Monday, October 20, 2014

Big Screen Little Screen

There hasn't been much of Jake promoting Nightcrawler on the small screen yet with just less than two weeks till it's opening weekend, but Nightcrawler is doing a load of screenings on the big screen.

On Sunday night, there was a special screening of the movie at the Crosby St Hotel in New York City.

Jake was joined by the one of his fellow producers Tony Gilroy, who is the brother of writer/director Dan Gilroy.

Last week Nightcrawler had a screening in LA and was joined by co-star Rene Ruso and their director (and her husband) Dan Gilroy

Where Jake also met up with old friend Busy.

It will be interesting to see if Jake does do some more small screen time in the next ten days, or not. 


  1. Jake Gyllenhaal: We are all to blame for media scrum at horror crime scenes

    Television is often criticised for blurring the boundaries of entertainment and public interest when it intrudes on private grief, but we are all to blame, according to one of Hollywood’s biggest stars.

    Jake Gyllenhaal, the Oscar-nominated actor, was talking to the Observer in the runup to the release of his new thriller, Nightcrawler, a darkly damning satire on American media’s obsession with breaking news and the questionable ethics of those who gather the footage. The film focuses on so-called “nightcrawlers” who, monitoring police scanners, race to crime and accident scenes to film bloody scenes and then sell the footage to the TV news channels.

    Gyllenhaal said the film, to be released on 31 October, suggests “we are all complicit”: nightcrawlers, TV station heads and the people who watch the footage. He said: “I equate it with fast food. We all know [it’s] bad for us. But people demand it … This narrative of fear and this spinning of news has a great detrimental effect.”

    Everyone has something in them of the character he plays in Nightcrawler, he suggests, noting how we drive past some horrible accident and slow down to gawp. But he hopes that we are aware of ourselves lapping up “these images … coming at us so fast and so graphically. It can have a negative effect on us.”

    Pt 1

  2. cont.

    Gyllenhaal’s films include Ang Lee’s Brokeback Mountain, for which he received an Oscar nomination, and Richard Kelly’s cult hit Donnie Darko. In Nightcrawler his character, Lou Bloom, is an unscrupulous Los Angeles drifter who becomes a nightcrawler prone to rearranging victims’ bodies to provide a better camera angle. In the chase for ratings, a ruthless station editor – played by Rene Russo – further distorts the stories and ethical boundaries, playing on people’s fears of urban crime creeping into the suburbs.

    Fiction yes, but not far from reality, Gyllenhaal claims. In preparation for filming, he shadowed nightcrawlers with the movie’s writer-director Dan Gilroycorrect, whose previous films include The Bourne Legacy. What they witnessed was shocking. One night they heard about a nearby car crash. Gilroy said: “We get there and three young girls had been ejected from a [speeding] car. Our technical adviser [a nightcrawler himself] … got out of our car and filmed it. Within five minutes, he’d sold the footage for several thousand dollars to the local station. Next night, we saw [several] fatalities. This is just night-time in LA.” He said that the film’s protagonist descends to measures that real-life nightcrawlers would never admit to. But it is a fine line.

    One of them admitted to once spotting a car that had broken down on the fast lane of a major road: “Rather than call the police, he pulled over, pulled out his camera and waited for three cars to plough head on into it – and then sold the footage.”

    Pt 2

  3. Conclusion:

    Asked how nightcrawlers will react to the film, Gilroy said that three attended last week’s internal screening: “One proudly rolled up [his] sleeve … he had the entire LA freeway system tattooed on his arm. On his other arm, he had actual incidents that he’d made a lot of money from.”

    Another aim of the film was to show how the media preys on people’s fears. Gilroy pointed to news reports that lean heavily on violent, graphic images, with brief narratives to invoke drama and excitement, and interviews with victims, witnesses or nearby residents expressing shock at the crime. He asserted that the report is usually strung together with some other incident “to give you a sense that there’s some nefarious pattern”. He said that such reports support the queues of Americans wanting to buy guns because they’re “terrified of some nebulous threat out there”.

    "Rather than call the police..."

  4. So this happened today:

    ToothyTile&GGoose ‏@GoosesTile 9h9 hours ago

    You all remember Baby Tile. I know that @Ted_Casablanca does. #FondMemories #BabyTile #BlindVice #AwfulTruth #GoodOlDays #CoverUp #BigSecret

    8:47 AM - 21 Oct 2014

    And guess who replied?

    Ted Casablanca ‏@Ted_Casablanca 28m28 minutes ago
    @GoosesTile thanks but life goes on! and sometimes into...a book

    4:45 PM - 21 Oct 2014 · Details

  5. BWAHAHAH!!! Thanks, Ted!!

    Isn't that pretty cool?

    So will Ted mention Toothy, Grey Goose and the Baby Tiles in his book????

    Ted, please finish that book!

    GO ROYALS!!!!

  6. Wow! Teddy tweets!

    The only way Ted would leave the Tale of Toothy out of his book, would because he was legal made to leave it out.

    Good Luck Royals and Giants! PG and M& M behave and play nice. :)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. whew! Off to a bad start. If there's one thing that really works against the Royals favor, it is lack of post season experience. That is so invaluable and we have practically none on our team. :-(

    lol. Well, I wondered if any OTH fans were going to notice that despite Austin's oh-so-sad-woobie letter to the French OTH fans on how regretful he was to have missed their convention (thanks to his "something new" that he was working on), he really did not have a legitimate reason for missing the convention.
    smh. Oh, buddy, you look pretty bad on this one.

    Here's an OTH fan calling him out on his "heartfelt" letter to the fans:

    Jaz ‏@_allthatjaz 2h2 hours ago

    Disappointed in @AUS10NICHOLS that he couldn't get a day off "work" for the #OTHconvention and for the fans and show that made him popular.
    5:41 PM - 21 Oct 2014 · Details


  9. BWAHAHAH!!! Thanks, Ted!!

    Isn't that pretty cool?

    So will Ted mention Toothy, Grey Goose and the Baby Tiles in his book????

    Ted, please finish that book!

    I don't know, PG. Sounds to me like you're still angry about that pic of Faux Chlo with Austin. Oh, wait a second. Your comment has nothing to do with that post. My bad. LOLLLLLLLLLLL! [Shout out to the cray troll from yesterday.)

  10. For those who are unaware, there was an OTH convention in Paris last weekend and Austin missed attending. Sophia Bush attended, Roberto, Stephen C.,even Hilary Burton and James Lafferty.

    Austin couldn't attend but he sent a letter which expressed his regrets. Ol' Soapy read it aloud and was reported to have shed a tear over it, along with many fans. *sniff*

    Anyway, here's some of the contents of his letter/poem to the OTH fans:

    I couldn't be there today because I'm working on something new
    And when the time is right I will tell you the details too
    But I hope I never lose you, your love, and your passion
    You will always be my french girls, and I will always be your Julian.

    Now, behind the scenes what the French fans didn't know was that the "something new" Austin was working on that he can't tell them about until the time is right, was watching over his and Jake's children. LOL!!!

    But on the public surface, all this Jaz@_allthatjaz saw was Austin cavorting around with his beard, ol' Chlo.

    lol. Way to shine, Austin. Way to shine. #NotTooBright


  11. CAA recently sold off 35% stake to the buyout investment firm, TPG Capital, but it’s still interesting that Michelle Williams is jumping ship.

    Guess who has now signed with WME?
