Friday, June 6, 2014

Trials of Tallness

It's tough being tall

You can never be in the front row
Tall guys in back. 

 Unless you do it yourself
The one time Austin gets the front row.

Remembering 70 years ago today the sacrifices made by the Greatest Generation that changed the course of mankind.

6 June 1944


  1. Yesterday a Wisconsin judge struck down the ban on same sex marriage.

  2. Good morning! Special, that's a cute post you have about being in the back row all the time.

    Soooo glad it's Saturday. It's raining tho, which is nice unless you are watching two Shih Tzu's and I just know they are not going to want to go out to do their business.

  3. As someone who always has to stand in the front and always wants to be in the back, I wondered if it was the inverse for the S'quatchi size people, who are tired of always being put in the back.

    It's a gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous day here. Sunny, no humidity and just about 80F.

  4. Go for the Triple Crown California Chrome!


  5. California Chrome is still an amazing horse
