Saturday, May 31, 2014

Upside Down You Turn Me

The tradition is that if a flag is flown upside down it is a sign of distress.

So what does it mean when Austy tweeted Chi-town upside down

And don't say he didn't know or have his phone upside down when he took it.  The guy's a director he knows what he's doing, he can fix that before posting,  it was done with purpose. 

Is he saying that he had to go and didn't want to?


  1. Austin tweeted a picture of Chicago after dark right side up, so you know this picture was intentional for some reason.

    And hey haven't we seen this story before Austin lands in Chicago and bam! Jake pops up in pics in NYC with mom and the bike.

    Yeahhhh.... that's a coincidence. ;)


  2. I didn’t get a chance to respond to Special’s clever Friday, May 30, 2014 “Tweety Tweet Tweet” post, but I wanted to stroll down memory lane with another recent airport stunt involving those two crazy kids, FauxChlo and Austin Nichols. This time the exact PR itinerary revolved around April 20th, beginning with that none too subtle tweet from the ever cerebrally challenged, Ms. Wang. You remember, everyone? The tweets about LAX and then flying over to Shanghai? Back then, there may not have been any Primanti’s sandwiches in China, but we soon found out that the Land of the Dragon has birthday cakes too. Two of them in fact. Just in case we missed the first staged event with FauxChlo and Austie at that TV studio. After all, that was the only reason Austin was included on this trip anyway. With no Marcus Mumford in sight, PR decided to bring Austin out of moth ball storage and have him celebrate his birthday overseas with the fake girlfriend.

    It really does show just how closeted Jake and Austin are when year after year they go to such elaborate lengths to officially place themselves far, far away from each other, in this particular case even travelling 6500 miles to land on another continent (LOL!) just to have a phony birthday party overseas with a wo-man. Yet, somehow, ole FauxChlo made sure that her birthday on April 18th was celebrated privately stateside with her friends and family (no fake boyfriend in sight). That's right. Her birthday was just six days before and somehow the "loved up" couple didn't find the time to celebrate her birthday together. Not even a soft serve cone shared between them. I know Austin hasn't been working lately but geez, Big Guy can't you even spring for a cone for your contractual girlfriend?

    Hmmm. I wonder why only Austin's birthday needed to be publicly rolled out and shared with all the world via twitter? What could it be? What could it be?

  3. RIP Ann B. Davis

    (CNN) -- Ann B. Davis, known for her role as housekeeper Alice Nelson on "The Brady Bunch," died Sunday, close friend Bishop William Frey said. She was 88.

    According to Frey, Davis fell and hit her head Saturday morning in her bathroom. She suffered a subdural hematoma and never regained consciousness.

  4. Yet, somehow, ole FauxChlo made sure that her birthday on April 18th was celebrated privately stateside with her friends and family (no fake boyfriend in sight). That's right. Her birthday was just six days before and somehow the "loved up" couple didn't find the time to celebrate her birthday together

    Interesting. Looks like PR dropped the ball on that one. Maybe they were on a tight budget, but that makes the trip to China even more suspect that it already was.

  5. Wow, that's too bad about Alice. Boy, falls are so frequently a cause of injury for elderly people. Dangit. Well, what else can be said about what a cultural icon Alice and The Brady Bunch have been. Everyone wanted a house maid like Alice.

    It's unfortunate that Jake chooses not to wear his helmet while on his bike. I don't care that it's for only around a block. One second - one fall - that's all it takes. That's quite a ways to fall (off a bike)and nothing around but hard asphalt and concrete.

  6. even travelling 6500 miles to land on another continent

    LOLLL!! That whole comment killed me, M&M.

    But how true? They messed up - someone's eyes were so fixed on Austin's birthday, they forgot hers.


  7. Jake really doesn't need a helmet, PG. If you look closely at the pics at IHJ, you'll notice that in the #7 and #8 uploads an unaccounted for polka dotted purse is squished between Jake and Mr. Burly. I really wish Jake would get better support staff to at least look like they are trying to make his whereabouts look real.

  8. ashley. ‏@ashleycawicks

    Dennis Quaid and Jake Gyllenhaal need to do more movies together, along side @AUS10NICHOLS of course! #somuchlove

    8:27 PM - 31 May 2014

  9. Loving the tweet.

    TDAT is showing on AMC tonight.


  10. Mr. Dobson @dobbernation · 42m

    So Jake Gyllenhaal is filming a movie in Pittsburgh right now and staying at my hotel. Good Lord the possibilities!
    5:21 PM - 1 Jun 2014

  11. Jane Daly ‏@daly_beauty 45m

    Oh my RT @dobbernation So Jake Gyllenhaal is filming a movie in Pittsburgh right now and staying at my hotel. Good Lord the possibilities!

    Mr. Dobson ‏@dobbernation

    @daly_beauty so @kauhaneinc + @RebeccaPang spotted him on a flight via LAX! Dreams come true!

    5:23 PM - 1 Jun 2014


  12. Makes sense that Jake was in Los Angeles to pick up the kids and transport them over to Pittsburg where he is filming. Hence, the fake NY photos.

  13. Lorrie Sarubbe Winters
    May 25 near New York, NY
    07:45 am

    Sitting 30000 feet in the air, watching "wolf of Wall Street" with Jake Gyllenhaal sitting in front of me ��

  14. Nazz Abzarian traveling to Aliso Viejo, California from JFK Airport
    May 25 at 7:46am · Jamaica, NY ·

    Just saw Jake Gyllenhaal, he is cute !!!

  15. It's interesting that Jake flew into a little airport between LA and San Diego, early in the morning on Memorial Day. To paraphrase Carl Sandburg, almost like on "little cat feet."

  16. prairiegirl said...

    Oh, and does this ring a bell? Tacos, anyone?

    David Pineda ‏@Dpineda20
    area of Los Angeles

    I really just can't believe that I served tacos to Jake Gyllenhaal... wtf!!
    8:24 PM - 31 May 2014

    David Pineda ‏@Dpineda20 23h

    @StephieIam nahh, I'm pretty scared to go up to him haha
    9:06 PM - 31 May 2014 · Details

    David Pineda ‏@Dpineda20

    I didn't think he was this skinny..
    8:48 PM - 31 May 2014

    Maybe tacos have become a family staple?

  17. That's sad about Ann B. Davis.

    Interesting observation about the missed birthday celebration.

    Boy, when I read something like all these LA tweets, it really does make you question everything you every see put out there "officially" about Jake.

  18. So, the big question is, why was Jake in L.A. for the week?

    And why did PR want it to look like Jake was in NYC yesterday? I say bull on that deal - they dropped him and his bike into this picture:

    Plop Plop Fizz Fizz

    Another question: Why is the guy in the grey T shirt and black shorts have sunburned arms and neck while Jake has his jacket drawn up and hood tied over a winter cap like it's 50 degrees?

  19. I wondered why Jake was so bundled up too PG. It wasn't cool enough up here in Boston to be so covered up yesterday and we are much further north.

    It is looking like both Jake and Austin were in LA and these trips and tweets were the distraction to get everyone else in place for the summer.
