Friday, August 29, 2014

Where in the Wide Wide World

It looks like Austin went to the Great White North, via Michigan

Best eats in Gaylord, MI. Headed deep into Canada. - AUS10  (August 22)

Interesting choice there big guy.

Hello Canada! Great to see you. - AUS10  (August 22)

Fishin deep in Canada - AUS10 (August 28)

Nice hat there bud.  Did you see how good you look in the other one's a couple days ok?

But then where did he go?

Did he head back to ATX?

If he did, he did do the hat and the backpack... wonder if he was inspired by something.

or  did the fella who LOVES! and admittedly said he has an ice cream addiction

find his way to  Kell's Kreme  in Massachusetts

Now why would he be even thought to be seen in MA?

Oh yeah...
Somebody's got to help handle a pair. 


  1. HA!!! My money is on MA.

    That took some real sleuthing by two very talented, savvy members of this OMG community to figure the Kells thing out. That gal did not make it easy to figure out where she or her friend were and it took some real legwork. I feed them both grapes.

    And kudos on capturing the screen shot, too. That's what you have to do these days since we have seen these tweets mysteriously disappear into thin air.


  2. And, the girl who originally tweeted the sighting of Austin yesterday is from Swampscott, near Marblehead in Essex County.


    Let's see. Who do we know who is very familiar with that part of Massachusetts, and even filmed one of his movies on location in the area? That's right. One, Jacob Benjamin Gyllenhaal. Closeted Actor Extraordinaire! Maggie's little Brother. Jay Z's new BFF.

    In fact, Austin was spotted in the very same vicinity where Jake filmed Moonlight Mile with Dustin Hoffman and Susan Sarandon back in March-April, 2001. I'm sure it's just another coincidence though. *evil grin*

  3. I'm really enjoying the collaboration and great detective work. Makes my day when we get a chance to peek behind the curtain of obfuscation. Not all cloaking devices work when you have some determined detectives on the case.

    Enjoying an active yet relaxing weekend so far, hope everyone else is doing the same this Labour Dav weekend. Cheers !

    Was just going to sign off and my CD is playing "wings" from the BBM soundtrack. Takes me back immediately to Jack and Ennis, Jake and Heath, and far too many sad hours watching that incredible bit of cinema over and over.

    "I got a boy, eight months old.... Smiles a lot."

  4. Even though he played well in preseason, Michael Sam was just cut by the St. Louis Rams


  5. That is really too bad about Sam. No NFL team will pick him up, I bet. The league had no intention of letting him play. Remember this is the same sport that refuses to change the name of the Washington "Redskins." Not exactly a very enlightened bunch of people.

  6. I really do hope some team picks up Mike Sam. I think we can't just assumed he was cut just because he was Gay. I think both him and the coach handled it professionally. If not the NFL he will probably play up there in Canada with one of Seaweeds favorite teams. Plus he would be a definite for the indoor league.
