Saturday, June 28, 2014

Extras Extra

Jake's done movies that have needed hundred and thousands of extras (TDAT and PoP for example) and for Southpaw the call went out all over western Pennsylvania for extras, most to play the part of the crowds for the boxing matches.

So what is it like to play an extra?

Short story - lots of waiting, and long days.

For some making new friends,  and others getting picked out of obscurity.

"John Varescak, of Indiana,(PA) was so enthused about being an extra in the movie that’s being filmed partially in Indiana this month that he took two weeks off work so he would be available.

When he went to the casting call, he got more than he bargained for.
Varescak has been chosen to play a ringside boxing official.

 Varescak said a member of the casting department contacted him to ask if he owns a tuxedo. He does, so he was able to send a photo of himself and a brief biography, and he got the part. He said he was fitted recently for his costume — a burgundy blazer with a white dress shirt, black pants and a tie." - Indiana Gazette

Junk Chuck shared this:

"It was a lot of fun.  I met some cool people, and a lot of weird people–some the kind of weird you expect when folks are mass-hired for temporary, low-wage jobs.  Others just weird in the way that doesn’t necessarily show until we’re thrust together in close proximity, in a situation with lots of down time and a lot of external stimuli to react to.  You’re sitting shoulder to shoulder with people, waiting to watch millionaires play pretend, and it’s pretty natural to look to one side and say, “Hey.” Or “having fun?” Or “sandwiches again for lunch?” The next thing you know, you’ve got a fleeting friendship–you’ve got, um, maybe the best word for it is “buddies.” 

"The process–hundreds of us worked for a week to create what can’t end up being much more than 15 minutes of film, and even that feels long.  The costs are astounding.  Extras salaries alone, not counting overtime and the bounty of food they provided, cost somewhere around $60/minute for 14 hours or more a day (I worked 56 hours last week).  Scenes are filmed multiple times from multiple angles, with long waits for “reversals” when the cameras are flipped from one side of the shot to the other. "

He shared that he's playing  "a reporter at a boxing match. Never watched a movie filmed before–it’s pretty interesting, mostly fun, and super long hours (I’ve got 41.5 hours logged in 3 days). "

And told what he could about what was happening on set.  "Gyllenhaal is doing some serious acting–really impressive stuff. It’s going to be tough to wait a year or more to see how it works out. Not much else I can say, and sorry no pictures; we have to sign confidentiality agreements. They’re already thrown out a couple of people for taking cell pictures."

His week of work ended up being over 60 hours- talk about extra hours.


  1. 'Don't Sneak': Dad's Unexpected Advice To His Gay Son In The '50s


  2. Chloe BennetVerified account ‏@ChloeBennet4

    We have been spooning for the past hour. Exhibit A

    8:04 AM - 27 Jun 2014

    Chloe BennetVerified account ‏@ChloeBennet4

    They have the same smile don't ya think? aus10nichols Exhibit B

    10:20 AM - 29 Jun 2014

    This is too perfect. Less than 90 minutes after I made my comment about Chloe's Friday pooch tweet, here comes a photo with Surfer Boy holding said pooch. Now, it is so clear that Jake and Austin's people are working with FauxChlo. The same set up happened with Minka Kelly's dog, Chewy and Alyssa Miller's, Charlie. Thanks, WME for tying them all together in a nice little package with a big fat red bow. You really should stop incriminating your clients like this. People might start thinking Austin and Jake are gay for each other or something. LOL!

  3. smh. How stupid was that?

    How obvious can they make the connection between Austin and Jake? The paid troll goes running to the Mother Ship and within an hour, they've put up their File Photo.

    I We've regressed back to the ol' Reeke days when Mgmnt was constantly reacting to all of their faux pas Jake & ice maiden maid during their photo ops.

    Mgmnt was probably hoping for someone to mention her tweet so that they could put up that file photo of Austin, a photo that was already made and at the ready.

    But that's great because they just sprayed themselves all over with florescent dye. That's exactly what they did.

    Austin and Jake are such puppets. Posing with dogs and asking "How high do you want me to jump? I have my best Nikes on."

  4. I agree I don't think that picture was in real time.

    Why? Because Netherlands was playing Mexico, and Austin has already said during this World Cup that the Netherlands was his homeland. Would he miss that game. No.

    And would he make a trip over to her place on a Sunday morning just for a picture? No.

    Could he not be in LA at all? Yes.

  5. maid = made

    What a HUGE mistake this whole dog tweet/instagram just was. These people are not thinking at all.

    It's become so personal for them; become such an obsession for them, that they're losing sight of common sense and playing smart.

    Sorry fellas, but that fluorescent dye is going to stay on you for awhile, ha ha.

    I've got to go. This dog debaucle is a good one to end on. I don't have time for this kind of Nickelodeon nonsense.

  6. And would he make a trip over to her place on a Sunday morning just for a picture? No.

    Could he not be in LA at all? Yes.

    LOL. Exactly. Love it, Special.
    ; )

  7. Why? Because Netherlands was playing Mexico, and Austin has already said during this World Cup that the Netherlands was his homeland. Would he miss that game. No.

    Very true. Jake is probably sitting in Austin's lap being hand fed homemade tacos.

    Countdown...1,2,3...Kaboom! We should be getting some "real time" pics of Jake out and about in NY soon.

  8. Very true. Jake is probably sitting in Austin's lap being hand fed homemade tacos.

    I wanna see! I wanna see!

    lol. And maybe some guacamole-laden Tostito chips Crunch! as well. Everybody? Over to Austin and Jake's!!! I'm there.

  9. I've got the sombreros and tequila. Partay!


  10. I have to congratulate all of you on your stick-to-itiveness. I am amazed how OMG continues to flesh out the lies and sloppy closeted cover ups, Jake and his people put into motion, day after day. Week after week. Year after year. I decided back in 2012 that Jake is a screwed up guy. Remember, when he made the point of being seen with Austin after One Tree Hill ended? I tried to overlook signs of his insecurities and his bad choices. But, I've long moved on. He and Austin are relics. I have to say that I think Jared and Jensen are products of the past too, although they don't do the kind of idiotic stunts that Jake and Austin have done. Maybe because they are on TV? I agree with Prairie Girl that they are both hot, but they sold out too so they can have a career.

    I'm 45, so my hopes are with young couples like Harry and Louis. The Generation Zers. I hope they lead the way. Up until now most notable celebrities have been cowards to one degree or another. It's all about making a difference and impacting the world beyond the short life span of mortal existence. Acting as if your life means more than just making money and acquiring fame.

  11. Back from watching some of the parade. I just don't have it in me to stand in one place and watch for hours on end, and that's how long it is anymore. When I compare it to the parade when I first started going 30 years ago, the difference is amazing. For example, the NYC police group went from maybe a dozen renegades marching to hundreds, with official police vehicles, etc. It's nice to see the change, but somehow some of the thrill of it all isn't what it used to be when it was so daring to see people out marching.

  12. Wow, you just know they were waiting to drop that photo of Austin and the dog. And yep, you can see the playbook plain as day. They think they've gotten smarter about it all because they've taken to twitter accounts instead of pap shoots, but it's still the same old crap.

  13. Thanks for the links to all those great photos, I love looking at stuff like that.


  14. Yet, you're still here. Talk about a relic of the past...that would be minions like you. You don't care how many young people cry themselves to sleep because they don't think anyone cares or understands. Or, how many take their own lives because they don't see a way out. I won't say that you have blood on your hands because of what you do. But, you must take responsibility for the part you play in this massive charade. So maybe you do have blood on your hands.


  15. I see the troll's nasty comment was taken down. Just wanted to make sure others did not think I was talking about them when I made my comment above @4:00PM. OMG is a force for change. In the best possible way.

  16. Something to share before this past month of Pride celebrations wind up.

    This ran in the Boston Globe two Sundays ago, and a wonderful story of Sylvia Drake and Charity Bryant.

    In a graveyard in the village of Weybridge, Vt., stands an unusual headstone. It is inscribed with the names of two women, Sylvia Drake and Charity Bryant, who were born during the Revolutionary era and died in the middle of the 19th century. The women were pillars of their community for four and a half decades, living together in a small house, running a tailoring business, teaching Sunday School, and acting as surrogate mothers and caregivers to hundreds of nieces and nephews. They were also, according to their own understanding and that of those around them, a married couple.

    Same-sex marriage in 19th century New England

  17. @MarionheartLea: After "Twister", I'm watching "The Day After Tomorrow". Seemed obvious and well - Austin Nichols and Jake Gyllenhaal *wink*
    4:08 PM - 29 Jun 2014

  18. ^^^ lol

    Anonymous Still hope said...

    I have to congratulate all of you on your stick-to-itiveness. I am amazed how OMG continues to flesh out the lies and sloppy closeted cover ups, Jake and his people put into motion, day after day. Week after week. Year after year. I decided back in 2012 that Jake is a screwed up guy. Remember, when he made the point of being seen with Austin after One Tree Hill ended? I tried to overlook signs of his insecurities and his bad choices. But, I've long moved on. He and Austin are relics.

    I think so many of us tried to hang on, particularly at the beginning of Berlinale. But it gradually became apparent that we were hoping against hope. And once WME took over and Austin tweeted about holding on and letting go in March of '13, it's been a head over heels roll downhill.

    This is the way it is going to be. I think these guys are doing a Hugh Jackman/George Clooney cementing into the closet. There is no way they can come out for years after all they've done since WME took over Jake's career. I have written them off and said my goodbyes, stopped saving pictures. I'm about ready to let go of my Jake/Austin folders of pictures, why am I hanging onto those? Those people are long gone and I don't look at them any longer; haven't for a long time.

    But. BUT. This isn't about me being a fan of theirs any longer. This is about calling them out on their ancient, outdated repressive behavior.

    And they can try the name calling. The trolling. The stalking. The spamming. The set ups and the traps and the long-term planning. Doesn't matter. It's not deterring my determination to stay on course continuing to investigate and post what is found.

    As long as Special has OMG up and I'm alive and able to think and type? I know I for one am going to remain on this side path.

    Still hope, thanks for your thoughts shared. I really enjoyed reading your comments. It really is nice when others feel spurred on to speak. We all get tired sometimes of speaking all the time, lol.

  19. Well, maybe no one else gets tired, I know I sometimes get tired, lol. I shouldn't project my feelings onto others.

    I have to say that I think Jared and Jensen are products of the past too, although they don't do the kind of idiotic stunts that Jake and Austin have done. Maybe because they are on TV? I agree with Prairie Girl that they are both hot, but they sold out too so they can have a career

    Aren't they hot? :-)

    No, seriously, I agree with you that they are going the old route as well.

    But like you said, Jensen and Jared don't even come close to what Jake and Austin have done. Jensen puts no effort at all into putting on his charade. Jared plays into it but you know, neither of these guys are US Weekly'ing it and they're not Just Jared'ing it constantly.

    And I have come to the conclusion that I will take their fake marriages and being able to see them together and also with their children in public any day over Jake and Austin jumping through hoops to make it look like they have nothing to do with each other, hiding their children and publicly denying they are fathers.

    I will take the fake marriages to Daneel and Genevieve over what Jake and Austin are doing. I know that is kind of a shocking statement but I've been able to watch both of these situations from a fan civilian point of view and I'm not endorsing the beard marriages. Jared and Jensen are eventually going to have some hurt children when the time comes their contracts are up.

    Neither situation is good; I'm not saying they are. But if I had to choose? I think I would have rather seen Jake & Austin marry their beards. At least then their children could be seen with them.

    Heck, you can even fake marry your beard. Some of the girls aren't even convinced that J2 really married those women. Neither of their marriages took place in a church.

    Why is it so many of these HW marriages are no longer taking place in churches? They're taking place in hotels and resorts and barns and whatnot, under high secrecy and everything is very controlled. Who says the person performing the ceremony is qualified? No one really knows, do they?

  20. And there is so much video and interview evidence out there on J2, their feelings and the looks and touches between them, there is no doubt in my mind they are together.

    Watching them together is so fun and it's a real joy to go back and see what all the buzz has been about in the past years.

    When SN ends and these guys go into movies, I am prepared for a very possible Jake/Austin situation. But I'll cross that when the time comes and in the meantime, I'm loving them to death.

    It's time for all bearding to end. I can't stand it. It's ancient practice. And I wish a bunch of the gay HW community would band together and make a stand. That's what it's going to have to take to start loosening those shackles.

    But until someone is willing to do that.....maybe Louis & Harry will help lead the way. I hope so.

    Sorry for all the comments.

  21. Pride Day in St Pete, Fl is the biggest in the state. It was actually a 4 day event here. I went to the parade last night. It was well attended with folks of all ages. The only thing that ruined it for me was the heat. It was till in the 90's at 10 pm last night and today was 95 with the heat index way over 100. Gonna be a long first full summer for me in a very hot Florida.

  22. Oooh, check it out. I guess on tonight's episode of True Blood, Ryan Kwanton and Alexander Skarsgaard's characters got it on. JJ's got pictures.

    Vampire Hotitude
