champion at award time.

Good news for those weary of the whiskers - no doubt Jake will be clean shaven for this one.

And in the never ending game of Where in Sprawl is Jake Gyllenhaal - where do you think this one will be filmed?

 Think he asked Mike for some tips?


  1. Gossip Cop isn'i irrilevant at all, and almost never wrong,also denying this story has cast doubt also on the Tay Tay's precious lost virginity tragedy , because has greatly undermined the credibility of the sources,same site Radaronline

  2. Gossip Cop is a product of the Entertainment Industry. Don't think for a moment than they are an objective third party (objective) gatekeeper. And, most Internet surfers who saw all those photos of Michelle with Jake, probably have never heard of Gossip Cop.

  3. Gossip Cop DebunkedMarch 7, 2014 at 1:27 PM

    How come Gossip Cop didn't debunk the Taylor loses her virginity to Jake meme? That was all over the Internet and probably has been the biggest rumor related to Jake in a long time. Yet, GC doesn't touch it with a ten foot pole.

    GC also gave a 10 to the "Jake Gyllenhaal and Taylor Swift in Dangerous Paparazzi Chase" story back in December 2010. That thing was staged to set up the eventual “break up” in January. And to help explain why Jake didn't celebrate her birthday with her four days later.

    In fact, I would venture to say that if Jake is all over Gossip Cop, it's because the site is PR approved.

  4. Yup, Gossip Cop is in the back pockets of Jake's Mgmnt.

    He's the one who provided the "official word" on Alyssa Miller being Jake's girlfriend. What does that tell you?

    You know, I so hate to see this path these 2 guys are on. I don't like helping to point this stuff out but it is what it is.

    It is what it is.

    We don't always post stuff right away for various reasons. At first, this Michelle/Busybody story just seemed so desperate (which it is, of course). The story was even slow to take off on the internet.

    But when I saw Perez Hilton post on the story? When you have Perez Hilton do a story, that's how you get something to go viral because that guy will get retweeted up the ying yang. So send it to Perez, he'll get it done for you. When I saw him put out the story, that's how I knew someone from those 3 people's camps wanted that story out there. It wasn't just someone playing around.

    I would love nothing more than to see that gorgeous Jake that you see in the black shorts/grey hoodie. I would love to see him Gylly giggling it up and walking Atticus and able to walk freely with Austin down an L.A. or NYC sidewalk.

    But this isn't him anymore. It's not. Everytime I think he wouldn't go that far, he takes it one step further. He has so changed publicly.

    I'll never give up hope that he and Austin will change their minds and come out together with their kids. I'll never give up.

    But I can't act like I am not seeing some of this stuff.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.


  6. Very hard stuff to stomach sometimes, particularly this story. One of the reasons why it wasn't posted or referenced to right away. This isn't for the faint of heart, that's for sure.

    And that tweet about Maggie in NYC which appeared online early this morning or overnight, whichever it was via E!Online yet another in a long line of reactions. smh. Like I said, now I know why someone disappeared so quickly last night. They went on a trip to report back to the mothership and that's where that tweet came from to try and do a quick cover up.

    I think Maggie is helping sometimes to take care of all those kids. It really does look like the Gyllynichols are forming like this kind of compound type situation, lol.

  7. How come Gossip Cop didn't debunk the Taylor loses her virginity to Jake meme?

    Because no one would do such a question
    and no one would answer a question like that

    Hey Taylor is true that you lost your virginity with Jake Gyllenhaal?

    What should she answer?

    Hey Jake is true that you deflowered Taylor Swift?

    What should he answer?

    Gossip Cop is quite believable,They don't made up stuff like other sites


  8. Because no one would do such a question and no one would answer a question like that

    Well, then who answered the question in the first place? Or, are you finally admitting that the rumor was just made up? Duh!

  9. Verginity? Why, hello Jack.

    Pretty unhappy with what's been said obviously. The only topic being ignored is sister Maggie and how she's been in London this past week.

    But just a shot across water from London to Cancun, I reckon.

  10. It's just another tricky day.....

    Gotta work all darn weekend. Not happy about it, but we'll make the most of it and it'll be okay.

    Who wrote that Just Another Tricky Day for You song anyway...I hear Roger Daltry in the back of my mind.
