Monday, July 14, 2014

Rolling with the Punches

Southpaw continues filming and there are new things to know in addition to Rachel McAdams dating status.

Some of the rides for Southpaw

Police cars and even "big yellow taxis"

 And how Billy Hope rolls when he's on the top. Bentley style.

A little clarification:  When a wedding isn't a wedding.

OMG thought this was a wedding scene, but it really was a scene from a screen charity event and it involved a charity organization in a real way.

 The production crew of “Southpaw” had approached Auberle, a faith-based Catholic agency that assists troubled children and families, and requested the use of their facility in McKeesport as a filming site.

In return, approximately 100 members of Auberle and their guests would serve as extras during the filming of the gala in the beautiful ballroom at the William Penn on Grant Street.

The  Auberle organization, which was founded in 1952 and is home-based in McKeesport.

The agency serves over 3,000 at-risk children and families each year in 16 program areas, primarily in eight Southwestern Pennsylvania counties.
Auberle was recently named Agency of the Year in the United States by the Alliance for Children and Families, which is the largest network of human services organizations in the country.

Once known as the “Boystown of the East,” Auberle has grown into new service areas and today more than two-thirds of its clients are served in their home, school or in their community.


  1. Agree, Tom. No signs of other than friends in any of those photos.

    Ray Donovan returned Sunday - good episode, glad to see its still good in its 2nd season. It does appear that Austin will still be around this season as Ray's son was shown chat mailing with Tommy Wheeler at the end of the episode. Here's hoping we get lots more of Austin this year.

    For anyone interested, Free Fall, the German version of Brokeback Mountain as it is being called, showed up on Netflix yesterday. I watched it yet again to see the beautiful Max Reimelt and holy crap, how did I miss it the first time on Amazon, but there is a full frontal shower scene. I think Netflix has it in HD but Amazon did not. Either that or they cropped the scene.

  2. I enjoyed Ray Donovan's first year although I still never did see the last 2 episodes, so I'm not sure I can pick up now. My attention span seems to be good for .5 hr limits and not series shows much anymore, lol.

    I had a really good experience today - a reality check if you will. I was part of a work team that went to serve lunch at a Ronald McDonald house. It wasn't actually one of their houses, but it was a family room at Children's Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, a room which is part of the Ronald McDonald charities.

    Never seen so many children at once who weren't at a school. It was decorated very cute and everything is named very appealingly, like the Elephant Elevators and the Giraffe elevators. But like any hospital, there's really only so much you can do to make one pleasant. Because you're there for a bad reason.

    And as I was headed towards the Family Room, there were several large quilts hanging in glass cases, hand stitched. Each block held a memento or a picture of a child or baby in whose memory the block was. From babies to toddlers to school age to tweener to teenage. The quilts were beautiful and the pictures were sobering. Children's Mercy has alot of seriously injured/ill children and I saw so many being wheeled around. One little toddler was wheeled into the family room where we were at by their caretaker and she had a tube, so was obviously a patient.

    Anyway, you visit any kind of hospital and you remember that there are 1000's and millions of people every day who are going through serious illness, going to have surgery, experiencing painful treatments and bleak outlooks, but they are enduring and fighting. Their nightmare doesn't disappear at night; when they wake up in the morning, it's still there.

    And you just feel sobered and guilty as you leave the facility. The Ronald McDonald homes and this family room offer meals to the families of the sick children. They can get a free meal and not have to worry about cooking. It is a great idea, I think. The people were very, very gracious and thankful. You felt guilty. They were the ones going through the tough times, not us. It was quite humbling.

    But oh, those quilts. They were heartbreaking. Small, extremely brave lives cut way too short.Wouldn't it be hard to work at a place like that? I don't know how those people do it.

  3. Second season for Ray Donovan. Big deal for Austin. He plays the game like he is told. When he has a gig he has a girlfriend.

  4. Austin is not in the second season of Ray Donovan, he only has a small cameo, he was not even at the official premier of the series, where the entire cast was obviously present
