Monday, September 8, 2014

Bit more TIFF

A few more moments from Jake at TIFF

I think you should move you hand Rene, the movie's over.

 If this kid says kale one more time, I swear.

 I thought they meant Canadian Tuxedo on the invitation.

 I heard from Denis that if you tickle his chin, he grins.

It's settled.  We'll shop, they'll surf.


Don't think Jake out of Canada without some interviews.  

Here are just a couple of the many.

IndieWire's  interview

And an interview with K92.5   who's reporter ask if he can sit in Jake's lap, and also teaches him how to say the word NEWS.

Nightcrawler is getting a great response from the audience and critics alike. 


  1. The second interview with the radio station isn't too long. Jake was playing host as the interviewer comes in and he says something like make yourself comfortable, take a seat anywhere and the guys suggests Jake's lap.

  2. Congratulations to one of Sarah Gilbert who is expecting her first child with her wife Linda Perry.
