Saturday, November 1, 2014

Conan and airplanes and bears... oh my

We've known that Jake needs a few things with him when he flies:

His special earplugs,  The Rescue Relief drops,  but now we need to add tissues.

Why?  It seems like Jake gets a wee bit emotional on the plane.

This time blame it on the bears.

Jake was on Conan explaining how the Disney documentary Bears got him more than choked up.  Even just talking about it got him a littler verklempt.

Check Jake out talking about the watching Bear here

                         Jake Cried Watching "Bears" on an Airplane

From him talking about the Mama Bear and her cubs, it sounds like he can identify but maybe more with gosslings.


  1. Oh look, he lives.
    Supposedly. ;-)

    LauraBirthdayGirl ♥️ ‏@LauraFauvin 2h2 hours ago

    Thank you soooo much @AUS10NICHOLS ♥️����☀️��
    Simply amazing
    12:17 PM - 2 Nov 2014 · Details

  2. That's an enjoyable story about the bears, thanks for posting it, Special.

    That is awful about male bears - what in the heck. I love animals, but man, I usually will not watch nature shows because something is usually going to get chased and eaten up. I know it goes on out there but I can't take watching it.

  3. Later on Gyllenhaal expressed his thoughts on where morals should come in for journalists, in reference to his new film Nightcrawler, where he plays a video journalist that goes over the line many times.

    Your a joke Jake. Deceit is immoral.

  4. California is off limits?November 2, 2014 at 4:47 PM

    You guys aren't kidding. There's a tweet that spots Jake in California and all of a sudden a New York and Austin Nichols tweet follows. So is that one of the role's of PR having a presence on this blog night and day? Just to always counter your findings? Seems kinda obvious that's one of their tasks. No way is this about Jake just being gay. He's got kids and that's why his filming schedules are so mysterious and he shows up somewhere with hardly any announcement. Why he's adopted Maggie's family as his own.

    Just liking men doesn't require that kind of 24/7 coordination and media imaging. (Unless your boyfriend is in a multimillion dollar boyband, that is. lol) I mean who would care that Jake's in California? If, he's still with Austin and raising a family, however, that would be something you'd want to hide. Particularly, around a kid holiday like Halloween when he could have easily been in NY with the nieces.

    Wait a minute. Does that mean we will suddenly get pics of Jake with Ramona and Gloria dressed up for Halloween now? That would be fun.

  5. Too funny. I avoided watching that Bears movie on my recent flight for the same reason. Wildlife shows are always sad. Something always dies or gets eaten.

    I loved those Jensen and Jared videos PG. Those infectious smiles remind me of the boys at the Lakers game. Eye contact and big smiles say it all.

    The box office results seem decent enough but the film will get swallowed up by next weeks new releases. Not sure the marketing team did Jake any favors by moving the release to Halloween weekend. Though it gives him yet another excuse for so so box office. I do still plan to see it one of these days.

    Jake brought the Taylor issue on himslef by having anythng to do with her in the first place. And she is hot right now. But I agree, the "romance" was so short lived it hardly merits any interest. But he can only blame himself and his PR team for his having to carry that baggage.

  6. Special, I don't know where you found 5 little goslings in one pic, but I'm envious! When I was searching for a wallpaper for @goosestile, I couldn't find 5 in one pic for the life of me. *sigh*

    I loved those Jensen and Jared videos PG. Those infectious smiles remind me of the boys at the Lakers game. Eye contact and big smiles say it all.

    Glad you enjoyed them, M! There are just a bunch of them on YouTube, but those are some of my personal favorites. Btw, my avatar is of the 2 guys from last night in Austin TX. They went to some kind of "guy" event, but look at them. Could Jensen get any closer to Jared? Just look at these 2 guys. It's grainy and dark and I could care less! It's the most gorgeous picture because they're together and they look so happy.

  7. The Jets as usual this year were awful, congrats on your team's win PG. I couldn't even count on my other team, the Broncos, it wasn't even close, so congrats to you to Special. :-D

  8. I haven't had a chance to watch all the interviews, the only one I've seen is Ellen.

    I wish Jake wouldn't be so rude to reporters. He was the one that put that relationship front and center when it suited him, it's so hypocritical to now make a fuss when others ask him about it.

    And wow re the tweets about Jake in Soho and the one about Austin. Right on cue.
