Monday, May 5, 2014

Jake'd Off

Game time on OMG

Let's play Jake or Brad

  Bradley has recently bulked up to play Navy SEAL Chris Kyle in Clint Eastwood's movie  "American Sniper"

Seems between Jake and Bradley Cooper have a lot of similarities

Baseball cap (check)
Blue tee (check)
Sunglasses (check)
Traveling Green Pants (check)
Who knew Jake's been setting the trends....

Hey Taylor's working on a new album - maybe she'll have a reason to write one called Love Hangover,  Bradley.

Speaking hangover

 Happy Cinco De Mayo!

OMG's Favorite Tequila Lovin' Fella


  1. Who would have ever thought that a couple of tweet sightings of Keira Knightley with Jake would cause such a stir? And they're so platonic, that's the even funnier part.

    They were participating in the same film together, that explains the sightings.

    And yet Mgmnt does not want Jake placed in London during the time that Keira was there. That is as plain as Colorado river water.

    Like I said - I rank the Thai-Knightleygate right up there with Leadville.

  2. And I make that comment because the hissy fit continues to go on, how many days after we talked about it on the blog?

  3. Who would have ever thought that a couple of tweet sightings of Keira Knightley with Jake would cause such a stir? And they're so platonic, that's the even funnier part.

    They were participating in the same film together, that explains the sightings.

    And yet Mgmnt does not want Jake placed in London during the time that Keira was there. That is as plain as Colorado river water.

    Like I said - I rank the Thai-Knightleygate right up there with Leadville.

    PG Still?, but are not you ashamed to bring it out again your "Keira theory" failure ?
    You've been proven wrong in so many ways that I am ashamed for you, and all the posts that politely put out the huge holes and the lies of your fanciful theories have been deleted
    and still you have the nerve to talk and even brag

    you are without shame

  4. Management wasted all that money with their silly LA photo ops. And, then just one tweet slips through and it's all for naught. A situation like this also confirms what we've been saying all along. PR supplies the photos, then uses an institutionally friendly site like Just Jared, to make it seem like Jake was somewhere where he wasn't.

    The truth is Jake is hiding his whereabouts for a reason because no other actor goes to the lengths he does. Another major clue, he is hiding something big time. Or, should I suggest, he's hiding someone(s).

    That whole Aracade Fire rollout was pretty funny. The articles made it sound like Jake was there with Aaron Paul, yet not one pic of them together.


  5. I don't know. Maybe Jake is still in the vehicle gathering up the cheese breadsticks and marinara.

    This was just one picture though. Maybe there's another one of Aaron Paul arriving with Mr. Gyllen.

    Bringing the Pizza

  6. I have to say you OMG posters are pretty darn good. Some great research about that whole Arcade Fire story.

    PR made the mistake of referring to the show at the Roxy as secret and then goes on to have story after story about the performance. If something is secret it normally means people don't know about it.

    Those photos of Jake with that silly metallic jacket did look pretty silly...and odd. Like so many of Jake's photos these days. Something off about all of them.

  7. Seems like with Marcus on the sidelines, Arcade Fire is this year's Mumford and Sons. LOL!

  8. This is how it was rolled out:

    Bribing them with pie! Aaron Paul joins a bearded Jake Gyllenhaal at secret Arcade Fire gig after offering to buy the band pizza to get in

    By Chelsea White

    Published: 09:24 EST, 22 April 2014 | Updated: 11:53 EST, 22

    April 2014

    He may be one of television's biggest names but even Aaron Paul struggled to get into Arcade Fire's secret concert in Hollywood on Monday night.

    Fresh from Coachella, the Grammy Award winners took over classic music venue the Roxy for an impossible to get into show.

    As one of the Breaking Bad star's favourite bands, the 34-year-old tried to pull some strings - strings of cheese that is - to get into the coveted concert.

    The actor reached out to the Canadian band before their gig promising to bring them pizza if they would just let him in.

    Aaron posted on Twitter on Monday: '@arcadefire Hey, You're a badass band. Thanks for making music. Also, if I bring pizza to the Roxy tonight will you let me inside? Say yes.'

    Not hesitating, the band - who can feature up to ten artists at any given time on tour - wrote back: '@aaronpaul_8 You bring pizza and we will party!'

    While Aaron was only seen leaving the Sunset Strip venue, it is not known if he brought pizza along but he certainly was a very happy man once the band said 'Yes'.

    '@arcadefire Dreams are real!!!! Pizza and music!!!! See you soon.'

    Managing to film a tiny segment of the secret show, the star can be seen dancing around with people wearing giant heads after frontman Win Butler had taken over as DJ.

    While watching exclusive gigs are usually the standard for celebrities, Aaron was clearly over the moon captioning the video, 'I love everything about #ArcadeFire. This band is like a coming of age story of my life'.

    Also getting in on the alt rock fun, was a very hairy Jake Gyllenhaal, who is back in Los Angeles briefly while on a break from filming Everest in Europe.

    If you Google Search the story, you're met with a large number of "Aaron Paul Joins a bearded Jake Gyllenhaal at secret...".

    What does join mean?

    Merriam Webster says:

    a : to put or bring together so as to form a unit
    b : to connect (as points) by a line
    c : adjoin
    : to put or bring into close association or relationship
    : to engage in (battle)
    a : to come into the company of
    b : to associate oneself with

  9. So the trashing was coming fast & furious until when? Until almost an hour ago and what hit about an hour ago?

    Jake at the Met Ball with his date, I mean his sister Maggie.

    Tweets are hitting and the story is on Just Jared along with a comment about Jake looking "hot".

    And the troll is nowhere to be seen around here.

    I'm just sayin'.


  10. Pics from the Met Ball on coming in and it looks like Maggie is Jake's "date" this year. LOL! Seems like Marcus has left quite a gap in Jake's social life these days. Back to the sister coupling.

  11. There is no respect from this one. The representative from the WME-sponsored blog WFT2 has absolutely no grounds from which to speak.

    Boy, the stars are out at that Met Gala. Lupita's gown is awesome.

    And here I am, still remembering and loving the plaid cotton shirts worn by Jensen and Jared at a Comic Con.

  12. Lupita's gown is awesome.

    I agree, PG. She looks absolutely always. And, Matt Bomer looks pretty darn gorgeous tonight too.

  13. Lupita's gown is hideous everyone says so.
    Jake and Maggie look like crap, I wonder where Peter is.

  14. I don't know, I like Lupita's gown. It's sparkly and a gorgeous dark green. It's unique and she can pull it off.

    Lupita could wear a Wal Mart bag and make it look incredible.

    Whatever it is, Lupita's got it. She is the IT girl right now and deservedly so.


  16. I like Lupita's dress too; it fits the occasion but looks like nothing what everyone else is wearing. Also loved the Charlize Theron and Sarah Silverman's dresses.

    I also kind of liked Maggie's dress, and usually I hate the things she wears.

    Matt Bomer was looking particularly gorgeous, the white tie look really suits him.

  17. I can't believe that's Bradley Cooper, he really does look like Jake. Hmmm, what else do these two have in common.....

  18. A "date" who's name starts with R and ends with e.

  19. She is the IT girl right now and deservedly so.

    Why "deservedly so" ?

  20. 3:05 You already posted that picture this morning, and posted it two more times today.

    Yes that is a picture of Austin and Chloe, there is no need to post the picture three times in the same day.

  21. Because she is refreshing beautiful and sweet. That is why !!

  22. Pissed off to see Austin Nichols happy with his girlfriend?

    Good :)))

    That is a funny one :))))

  23. Matt Bomer from the June/July 2014 issue of Out:

    On being out publicly: “I’m so thankful to have been born in the times that we live in. I felt a responsibility to Simon [Halls] and to our kids to be able to live with integrity and not have some strange split psychology of This is who my dad is at home, and this is who he is to the public. That trumped any type of professional repercussions that it could have had. And – not by my own volition or choice – I’ve been playing exclusively straight characters for the first 10 years of my career. Whatever happens from this point on says a lot more about the business and society than it does about me.”

  24. Thanks for posting that Matt Bomer quote, I was going to say something about that quote too. I hope he gets the career he wants, and putting his children first like that--which I always assumed was one of the main reasons he came out--just makes me love and admire him even more. The whole interview is interesting and worth a read.

    I didn't even think of the R and the e Special, lol.

  25. Who wouldn't fall in love with a zoned out Austin in the last image in your post?

    Happy Cinco de Mayo !

    And another great game underway between Boston and Montreal. Those Bruins are dangerous in the third period.

  26. Destiny, I was impressed and heartened with Matt Bomer's comments as well. It's just one of those statements that is worth recording and holding on to. Suppose it would be too much to hope that Austin and Jake could ever hold a candle to the class and honesty of Mr. Bomer.

  27. Wow... right down to the wire once again. Talk about an exciting series!

    Apologies to any non-fans of NHL Hockey for the banter.

  28. I hope he gets the career he wants, and putting his children first like that

    Me, too, Dest. I would say brave words by Matt - but really I don't know if they're brave - rather, they're just the right and honorable thing to say. Simple as that.

    Aw man. I am bawling up a storm right now. I've been watching gag reels of my boys, Jared & Jensen, from their TV show, and then I came across the top 5 Sam/Dean brotherly moments.

    And I've been bawling like a baby thru the whole thing!! LOLLL!! For gosh sakes, and I've not even watched one episode yet.

    Those guys are super in this show if they've got me blubbering all over the place.

    In fact, I got Netflex again just so I could start watching SN. If I could just stop watching Comic Con and gag reels now and watch a single episode. There are over 8 seasons to watch. Talk about being behind the 8 ball. LOL

  29. Great quote from Matt. To me no parent should feel any different. Sad for those who do .

  30. Hi, all. Just signing in for a moment to let everyone know I am still around. Just in the midst of a very heavy business travel period with no time to surf. Things will be back to normal in another week and I will have lots to catch up on.
