Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Dating him

Here's a twist on dating Jake.

New photos from Variety show Jake like this:

In pictures from Sunday night's screening Jake looked like this.

It is obvious that those Variety pictures were taken early,  with Jake looking a bit healthier, more robust and back to himself in the new pictures from the screening.

The green trousers can't work this time.

MediaCrawler Tour:

Oct 29 The Ellen Degeneres Show,  check local listings for time and channel

Oct 30: Conan  TBS,  11:00pm


  1. I cant recall the exact words now, but at some point the rags stated that Jake's staff had to move mountains to get him that POP role. So it certainly did not work out favroably for anyone involved. And considering the bearding contract that went along with it, I cant blame the guy for having bad feelings about the whole experience.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Jake is just pissed that POP did not make him a macho superhero and a billion bucks. He does not have the machismo to be a superhero. Definitely if POP had turned into a Ironman or a Pirates of the Caribbean type franchise Jake would have not had to work very long and could gave been at home more. He put a lot of energy and time into all the stuff that went with POP and he looked miserable. So I can see why he is bitter but he only has himself to blame.

  4. Jake had been going for superhero roles for years prior to PoP. But, all he could get was Prince of Persia. Now, he's trying to sell the idea that the role almost destroyed his career. He's the one who campaigned for the franchise. And made lots of money as a result. Does he even realize that people remember these things?

  5. Florida Tom said...

    Big brawl in KC.. This gonna get ugly :-)

    I don't like playing the Giants!! They're too good and they have way too much experience. But the Royals did pretty good last night. And Timmy Linoleum played in KC!!! Timmy graced our streets for a few days. I should have stalked their team hotel and sneaked a picture of him boarding the bus or something for M & M.

  6. Hey, Michael "Mike" Pena is on this TV show I have on that I'm not really watching. It's on FOX.

  7. Jake is on Good Morning America this morning

    Jake Gyllenhaal stops by @GMA TOMORROW at 8:30am—TUNE IN! #NightcrawlerMovie
