Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Lotsa Wind

Austin tweeted a "farewell"

Goodbye Chicago. You are a sweet mistress! - AUS10

 but was he throwing out breadcrumb to something else as well?

Of all the things of Chicago - an old Liberty Savings bank building in Bucktown - wouldn't be the first choice for most to tweet....

So why would Austin pick a picture with Lady Liberty the most prominent thing about it?

It doesn't really scream Chicago ..... more like....

Who said the fireworks were over yet?


  1. Congratulation Robert Downey Jr.

    Um. I don't know if it's a "man's world", but I'm certain women run it.
    Susan and I are therefore delighted to announce we are expecting a baby.

  2. Speaking of babies....

    Eva Mendes is pregnant with Ryan Gosling's baby.

    Is this another one of those Rachel Bilson Hayden Christian baby things?



    Sunrise. Michigan. http://www.whosay.com/l/TgT8LjL

  4. You know, I'm starting to get pretty weary of closeted gay men having children under the guise of being het and knocking up the women.

    This is 2014, not 2000. If they want a child, they need to come out of the closet and do it right, quit hiding behind a beard. Or hey, they don't even have to come out but have a child with a surrogate and say they just can't find the right person, but they want a child now so they're going to have one on their own. What in the heck is wrong with that if they have the money and desire? But to use a beard and go through all the lying People mag covers and JJared posts...that crap is insulting.

    Flynn was adorable, but I notice now that Orlando and Miranda are divorced, you don't hardly see Flynn at all anymore. Is that because he's not "needed" anymore as a prop in the PR het sideshow? Is that all Flynn was? A prop? Just Jared fodder? Orlando put in his 'time' and now he's good for who knows how many years. Flynn is now just a Get Out of Jail free card?

    What happens to these baby bump fetuses/toddlers when they are no longer needed for the length of the bearding contract and subsequent photo ops?

    Really, really frustrating stuff.

  5. I'll tell you what I do find funny though, lol.

    That Austin went for an inanimate object this time for his twitter appearance.

    LOLLLLLLL! ha ha ha

    I wonder when he's going to be able to punch out at the clock, though? hmmmmmmm...See, there's still the need to establish Jake as being waaaaaaaaay over there.....and now we have been told that Austin is...wwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over here....and nothing but miles and miles and miles of pasture, highways, wheat and corn fields in between.

    So Austy still on the clock apparently...

  6. duh Gosling isn't gayJuly 9, 2014 at 10:07 PM

    Ted said so in answer to which actors are 100% straight. He named one and it was Gosling.

  7. Says he who poo poo's everything else Ted says.


  8. OMG I want to have Ryan Gosling 's baby :))))))))

  9. Why do you think Gosling's gay? I never got that one.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Troll is embarrassing himself. Even I am embarrassed for him.

    **winces in discomfort**
