Monday, August 25, 2014

Summer Sentimental

The recent pictures from the farmers market in West Tisbury were a reminder of the tradition of summers on The Vineyard for Jake.

So as this last "unofficial" week is wra
pping up, OMG can't help but look back at Jake at the Cape.

And we're off....

A fixture at the Farmers market

Snack run at The Chilmark Store

Another year of the Chilmark Road Race

Helping at Beach Plum

Green pants alert

 OMG's first post was a MV/Chilmark one too.

And we can't forget how OMG got word of Jake flying off island later in the same day after Austin's early morning run in with the Jackson MI police.


  1. You know who Jake reminds me of in those wild white swim trunks? JFK Jr.
    I think it's the hairstyle, the shade of his hair and the beach setting.

    Francesca Viscomi (@_visca_)
    8/26/14, 10:19

    Remembering the #twowheelstuesday ! @AUS10NICHOLS my #newthshirt #musiciseverywhere

    Awwww, the ol' Two Wheel Tuesday. I'm getting misty now. The ol' cast-off Two Wheel Tuesday, thrown out the car window like an empty McDonalds fry container. **smh**

    I was just sharing with some people that I use my Two Wheel Tuesday tote bag every single work day. It hauls my lunch, shoes, snacks for my desk drawers, office supplies from the whse to the office. It's gone on trips in cars and planes, and gone through several washings. It has a hole now, but it is a very well made bag and the little bicycle picture hasn't even faded off. I've jammed it until it's been stuffed. Served me very well like a faithful servant.
    Two Wheel deserved such a better send-off than a sneaky toss out the car window during the middle of the night. #GoneButNotForgotten #IsOceanaTheNewTwoWheelTuesday #WatchOutOceana #YouMayBeTossedOutTheCarWindowNext #GoodOlCanvas #Bicycle #Mine

  2. I can see that PG. The picture of him and his mom reminds me of JFK Jr. too.

  3. The picture of him and his mom reminds me of JFK Jr. too.

    Yup, yup, I can see that, too. John Jr. was a total American prince, wasn't he? Such a special, speechless air about him. I'll never forget the Seinfeld episode where John Jr. was at her gym and he asked about her. Ha ha ha. A great episode.

  4. I remember exactly where I was when I heard his plane was missing when they were on the way to Martha's Vineyard.
    I was in KC, for a blues festival.

  5. I was at home when I heard the news and it was so sad.

    I'll never forget either when I heard about Princess Diana's car crash. I was at a bed and breakfast during Santi-Cali-Gon Days over Labor Day in the hometown of President Truman and we spent so much time watching the news in our room.

  6. I know that Jensen Ackles launched his twitter account at the Vancouver convention this past weekend on purpose and it was a real publicity ploy.

    But darned if those gifs and that video aren't just THE cutest thing ever with Jared showing and helping him to send out his first tweet and twitpic. I'm dying from the cuteness. I can't stop looking at the gifs over and over. Those two guys are the most beautiful couple to walk this earth.

    **ducks from certain OneD fans**


  7. I still think Jared's shoulder injury did not really happen and I still think they're hiding something there. That whole thing is a real mystery. It mushroomed and grew limbs here and there.

    He's made a pretty speedy recovery from what is said to be a rotator cuff tear and subsequent surgery AND a broken arm.

    Think I'll have to be a doubting Thomas and see/touch the scar on his shoulder before I believe without a doubt, lol.

    Oh, this is hilarious!!! My robot-smash word to type is "heathen". BWHAAHHH!

  8. Those two guys are the most beautiful couple to walk this earth.

    **ducks from certain OneD fans**


    What!!!!! No OTP is more sublime than Harry and Louis! None!

  9. I daresay that Jared and Jensen go back a few more years, tho. They've been together as long as their show - 10 years.

    And they can gaze at each other with as much goo and heat as they did 5 years ago.

    Spanky and Alfalfa, I mean Louis and Harry have a few more years to go.

    Although I will say without a doubt, Larry will be coming out before J2. J2 still lagging behind and carrying a couple of beards on their backs. LOL!

    Oh well, we all love our boys. Enough to go around.

  10. Harry and Louis have been together since they were 16 and 18. Four years later they are still going strong.

  11. Spanky and Alfalfa, I mean Louis and Harry have a few more years to go.

    True. Harry and Louis don't have receding hairlines, nor arthritis.

  12. Just give Jared a few more months of eating so he can build back up that Padahair. Then we'll see.

    And neither one has arthritis. I'm not sure what video or gifs you were watching.

    Going to be next to impossible to find a sexier and more beautiful 36 year old than Jensen Ackles. Jared needs to eat a few more months in training and then he will be back to his unbeatable self again.

