Monday, September 15, 2014

Austin Made Austin Screened

Great news for Austin

What a better reward for the short film Austin wrote, directed and starred than having it include in his beloved hometown's film fest.

 My film, STROKER, is screening at the . I'm honored to be included. Come see me in Austin, TX this October.  - AUS10

Today's first #MovieMondays announcement is @aus10nichols' short "Stroker"! Welcome to #AFF2014!
The Austin Film Festival runs from October 23 thru October 30th. 

Good luck Austin!
Being honored at this year's festival with the Distinguish Screenwriter Award is Jim Sheridan,  who directed Jake in Brothers.

Austy- make sure you get them to throw in t-shirt, for all the promo you've been giving the festival all these years. ; )


  1. A glimpse of Jake on 9-11

    The majority of loans originated by W.J. Bradley are pooled into securities and sold to Wall Street firms. Cantor Fitzgerald, one of our largest counter-parties, lost 658 lives during the attacks on the World Trade Center in 2001. The strength and resolve of the Cantor team made it possible for them to remain in business, but they will never forget those lost that day. As part of their remembrance, Cantor has been holding a charity event on the 9/11 anniversary in which they have a list of Celebrities come in to take trading calls from their counter-parties.

    W.J. Bradley Senior Capital Markets trader Dominique Mancuso was lucky enough to conduct a trade on with Jake Gyllenhaal, of which all of Cantor’s proceeds were donated to charity. We were glad to contribute to the worthy cause that the event symbolizes and salute our friends and traders at Cantor.

    Jake participated in this last 9-11 as well.

    Here's the video:
    <a href="</a>YouTube - Jake taking trading calls</a>
