Friday, March 14, 2014

You do the math

For a special Austin Friday

Austin's so skilled he doesn't have to even too at the board when he shows his work.

You could say it's easy as Pi

 One more time, for those those who aren't matheletes... in slow mo 

Happy Austin Pi Day.


  1. I'm not even reading anything about Enemy. I am trying to purge all memory of the film from my mind. Odd coincidence that the leaked naked pics of Jake were just before it was released. A possible effort to generate interest?

    No effort to link Austin with a woman will work. Fluff and PR.

  2. Anonymous, nice of you to take time off from your incredibly busy social life and part-time job at NASA to take time to post here.

  3. Another boring staged event to try to put Austin with a girl. What else is new?

  4. They are probably friends and she needed a date. Austin sure is some good looking arm candy :-)

    Jake is not allowed to be cute people might think he is Gay :-(

  5. Ted Casablanca ‏@Ted_Casablanca Mar 12
    Margo and I celebrating on my balcony, 18 chapters done, I could have had 2 more children by now!

    Jake and Austin got twins!

  6. For those Milch fans - there is a Deadwood marathon on HBOZone. It's Season 1, but I would bet they are rerunning the whole series again this month.

    Just a reminder Morgan Earp(Austy) was in Season 3 Episodes 8 & 9.

  7. Nothing like OT to cut into the best laid plans. My job is all consuming anymore - but it'll be worth it.

    So first of all, I have to come through with my claim and so I have a few examples to back up my point made yesterday about the reception of Enemy. I bet Jake is quite good - I don't doubt that. My point is why are the reviews good,but when it comes down to people like you and I, they haven't been near as glowing.

    Why is there such a strong difference? Okay, so movie critics are professional movie watchers. Maybe they know more about what is "good" and what's not? But the thing is, movie critics aren't paying for their tickets. They aren't paying for the DVD. The people like you and me - we are. We are the buying public. We're the marketing target. And without the money from our debit cards, businesses don't survive. Plain as that. So whose opinion do you think is more important when it comes down to the bottom line, which is money?

  8. Counting a few more comments from this morning, I have assembled 41 Facebook/Tumblr/Twitter comments/reactions to Enemy.These began appearing in early February.

    This first one's not included in the count - I just found it interesting because this sounds like someone who was at TIFF.

    SeeYouNextWednesday (@SYNWPC)
    2/3/14, 9:03
    While it seemed divisive at TIFF this year, the trailer for Denis Villeneuve's new film ENEMY looks terrific.

    Dawn Tuschhoff near Feb 07
    about an hour ago
    Just watched "Enemy" with Jake Gyllenhaal. Not sure I understood it????

    Nicole Carson near Feb 8th
    3 hours ago near Huntsville, OH
    Has anyone else seen the movie 'Enemy' with Jake Gyllenhaal? If so... What the heck was that?? Ridiculous!

    Stephen Dietrick near Feb 10
    about an hour ago near East Freehold, NJ
    It was a movie weekend for us and the movies were The Dallas Buyers Club which Kirsten Ross and I both liked.The other was Kir's choice Jake Gyllenhaal special it was Enemy and it was weird and made no sense but the way she looked at was can't beat double the Gyllenhaal..

    Raegan Drotos near Feb 15
    6 hours ago near Prattville, AL
    Enemy with jake Gyllenhaal is the worst movie I have ever seen.

    Kelsey Lee Sullivan near Feb 15
    21 hours ago
    Jake Gyllenhaal. Why you make stooooopid movie? I was all excite. Nothing but spiders, boobs and WUT!?!?!? 's.
    Such disappoint
    Very confussed

    Applebaum Boa (@applebaum_josh)
    2/14/14, 19:15
    If you have direct-tv do not rent the "ENEMY" with jake gyllenhall just saying the movie will ruin your life

    Autumn Schuck Cardenez
    2 hours ago
    Rented Enemy with jake Gyllenhaal. Even for us it was weird. Two hours wasted for sure

    Robin Fleming near Feb 16
    6 hours ago near Heath, AL
    If you get the chance to see the Jake Gyllenhaal movie 'Enemy' DON'T!!! Looked SO interesting but paid $13 to see it on Direct TV & it sucked sooooooo bad!!!!

    Kris Richter
    2 hours ago near Detmold, TX
    "Enemy" with Jake Gyllenhaal... Likely one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I can't stand a movie that tries to be so overly "artistic" that they make it completely awkward and hard to follow. What a waste of time. If you choose to watch it, don't say I didn't warn you.

  9. cont.
    Warning - there's one person who says "Spoiler Alert" so keep an eye out for that one.

    Vickie A. Yarrito (@vickyarr10)
    2/17/14, 17:59
    Enemy featuring Jake Gylenhaal is a weird ass movie. Girlfriend made me watch it and she's not even watching it ��

    Casey Jo Couture
    10 minutes ago
    Just wasted 2 hours of my life watching the movie Enemy if anyone can explain this movie to me it would be helpful I'm so confused. My advice don't watch this! Jake Gyllenhaal I'm so disappointed!!!

    Brian Nevel
    7 hours ago
    The Jake Gyllenhaal movie "Enemy" = $13 & 2 hours of my life wasted.
    Gail Hunt: It's Jake Gyllenhall? Surprised.
    Cory Sisto: and you loved Broke Back Mountain so much... I'm miffed


    ok so someone shared something about Enemy (the new movie Jake Gyllenhaal is in) on my facebook and pretty much EVERY comment is about how bad the movie was. I’m still going to watch it, but I’m just sad because so many people said it was bad

    Connie LeAir
    14 minutes ago
    Do not waste your money on "enemy" with Jake Gyllenhaal. It is dark hotel rooms, no acting and the end is enough to tick anyone off!!!
    Dale Lockwood: Thank you, that will save us twenty bucks!!!
    Linda Harrison: Thanks for the warning

    Dodson Justin
    3 hours ago near Mount Juliet, TN
    Paid 12.99 to rent a movie on Demand...
    Rented "Enemy" with Jake Gyllenhaal
    Dumbest f***ing movie I have ever watched. One hour of building up to the actual plot.... then, "did you sleep with my wife?" "did YOU sleep with my wife?"

    Amory Marlowe Nordman
    7 hours ago
    We just watched the movie "Enemy" with Jake Gyllenhaal.. If you have watched it, please explain it to me!!! If you have not, DONT!!!!

    Karen Baker Battle
    6 hours ago
    NEVER rent "Enemy" with Jake Gyllenhaal....unless you have some money you don't want--and insomnia. — feeling mad with Shawn Gipperich and Charles H Battle.
    I saw Enemy tonight and although it’s highly divisive (lots of walkouts and even more groans after it ended) I loved it! I don’t want to say too much about it because it gets so crazy and tense but I recommend it if you’re looking for something different and cool.

  10. For all these negative comments there are just as good if not enthusiastic, not a film for everyone, it's controversial and divisive, that is why we need film critics at times, to understand the value of what we are watching

  11. Correction - I had 40, one was duplicated. Of course, I left out quite a few, but that's enough. I posted a few where you can see the FB conversations between the poster and their friends.

    Worst thing that can happen is word-of-mouth that is not good. A marketer's worst nightmare. The greatest advertising can't save something from somebody's friend non-recommendation.

    What's sad about this is that I firmly believe Enemy is about Jake and Austin. So normally, I would love to see that in a movie. Why do I believe it sounds like Jake is applying his relationship with Austin for Enemy? Because of this quote from Jake in

    Yes. [The character] is having an affair, his wife is pregnant, they separate, he’s a professor but performing some idea of who he is, he’s living a different life in a different apartment, and then eventually realizes that it’s not who he really is and has to go through a number of stages to go back and commit and apologize and beg for forgiveness from the woman who he truly loves and wants to be with. And that to me is what the movie is about. It always was. Everything in between is just [pause] an experience. [smirk]

    Sounds like the Toothy and Greg Goose story, doesn't it?

  12. that is why we need film critics at times, to understand the value of what we are watching

    No, I do not need a film critic telling me what I like in a movie. That's for me to experience.

  13. PR hates spontaneous reviews from the publicMarch 15, 2014 at 3:40 PM

    The film is not controversial, It is just in incomprehensible. A mess. Sludgy. Undisciplined.

    And audiences don't need elite white men telling them what's good and what isn't. Suck ups who love to have their pockets lined for "cooperating" with the right people. Agencies know that people are more likely to be influenced by their friends and family far more than some critic/reviewer they don't even respect.

  14. spontaneous reviewsMarch 15, 2014 at 3:42 PM

    This movie caught me off-guard. An exceptional piece with a very weird, abrupt but amazing ending. It's almost like a cross between an Ingmar Bergman movie and "Vertigo".

    Ryan Sartor ‏@ryansartor 3 h

    @Post1000Tension dude I just saw ENEMY. Excited to hear what you think of it whenever you see it

    ooh that would be cool. I'm lukewarm on INCENDIES and PRISONERS but he's got some skill, and I've heard a lot about ENEMY

    @Post1000Tension I've never seen Incendies. I really loved Prisoners. Jake Gyllenhaal's performance was pretty stunning. He's great in Enemy

    I'll just say it right now, Enemy is the strangest, weirdest, creepiest and most confusing movie I've ever seen. That being said, it is also one of the most interesting and intriguing.

    Jake Gyllenhaal does an absolutely incredible job as his characters. I could say that this is one of the greatest performances I've seen in a long time. The supporting cast is surprisingly really great and the overall performances are all superb.

    Tension and atmosphere blend perfectly in Enemy, creating a claustrophobic head-scratcher. Extremely unsettling stuff

    This score is in some way inaccurate simply because one cannot rate this film having seen it only once. Enemy is a film that should and will be studied. It is brilliant, but I don't quite understand it. Kinda like science.

  15. prairiegirl,

    you asked for real PDA - is Austin kissing Chloe enough or should they do more to please you?

  16. Doesn't make senseMarch 15, 2014 at 4:00 PM

    I don't consider people walking out of a film a good sign. But, we will soon find out how American movie goers respond to Enemy. Won't be long now.

    Also. doesn't anyone find people expressing that a film is weird, creepy and "I don't understand it" not particularly consistent with that same person then concluding, but I loved it? Great film.

  17. Enemy is out in only 4 theaters in NY, but it went very well on Direct TV has been one of the most sold movie

  18. I have noticed a distinct trend all of a sudden; that trend being the frequent use of the word "Rome".

    Let's talk about that for a few minutes, shall we???????

  19. One week ago on TumblrMarch 15, 2014 at 4:10 PM

    Jake Gyllenhaal in Rehab

    Anonymous: An inside source confirms that Jake Gyllenhaal was checked into a New York Rehab and Counseling Facility earlier in the month. We don't yet know why but the source confirmed he signed himself out AMA.

  20. Rehab? Oh my gosh. That would explain a few things lately wouldn't it?

  21. 1)
    Jackie Egelhoff Wright
    March 8 · Edited
    Crazy, Fun Chaotic Moon party last night! Jason Wrights company knows how to throw them!! — with Linsey Wolsey and 4 others at Palm Door on Sixth. (4 photos)

    Jackie Egelhoff Wright
    March 8
    Watching Donnie Darko. The girls and I saw Jake Gyllenhaal last night at the party but the guys kept saying it was not him. He disappeared before we had enough drinks in us to go ask for a picture.

    And what party was this? It was the Chaotic Moon party held in Austin, TX on Friday, March 7th.

    And who is Chaotic Moon?

    From Wiki:

    Chaotic Moon Studios is an American mobile software design and development studio founded in 2010 and based in Austin, Texas.

    Chaotic Moon was founded in March 2010 by Ben Lamm, whurley (William Hurley) and Mike Erwin.[2][3] In 2012, they launched Chaotic Moon Labs, a research and development division.[4]

    In March 2013, Hollywood talent agency William Morris Endeavor, in conjunction with their technology investment and equity partner Silver Lake Partners, announced that they had taken a significant position in Chaotic Moon Studios.[5]

    And who is Silver Lake?

    From Wiki:

    Silver Lake is a US-based private equity firm focused on leveraged buyout and growth capital investments in technology, technology-enabled and related industries. Founded in 1999, the firm is an investment firm in the technology sector and among its investments are Avaya, Sabre Holdings, UGS Corp., Skype, Seagate Technology[2] and Instinet.
    Total Assets: $20 billion.

  22. earlier in the month


  23. We all know Austin Nichols is gay. And, he's in the closet. And, he's an actor. Fake kissing is part of the deal.

  24. When the poster Jackie Wright was asked if her husband worked at Chaotic Moon, her reply was yes:

    Kris Dunn: Does your husband work there? That's a super cool company and Worley is an impressive guy
    March 7 at 7:50pm

    Jackie Egelhoff Wright: Yes!!
    March 8 at 12:33am

    I think she sounds like a pretty credible source.

    Interesting that this company is connected to WME and has big money. Could they possibly be a financial back up for some of Jake's projects and that's why he stopped by at the party?

  25. Then just two days later after the Chaotic Moon party sighting, we had this sighting.

    This young man was in Brea CA on the 9th, although it's not clear what/where cafeteria he saw Jake or what time it was he saw him.

    Garrett Jordan
    March 9 via iOS
    Just rode the skilift with mayhem miller the host of bully beat down. And saw jake gyllenhaal I'm the cafeteria. I guess it's been a good day haha.

    Wasn't it interesting that if Jake would be in Austin TX on Fri the 7th, he couldn't make it to Toronto for those screen awards? Instead, he's spotted in southern CA.

  26. Jake in Austin, TX and Southern California starting on March 7 and March 9, 2014. Sounds like Austin's in LA for other reasons than to advance his heterosexual cred.

    It is interesting that all of sudden in late February/early March we get photos of Jake in Rome (e.g.the sightseeing Jake, cast photo, Mystery Brunette, Mystery Blond, and bare bum Jake). Perhaps the timing is connected to Jake not being in Rome at all. That Facebook conversation seems legit to me too. Funny, how only two days later he's seen in California and the "scandalous" naked on Everest set pics appear.

    We are led to believe that Jake and WME were appalled and had them pulled. Funny that. They are all still posted on IHJ. Wouldn't you think that would be one of the first sights WME would have approached? Maybe those photos were a distraction? A stunt. It wouldn't be the first time that Jake and his people have used the media to confuse and confound, that's for sure.

  27. The fact that those pan banging pictures are still on IHJ have sealed the deal for me, M & M. I wasn't sure what to think at first when we saw those. Then I felt bad for Jake.

    But as we watched it unfold and then we discovered this morning that the pictures were still on IHJ? No, there is no big GASP! about those things. If there was, they'd be gone from IHJ.

    And Austin's Homecoming King & Queen pictures with his beard are also part of the big distraction game.

    Everything is happening at once right now. And that's how you know these 2 guys are together.

  28. Looks like we may have hit on something. Someone's left to go squeal on us. See the pattern?

  29. It sure is odd that since Reese Witherspoon broke her bearding contract with Jake in December 2009, several high profile stories have gone viral in relation to Jake’s personal and professional life. In fact, prior to 2010, Jake was actually kind of boring. A domesticated type who kept a relatively low profile. Jake out shopping, eating out with friends, vacationing on Martha’s Vineyard with the family, buying kitchen appliances, going to premieres, etc. However, Post-Reeke, Jake’s image began to change. So much so that there has been an average of about ten controversial incidents over the last four years. I am beginning to wonder if all these controversies are about Jake's new re-imaging campaign. Coming off as a badass. Often with a strong heterosexual slant as well as to distract from his real domesticated, fatherly and husbandly status:

    1) Drunkenstepfather story about Jake being drunk, dancing on table and pushing his female friend. Jake threatened a lawsuit. March 2010

    2) Police helicopter escort stunt with Taylor Swift, where they were allegedly pursued by reckless paps. December 2010

    3) SXSW bathroom "fight" with some guy trying to take a photo in violation of the "man code". March 2011

    4) Jake's Tighty-Whitey photo in some hotel room controversy. Another lawsuit threat. May 2011

    5) Berlinale Jana Salon where Jake episode and pics. the one where he was driven across the street to the salon, which had been opened just for him and then was snapped by paps. He looked like he was inside with others beside the staff and that he called Berlinale staff to escort him out. Incident tagged Haircutgate by some OMG posters February 2012

    6) Story about Jake witnessing a drug-related murder while filming EoW hits the Internet September 2012

    7) Taylor Swift stories flood the Internet and Twitter about how songs on Red (All Too Well, Begin Again, We Are Never Getting Back Together, etc.) are about her breakup with Jake Gyllenhaal September/October 2012

    8) Jake punches mirror and is rushed to hospital while filming Nightcrawler. November 2013

    9) Stories flood the Internet and Twitter about how Taylor Swift lost her virginity to Jake Gyllenhaal February 2014

    10) 20 + photos "leak" on the Internet of a naked Jake while filming Everest. March 2014

  30. Wow what a surprise that kiss was right in front of a camera and who was Chloe taking directions from right before the kiss when she turned around.


    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  32. I saw that, Tom. Looks like old Chloe needed cue cards just to pull off a bland "for the camera" kiss. No Emmy Award for her!

  33. LOL I would not believe Austin was str8 if he lifted that girls skirt up and banged her against the wall. Austin and Jake are both Gay. Zero doubt in my mind. Seeing that kiss didn't even bother me :-)


  35. LOL Tom, I'm having visions of Jarhead now.


  36. Louis and Austin Have a lot in common

    I'm not sure which kiss is better. Although I have to say I do like that added touch of Louis holding onto his iPhone while he goes in for that "passionate" kiss. Captured in HQ resolution, of course. The beard is looking over like Chloe too. Looks like they all went to the same acting class.

    Stopping by my buddies new ice cream truck. If you're hot today come cool off in Santa Monica and follow him at @cvtsoftserve

    2:42 PM - 15 Mar 2014 · Details

  38. Ha! I remember that Modest arranged London Olympics kiss. They blew it big time because everyone knows Louis never would have taken his eyes off of Tom Daley!!!!

  39. Alexandra avelar ‏@soduhfergratiz 3h
    Okay I legit met jake gyllenhaal last night

    1:34 PM - 15 Mar 2014 · Details
    Location: San Francisco area

    Hmmm...Jake seen in San Francisco area? Perhaps the Jaustin Doppler Radar is veering north and the twitter placement in Santa Monica by Austin a distraction to keep him planted in southern California?


  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Wellll....that was something else to kind of blow up. lol

    I'm sure there will be a Kodak reaction of some sort. Hopefully, no roundabout luggage carousel ride will be involved in the dastardly plan. ; )

  42. That's true. Next to Harry, Louis does have some serious man love for Tom Daley. Bromatically, of course. ;-)

    Louis and Tom

  43. I do not want to rain on your parade, but I am more than sure Jake was in Italy, I'm Italian and I know He Has shot several scenes of the film in San Lorenzo, and ate several times in Trastevere, two typical Roman neighborhoods, everyone in town Knew His hotel and students, who can access to cinecitta saw him and Josh Brolin, several times, there are pictures to prove it.

    I have not seen it, but I know several people who have seen it, and everyone said he had a huge and impenetrable security

  44. Whoa, slow down there.

    We're not saying he was never in Italy. Not saying that at all.


  45. I always thought that Jake might be having some kind of problems. It's interesting that Josh Brolin was the one who supposedly checked into Rehab. I wonder if that was a distraction too.

    That Louis Tomlinson photo with Tom Daley is very cute. And, the whole timeline confusion is a common technique Modest! Management regularly uses with Harry and Louis too. I have no doubt the same approach is used with Jake and Austin's handlers.

  46. everyone said he had a huge and impenetrable security

    Yeah, well I think that huge and impenetrable security had an epic fail on the set when those "stolen/leaked" bun pictures were taken.

    Thanks for that tip, Hold on. Just another nail in the coffin that those pictures were a big manipulating distraction and not an accident at all.

  47. sorry but how can it be true rehab story if earlier this month when Jake was clearly in Rome?

  48. and everyone said he had a huge and impenetrable security

    Sure that's why we have been inundated with so many Jake in Rome photos since February 25. All a coincidence I'm sure. Never mind bumgate. Obviously, a lot of high security involved there.

  49. I do not know, is what all those who saw him said, imposing and impenetrable security, impossible to approach him

  50. Well, looking at that Tumblr post, it was posted on March 4. So I don't know that you would say "earlier this month" if it was only March 4. So it could have come from February.

    I'm not sure how to take that post, not going to jump on that wagon. There's not enough information there and it is from an anonymous source.

    But wow, where in the heck does a story like that come from? Interestingly enough, the Tumblr site is an organization in London, not America.

  51. That time frame would make sense PG, because February was when Jake was MIA when he was supposed to have started filming on January 13th. Don't know if the rumor is true. But, it is intriguing. Particularly, since Jake hasn't looked his best lately. The Center is also involved in counseling, although the poster goes onto to indicate that Jake checked himself out, Against Medical Advice (AMA).

  52. "earlier in the month"

    I think he/she meant the current month March

    I'm wrong?

  53. ok, why not say at the beginning of last month then?

  54. Because if the post was from March 3rd or 4th, you would not use the phrase "earlier this month" in English. The poster would have used a phrase like a couple of days ago.

  55. OK it makes sense, but then why not just say the last month?

  56. Rumors usually lag behind the event anyway. The rumor stated that they already knew that Jake had been checked in and then he later checked himself out against medical advice. Rehab Centers are not revolving doors. He probably was there for at least a week or so.

  57. I'm not understanding anything more
    then you say he was there the last week of February

  58. OK it makes sense, but then why not just say the last month

    Because the person who submitted the rumor could have very well sent the information in February and the site waited until early March to post. Some lag time is not unusual.

  59. I get it. Let's say the person let the celebrity site know they had heard this rumor about Jake on February 28. The wording would make perfect sense. The Tumblr site then didn't post the rumor until March 4. But, the info was about what happened in the month of February.

    We know that Jake was in New York on February 6 for that Pussy Riot event. He looked horrible then too. Possibly, he might have been checked into a facility afterwards. Alyssa Miller might have been resurrected as a smoke screen with that Valentine's Day skit.

  60. It's not a gossip site is like datalounge is an antonym site where everyone can make their confessions and they are posted almost in real time, after a brief moderation.

  61. It's a Tumblr site, which means dates can be misleading.

  62. So Jake has actually been in the US. That is really something, but really doesn't surprise me. You're right those in your face stories are probably used to provide a time/date stamp.

    By the way. I don't know if you've noticed yet, but the moment you brought up the very telling fact that the Jake naked photos were still up on IHJ, your troll took them down. That lifts this blog's credibility even higher in my estimation. You do have a 24/7 visitor who monitors this site constantly. Part of selling the Jake is Straight fantasy.

    I'm in my forties, but I have to add that those One Direction boyfriends are cuties. :-)

  63. Pics were took down from IHJ the same day that were removed by JJ, just a couple of hours later

  64. you ain't fooling anyoneMarch 15, 2014 at 8:30 PM

    The pics on IHJ were taken down the same day JJ and the rest of the sites did.
    That nasty anon. Rumor forwarded to that London site was posted by someone from this blog and you know who you are.

    It goes along with OMG talking point s, so obvious and sleazy and nor the first time.

  65. Rumor forwarded to that London site was posted by someone from this blog and you know who you are.

    This is really sad and nasty.

  66. There is no one here at OMG that would do such a thing of spreading a rumor like that about Jake.

    I have no idea if it that comment about rehab is anything more than a mention on a Tumblr site. There is nothing to confirm it more than a rumor.

    There has been so much over the years that needs to be taken with a grain of salt. This is one more on the list.

  67. The pics on IHJ were taken down the same day JJ and the rest of the sites did.
    That nasty anon. Rumor forwarded to that London site was posted by someone from this blog and you know who you are.

    Oh knock it off. Nobody here did any such thing. And what a laugh, ye who goes around posting on other gossip sites as OMG regulars.

    We've all seen you. So stop the projecting.

  68. Whoopi Goldberg ‏@WhoopiGoldberg 1h

    my friend David Brenner passed 2day he wasa great comic & a great guy hes in the great comedy club in the sky.R.I.P Condolences 2his family��
    8:21 PM - 15 Mar 2014 · Details

  69. I am pretty sure the IHJ pictures were gone by the next morning after bungate.

    But they're back now. And that tells me what I need to know.

  70. My Irish soda bread is done!!! What time did I start that thing? About 2200, LOL! And it takes 65-70 minutes. Great recipe which calls for buttermilk. I've made it once before and I wanted to get it done today so the flavor could kind of settle in overnight.

    You cannot beat buttermilk in recipes. If it has buttermilk in it? You can pretty much bet it's going to be very good. I don't know what it is about buttermilk, but it so enhances foods.

    Planning on preparing the ol' corned beef and cabbage tomorrow. Should be great!
