Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Rail Road Demolition

Jake was back to business today and filming Demolition.

This time out of the city and on Long Island, and like a proper commuter. On the Long Island Rail Road. And some caught him catching the train.

Jake looks every inch the businessman coming into the city.


So official that the Long Island Rail Road official twitter tweeted about it and shared a pic.

And some were lucky enough to get a snap (with him and Naomi)

First it was planes, today it was trains, so guess it will be automobiles next.


  1. That was quite a hug PG, very tender too.

  2. Catching up again and loving the pics of Jake's old house and Austin in stripy top.

    (Hi Destiny :))

  3. Austy looking good. If Jake and Austin were not together Adam Levine would not be close to Austin.

  4. Good to see Mr. Cranky himself being friendly with the normie peeps :-)

  5. destiny said...

    That was quite a hug PG, very tender too.

    I reblogged that sucker and said 'If I were a smoker, I'd be lightin' one up right now.'

    That was a more earnest hug from Jared than the usual fan-pleasing ones he normally gives. He had just messed up by calling his beard hot and his real SO (Jensen) not hot. Boy knew he was going to have some making up to do, I think.

    Jared can lay it on too thick sometimes. He can be like Jake & Austin in that regard. I don't know how these closeted actors keep a scorecard on who they are sometimes.

    But that was one heckuva hot hug. These 2 guys have been together, going on 10 years and you should see the eyes they still make at each other and I am not sure how many vid moments there are of them checking each other out.

    Fire's still burning really hot inside their stoves.
