Sunday, April 20, 2014

Out Spotlight

Today's Out Spotlight was a lifelong civil rights attorney and activist against racial and sexual discrimination. She was the first African-American female Episcopal priest. Today's Out Spotlight is The Reverend Dr. Pauli Murray.

Born in Baltimore, Maryland on November 20, 1910, Pauli Murray lost her mother when she was 3 years old. She was sent to Durham, North Carolina to live with her maternal grandparents and aunts. Raised by older relatives, she grew up with a strong sense of independence and self-reliance.

In 1933, Murray graduated from Hunter College and taught for the WPA Worker’s Education Program. Wishing to pursue legal studies, she applied to the University of North Carolina, but was rejected on the basis of race.

This discrimination impelled her to pursue a Bachelor of Law degree at Howard University and become active in the civil rights movement. She joined the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and organized sit-ins to end segregation at restaurants in Washington, D.C. Murray co-founded the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), along with Bayard Rustin, who was openly gay.

Denied admission to Harvard Law School due to her gender, she earned her master’s degree at the University of California, where she focused on equal rights for women. She became the first African-American female deputy attorney general of California.

She returned to New York and practiced law privately for five years. Her book “States’ Laws on Race and Color” (1951) was described by Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall as the bible for civil rights lawyers. In 1956, Murray published “Proud Shoes: The Story of an American Family,” a biography of her grandparents’ struggle with racial prejudice.

In the 1960’s, President Kennedy appointed Murray to the Committee on Civil and Political Rights. She worked with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in the civil rights movement. She spoke out against the marginalized role black women played in movement leadership.

Though Murray never identified as a lesbian, her longest lasting relationships were with women.  Refusing to accept her homosexuality due to its association at the time with mental illness, she ultimately self-identified as a heterosexual man.

In 1977, Murray became the first African-American female ordained an Episcopal priest. She died July 1, 1985 at the age of 74. Her autobiography “Songs in a Weary Throat: An American Pilgrimage” (1987) was published posthumously.

 As an American I inherit the magnificent tradition of an endless march toward freedom and toward the dignity of all mankind.”

Happy Passover!!

Happy Easter!!


  1. Well, well, well, well.

    So you can change your Twitter name without losing your followers. According to Alicia Cowan - Online Marketing for Business Success.

    Change Your Twitter Name Without Losing Followers

    I recently decided to change my Twitter username and wanted to do it in such a way that I wouldn’t lose my followers or access to my current profile. I’ve built up a great community on Twitter and want to preserve it. Besides, what if someone decided to use my current name once I’d changed it? One day I may decide to reinstate it! :)

    This short video takes you through the simple process I used, and I’ve also explained the steps underneath the video. I retained all of my followers and other important profile settings – lists, favourites, tweets and people I follow. It’s a foolproof strategy and the smartest way to switch while retaining your profile. Watch this 5 minute video to see how I did it…

    And why is this of interest to me?

    Well, don't look now but there is a sudden influx of GHaals on Twitter. No, these aren't more family members. They're supposedly "civilian" accounts but they are using "Gyllenhaal" in their twitter names and they've appeared on Jake's Twitter Search like a swarm of locusts.

    gabby gyllenhaal♡

    kayla gyllenhaal♡

    Gyllenhaal Maven

    Alexa Rey Gyllenhaal

    And then there's this guy:

    Bold & Brash

    These accounts have become very prominent in Jake's search. Not only tweeting, but retweeting each other. And I'm sorry, but I'm very suspicious of these accounts. It's as though Jake's people are creating a falsified fandom out there that is very "active" on Jake.

    So I look at some of these accounts and they've got 30+ tweets and so you figure, okay they're not new.

    Oh, but they could be. If you can create a new twitter name, yet keep all the followers, all the high number of tweets and favorites you have, then it just adds to the valid appearance of your account.

    In other words, it looks like the account has been around forever. But I think the accounts are new to the Jake social media fandom, they're just using an old established account and they changed the name.

    Thanks to Alicia Cowan for her invaluable insight.

  2. only a few words, PGApril 20, 2014 at 11:28 PM

    Prisoners,Detective Loky, tattoos, hair,sexy as Hell

    and behold the new fans springing up like mushrooms

  3. No. The fact that you give me that ridiculous come-back? Tells me I'm onto it. Thanks for confirming my suspicions.

  4. What suspicions?
    What are you talking about?

    Prisoners has completely boosted Jake's image as a top notch actor and sex symbol

    and honestly He's really sexy as hell as Detective Loky

  5. FYI said...

    FYI, Ted notted Jared and Jensen as Judas Jack Off/Dash right before he left E. Ted did sometimes post about Jared and Jensen under their real names, but thought you should know that according to Ted himself, they were not the Judas/Dash blind.

    Oh no, I'm not going that way at all. In fact, I'm leaning the other way. I think Ted may have done that on purpose to throw people off. Just like he did with Toothy and Grey Goose.

    Because there is soooo a 'there there' with Jared and Jensen. Those 2 guys were all over each other. Those are Laker Looks of Love they've had going on. I've seen it all for myself through countless videos and gifs. And I haven't even really begun researching the whole Judas/Dash Dingle blind. I'm just studying Jared and Jensen themselves at all the Comic Cons they've appeared at. Those things are a gold mine.

    I find it highly suspicious that Ted reneged on Judas/Dash. He was leaning hard on Jared and Jensen. He was verbally battling it out with Daneel Harris, daring her to go through with her fake marriage. How brazen was that? But then Jensen and Danell went through with it and then ultimately Ted publicly denounced those 2 boys as not being Judas/Dash. Verrrry suspicious to me.

    I think Ted was either pressured or told to denounce Jared & Jensen as the Judas/Dash blind. Just like he did with Toothy and Grey Goose.

    Because Jared and Genevieve show all the signs of having a fake marriage. Jensen and Daneel don't even try to look convincing. If those two guys are straight, then I'm Mary Poppins.

    So no, I'm not buying that statement of Ted's at all. Sorry. I'm still in the early throes of my research. It's tedious and exhausing work, but hey - all in the name of getting to the truth.

  6. What are you talking about?

    I told you what, not stating it again.

    He's really sexy as hell as Detective Loky

    Spoken just like the voice of 100's of tweets if you do a Search on Jake on a daily basis.

    Oh no, I'm sure I'm onto something. Who knows, our paid visitor may be more familiar with those accounts than is let on. Might explain those long absences from Blogger, eh?
    ; )

  7. Well, I'm off to bed! Gotta check the updates on my boys, J & J.

  8. give it up, Pg, and just admit Prisoners was a success,and most thanks to Jake
    He did such a work on itself giving such a powerful performance that it is obvious he got new fans

  9. there's no new fanbaseApril 21, 2014 at 12:15 AM

    Prisoners has completely boosted Jake's image as a top notch actor and sex symbol

    Huh? Prisoners was released in September 2013. Why would these sites spring up now? Then you have the epic fail of Enemy, which I'm sure impacted his fanbase on the negative side.

    Sexy? I guess. If you like the look of not having taken a shower in a year. Or, you like the bearded homeless type. Or, the kind of guy who creepily goes out on dates with his sister and stares and the camera because he feels he's so put upon. Yeah, that's really attractive alright.

  10. The draw on Prisoners was Jackman. Sure Jake did a good job, but he has yet to draw good box office results on his own. Look at Enemy. I don't think it even broke 200,000 in the US. He's got a long way to go to prove himself. A talented actor yes, but not a box office star. PR is doing their best to boost his reputation, but the guy is not doing himself any favors by scowling at his fans.

  11. Get your facts straightApril 21, 2014 at 3:18 AM

    Epic fail of Enemy???

    Enemy has been acclaimed by critics, came in just 120 theaters has already reached one million, and it is one of the 5 most viewed movie of direct tv,the movie also won several awards.

    And about Prisoners, just who have an agenda can not recognize it is totally a Jake's film, he has completely overshadowed the talented and biggest star Hugh Jackman

    Nobody would have bet,but it went just like that, of Prisoners is detective Loky the character we will going to remember,as mentioned by almost every critics

  12. Nice try spelling it Loky, Jack. You know it's Loki. Don't you tire of pretending to be anyone else but yourself?

    Yup, no doubt Prisoners was successful. You know, I never said Prisoners wasn't. That wasn't even my original point; you're the one who went off on that wild goose chase. I was talking about the validity of those twitter accounts. That is what I was talking about.

    But don't try to sell someone like myself on this idea of statewide 'success' of Enemy. I'm not going to try to base my opinion on critics' preferences because there is something very fishy in Denmark when the claim is made about being the critics' choice and yet I've got a Word file yea long stock full of harsh reviews from cable television viewers. Which am I going to believe are views untainted by the influence of outside persuasion?

    You sound more like the voice of an agency than merely a fan. This? The bragging about the tattoos, the hair and the sexiness? Those are exactly the marketing bullet points of alot of the tweets I see on a daily basis. Exactly. And that would be because you're likely the voice of many of those tweets.

    Making that fiction up every day through paid accounts. Don't think I don't see it for myself. You forget one of the people you're talking to.

  13. And speaking of paid, planted social media, this suddenly appears last night. Right on the heels of my comment the other day about Austin's fans not caring less about him and Bennet. Suddenly, this tweet appears:

    Bruna Tavares ‏@Bruna_Tav 1h
    @AUS10NICHOLS I officially love your gf cuz she actually posts photos of u on instagram. Thanks @ChloeBennet4 austin's fans appreciate it ;D
    Hide conversation

    9:41 PM - 20 Apr 2014 · Details

    You know why that appeared? Because of that comment. To try and show that very point that his fans are interested. LOL! You think I'm going to buy that piece of desolate land? Think again. Pathetic.

    Keep on manipulating social media. I see it for what it is. And I'm not fooled one bit.

  14. The troll thinks he's going to intimidate me into shutting up. He underestimates. Thanks for letting me know when I'm nailing it.

    So I look at some of these accounts and they've got 30+ tweets and so you figure, okay they're not new.

    That should have read "30,000" tweets.

    Off to work!

  15. This past week, I bought 4,000 new followers on Twitter for the price of a cup of coffee. I picked up 4,000 friends on Facebook for the same $5 and, for a few dollars more, had half of them like a photo I shared on the site.

    If I had been willing to shell out $3,700, I could have made one million — yes, a million — new friends on Instagram. For an extra $40, 10,000 of them would have liked one of my sunset photos.

    Friends and Influence for Sale Online

  16. I hope everyone had a great Easter. I had a nice day, some great Greek food with friends, and then back to the house for dessert and wine.

    I'm so glad you were able to meet M and M&M Special. Also a bit jealous that you all go to hang out together.

  17. I think Prisoners was good for Jake's career, and I think Enemy has done okay for the kind of film it is, it was never made with the intention of being a blockbuster. DD made less than a million dollars in the theaters, and only later became a cult hit. I don't see that happening with Enemy, but I think it has been okay for Jake's career too, shows the range he has.

    However, in no way do I think it brought him a bunch of new fans, and I agree with what There's No New Fan Base had to say.

  18. Get a gip before it's too late. Others wont tell you this but you're coming unhinged at the seams.

    BWAH!!!! Let's put that one up in lights for the day in 2060 when Jake and Austin may think it's safe to come out with their secret life. By then, their kids will be approaching retirement and I'll be bones in the ground. But I'll be looking on, believe me, so long as God lets me, lol. My plans are not His plans but I'll try and plead my case. ; )

    Troll is hacked. He is hacked big time.

    Sticks and stones, buddy.......

  19. Great Out Spotlight. I could only hope to try and scratch and claw like Rev. Murray if I were faced with that kind of adversity. I'm afraid I've grown up too fortunate and it makes me feel guilty when I read stories like hers. And she grew up an orphan sounds like, raised by family. The extended family must have been very supportive of her because she sure turned out to be a real fighter. Great story, Special.

    Destiny, thanks for the story you brought over. Long suspected. Yep. That's for sure how you can accumulate big numbers in followers. It's a good thing to remember.

    Oh no, this is my second comment in a row during lunch hour. Have I reached my limit set by the OMG Blog Crosswalk Guard? No, he just doesn't like what I'm putting up.

    And talk about the pot calling the kettle black? What does the whiner think is going on over at his own blog, T2? Talk about a lone stand-up act.

    I'm not going to argue about it. This is my home field, not yours. You don't like it? Go home, Jack.

  20. Either Jake has children or he's had the most extreme transformation of anyone I've ever known.

    Then there's the timing. As long as he had Reese Witherspoon to give him the appearance of normalcy, he still seemed to be the same ole Jake. Approachable, well groomed, funny, easy going. Once she was gone, the chinks in his armor began to slowly appear (i.e. shortcomings, vulnerabilities).

    Then there's that whole period where he hardly worked for several years and even now he lies about how much he's working to give the appearance of him being a footloose, carefree bachelor with nothing much to do. There would be no reason to make such a dramatic turnaround if there wasn't something big to hide.

    Now, we've got the well-timed Austin-Chloe showmance, which is about as believable as a unicorn. PR is trying to provide cover for Austin's bizarre "dating" history, but the timing is so conspicuous and reactionary that only someone with their head in the sand wouldn't notice.

    And, talk about someone who hardly works. How about Mr. Austin Nichols? These guys are so deep in the closet and together, it's obvious to anyone following this script as it unfolds. Of course, part of the problem is that there is a lot of ad-libbing. So lots of mistakes are made and continue to be made. That's really half the fun of watching Jake and Austin's people scramble to keep up.

  21. To Mr. Money wasted and MaryApril 22, 2014 at 1:02 AM

    You and PG will be waiting a long time for these kids. Timelines, Waistlines, they're about the same if you know what I mean. There is no proof of Jake or Austin having any children. Tell yourself what you want to hear, apparently it works for you.

    Again, Not one peice of evidence exist that they have children together. Nothing! No pictures no one talking! If there were, believe me PG would have posted it. So now she carries the torch while others have moved on after Ted's halarious bs that was fun for us for a while. But PG, hummm that's another story.

    Get back with me when you find the Children. Ok

    PS I know you're still looking

  22. being a gay or bi actor in the closet with a "maybe" boyfriend does not equal Married with children.

  23. So now she carries the torch while others have moved on after Ted's halarious bs that was fun for us for a while.

    Just keep repeating that mantra that you've been told to sell. That's Jake's people speaking. Uttered on other threads like DataLounge and Just Jared, paid to say to the masses.

    That's why Ted was gotten rid of. He was talking too much, bucking the system. Upsetting that Old Hollywood cart. Old HW doesn't like the truth when it comes to the reality of how some people love, even though some of Old HW themselves probably were born the same way.

    Sorry but no sell here. You can talk until you are blue in the face. This isn't the WME bought-and-paid-for world of WFT2.

    We're not for sale.

  24. being a gay or bi actor in the closet with a "maybe" boyfriend does not equal Married with children.

    True. But no one is talking about a generic situation. If you have followed this specific story for 10+ years it's pretty obvious that these two guys are married. I think someone figured out that the vows probably took place in June 2008 before Jake went to film Prince of Persia in England. Lots of evidence there is children too.

  25. Why not make out on the sidewalks again?April 22, 2014 at 12:34 PM

    Funny how many secret concerts Jake gets papped at conveniently. Where's his "girlfriend" she's in LA. Perfect opportunity for a photo op.

  26. Jack/troll/whomever

    What is your point?

    None. Run along

  27. The troll wants us to believe that Jake has been with Alyssa all these months, yet we never see them together. The one exception being the photo ops associated with the release of Prisoners. So I guess that means, even though Jake is not seen with Austin lately he is, in fact, still with him. Can't have it both ways.

  28. troll/whomever

    It's all him. He tries to act like he's somebody else but he reveals himself with the same old, same old,blah blah, blah blah...

    lol. They are knocking themselves out, aren't they? smh.

    I love it. Bye bye to the kids Austin & Bennett!!! I hope they send plenty of video postcards with some big-time smooching in front of the Great Wall. That would be pretty cool. And then maybe Jake can man up and take his girlfriend Miller out and about in L.A. since she's been advertising that she's right there in the SmogTown.

    No need for cheesy Valentine cards when he can be with her right there in town. I think it's great she came to him. Saving him some air miles.

  29. If you have followed this specific story for 10+ years it's pretty obvious that these two guys are married.

    How is it "pretty obvious"? I've been following for that same amount of time and I've seen nothing obvious at all. Please do enlighten those that can't see it.

  30. It is puzzling, isn't it? Jake not seen with his gf yet and what a great opportunity for a date night at the penny arcade place. Nor did he take advantage of joining the family for that pre-Easter stroll. He was willing to be papped with his sister, but when it came to the bro in law and his two nieces, Jake nowhere to be seen.

    Well, we had a great kick off to Earth Day!!! Received a packet of sunflower seeds to try and grow. But you have to bury those things 8-12 inches down into the ground. Geez! That's pretty deep. They also need a lot of hours of sunlight. Oh well.

    Hope everybody is having a nice Earth Day!


  31. How is it "pretty obvious"? I've been following for that same amount of time and I've seen nothing obvious at all. Please do enlighten those that can't see it.

    I'm not the person who posted, but do you see a classroom anywhere around here? Do your own homework and quick trying to hang with the smart kids.
