Thursday, August 7, 2014

Throwback Throwdown

Fun with captions - throwback style

Whaddya' mean you don't see me as The Hulk? Don't make me angry,  you won't like me when I'm angry.

Marvel vs. Disney's PoP   -  you wanna bet who wins?

Hey I dealt with Reese, and no it wasn't "Just like Heaven" but  now you get her.

 Thanks for Sharing tips for love scenes with Gwyneth but there's Proof that  won't work.

Let me Begin Again, don't tell me I can't work with Adam.


  1. What? Austin hasn't tweeted an ear lobe or a left nostril today?

  2. So here comes a news release to buy Jake some more time: Word comes today that Naomie Harris is replacing Lupita in Southpaw. Naomie Harris is gorgeous.

    But who do they think they're kidding? They did not just now sign her like the tweets try to make it sound. She's probably been filming as well all along.

    Wonder why Lupita isn't going to be in the movie and for how long has it really been known that she wasn't going to be in the movie?

  3. How stupid do they think we are? All along, Lupita has been listed in the cast. All along.

    Now in the middle of August, after they've been filming for how long now, the story is saying Naomie has been "added", as though the ink on her contract signature isn't even dry yet.

    Why did they use Lupita's name all this time? I don't like this kind of nonsense. Just be up front about stuff.

    And don't tell me they just added her either. They're just trying to provide Jake some cover for his disappearance right now.

  4. Nobody is trying to pull the wool over your eyesAugust 9, 2014 at 12:44 AM

    Listed by whom? IMDB? That's not always correct. Naomie Harris has been filming for a while. She's even tweeted/instagrammed pics of herself on set.

  5. Punching holes in PRAugust 9, 2014 at 7:54 AM

    If this actress was openly tweeting and instagramming pics from her on set how come the articles are just coming out now revealing that Naomie Harris has been added to the cast?

    In fact, Deadline captures their article from yesterday as an EXCLUSIVE:

    The Antoine Fuqua-directed drama penned by Sons Of Anarchy‘s Kurt Sutter has added Naomie Harris to its cast.

    And everyone knows that the Internet Movie database is manipulated by PR all the time. Remember that whole New Year's Eve movie back in 2010? Taylor Swift and Jake Gyllenhaal were listed for several weeks to lend credibility to their "love" story until the fauxmance was over and then their names were instantly removed.

    Lupita's Southpaw listing, on the other hand, is still there. And had been there since May [nearly three months]. The intent to deceive about who was cast as the social worker is pretty obvious. The Tracking Board even posted an article from May 14 that reads:

    Lupita Nyong’o and Rachel McAdams Joining Boxing Drama “Southpaw”

    By the way: I went to Naomie's twitter. There is nothing there. Her last post was July 5, and it indicated she was in London. And the generic instagram pic of a hotel room looking out of a city landscape from one week ago (which a commenter immediately and conveniently identifies as the city of Pittsburg for everyone) could have been posted by anyone. Harris is nowhere in the photo. It just conveniently reads:

    1 week ago
    Loving my flowers and view from my hotel! So excited to start filming #southpaw

    Funny how this "Nobody is trying to pull the wool over your eyes" poster knew within 15 minutes of Prairie Girl's comment that this instagram pic existed. Fast work. How come they didn't bring this to the blog a week ago when supposedly it was posted?

    And, PR should have given them a better script because "Nobody" asserts that Naomie Harris has been filming for a while and she's even tweeted/instagrammed pics of herself on set. Completely false. There are no set photos. Just a generic hotel room with flowers on a table. The impression being that's where she's staying for the shoot. She also mentions that she's excited to start filming. So no, again. She hasn't been filming for awhile. Her Instagram pic indicates that she just arrived in Pittsburg last week.

  6. Southpaw ShenanigansAugust 9, 2014 at 8:53 AM

    I don't believe she just arrived either. The filming should be concluding. Not ramping up. This is now the second film in a row, where major actors are added just when production should be concluding.

    Jake was just seen in LA on August 5. So this major character in the film just flies into Pittsburgh, while Jake flies out? Doesn't make sense. Like so much of Jake's publicized filming schedule these days.


  7. This is the second time in a row that actors' name have been held back until months into the production of a Jake Gyllenhaal movie. What does this do? Well, it makes it seem like filming is still in full gear. Not winding down at all. This gives Jake a geographic anchor (he must still be in PA) and explains what he is doing with his time. No time to live a life because he's too busy working. Another very laughable example was Everest. That movie wanted everyone to think that several actors were suddenly being added all the way into April. Prolonging the shoot so it looked like he was filming non stop from mid January until far into May.

    If Jake had his way, I'm sure Everest would have been,officially filming until June, when Southpaw began production. I was skeptical, at first, when someone pushed forth this theory, but I do see now how Jake's people are trying to make it seem that he works all the time. Literally, never rests. Has nothing better to do. Barely has a week off before he's filming again. His career has gone from one extreme to another. From 2006-2012, Jake hardly worked at all. And, it was really obvious compared to his involvements in his early and mid 20s. I know we discussed the topic over on WFT for well over a year and many concluded that he had kids just from that drastic change in his work habits. Now, it looks like WME is trying to show that Jake can't be a father because he's never home. Always on set. Has not ties or responsibilities. A workaholic.
