Monday, October 13, 2014

Working for the Weekend

It was a working weekend for Jake who arrived back in LA sometime before Saturday morning after filming Demolition on Friday in NYC.

Looking a bit tired Jake hit a two day press junket for Nightcrawler Saturday and Sunday and spent his Columbus Day taping interviews.

He also squeezed in the special screening of the movie in Saturday night.  Talk about a packed three day weekend.

Jake was scheduled to tape the Queen Latifah show for later date, but chatter on twitter suggested he was also over at Warner Brothers stopping in at both Conan and Ellen as well.   No official word on either, and nothing on their schedules be on the lookout for interviews in this second half of  October before Nightcrawler opens on the 31st.

Commercials are starting to be seen on TV here in the States as the ramp up to open weekend has official begun.

Not to be left out, Nightcrawler also released a new clip for the Internet.
 <iframe width="360" height="203" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Happy Thanksgiving Canada!


  1. I don't know what's up with blogger not letting you embedding videos anymore. Looks like poking around in blogger this weekend.

  2. Thanks Special, Destiny, and PG for the Thanksgiving greetings. I've been busy cooking for Mom and Dad and a few other family and now it's turkey overload! Had a wonderful weekend but I'm tired and full.

    Looks like Jake has been on a fast track lately as well. He'll have to wait to get at his gobbler maybe next month...

    Bad Seaweed

  3. I've been at the wrong house - I should've been at Seaweed's!

    Watching the Royals game - this one is a real tense one.

    Go Royals!!!

    Did you guys know today is the 11 yr anniversary of the Steve Bartman game? Ugh. Oh, the agony.

  4. Yea, KC!!!! I can't believe it. Why didn't they play like this when I went to go see them play this year? Who is this team? lol

    #Blue oKCtober
