Thursday, November 6, 2014

Political Positions

New York on Monday, LA on Tuesday Jake was spotted at LAX on November 4th.

Looks like his "home" might be in New York, but not his polling place is not.

Austin was sure enthusiastic about voting the day before

Americans! Tomorrow is Election Day. VOTE VOTE VOTE!! Here is a link to find out where you go.   - AUS10

Civic Duty?  Or thought of possible hanging chad? 

Speaking of politics.

What ever happened to Nailed?

It looks like the movie went into witness protection.   It got a new name and new location and all connection to David O. Russell is wiped away or is that Russell wiped away any relation to it.

"Screen Daily reports that Arrow Films has snapped up the UK rights to the film that’s now called “Politics Of Love” with plans for a 2015 release."

No word if or when it can return to the US.


  1. This is in reply to A Rose By Any Other Name, oh excuse me, I meant See the Movie First. Because you see, you could go see NC with 1000 different 'friends', you're still the same Management Troll who has been buzzing around this blog for the past 12 hours. Shabby try to disguise yourself.

    • Too invested in personal life? lol. Oh please, take the box of Kleenex somewhere else. We'll remember this the next time Jake wants to stroll with ol' Tay on the cover of US Weekly. Oh, ouch, that one still hurts, doesn't it? Not one of your all's most shining moments.

    • Becoming a fan of Jake because of BBM? Point your laser somewhere else. I bet some folks here were fans of Jake before BBM. I didn't even see BBM until 2008, several yrs after its release so quit using that movie as a crutch. I watched Moonlight Mile, Jarhead, Donnie Darko and the illustrious Prince of Persia after having seen Brokeback. I traveled to NYC to see him at the Film Festival. I bought his DVD's. I joined a blog about him and Austin. I downloaded pictures, many of them out of Brokeback character. I know, gasp-worthy, isn't it? So now hear this - Jake World did not begin and end with Brokeback.

    • And a publicity or PR "thing" that all actors do.
    How many of them carry out fake arrivals at LAX terminals? How many of them fib about their filming dates? Is that common practice with the likes of Hiddleston, do you think?

    • Personal vendettas? Following for reasons you can't comprehend? Says the person who stalks my twitter accounts and Tumblr. Says the person who has created mock twitter accounts of my goosestile acct. Says the person who posts on Just Jared using all of us regular OMG'ers' blogger names, posing as us.
    Wow, puzzling isn't it?

    Now get off of this blog. We're not going anywhere and you know that. Your constant nagging is ranking right up there with Archie Bunker's.

  2. Nightcrawler and Jake are getting excellent reviews on Goldderby. Jake does have a shot at an Oscar nomination. Still seems like the top 4 contenders are locked in but the 5th spot is still up for grabs. Jake is vying for that 5th spot along with the likes of Bradley Cooper and Ben Affleck. The top 4 actors films have not been released yet. So you never know. This is Jake's best shot since BBM. This film is a really good shot in the arm for Jake. Releasing this film last week was also very smart since it got to top the Box Office.

  3. Special is right on it as usual. Indeed NAILED is being released in the UK.

  4. Jake has had some iconic roles in his career, but it doesn't keep him from trying to continue to push the limits, while maturing in his craft.

    I remember Rendition, where I thought that while Jake gave a good performance, it was a part he wasn't ready for yet, he hadn't reach that place in his life or career for that kind of role.

    You can't say that Jake doesn't give his all for his roles. He works hard, he puts in the prep, he transforms himself, and even after it wraps he goes out and promotes it many times more than his co-stars.

    Yes there have been some less successful movies, but not always less successful performances. Jake may have been miscast according to some as Dastan, but he gave the best performance he could as Dastan. He wanted that experience of being a "hero"/franchise/big box office" star, but I think he realized that might not be the best fit for him as career. But until you try you sometimes don't know.

    What he did do is go back to what he does best, mid-size, thought provoking, interesting, indie-like roles. And he built on them from Source Code all the way to Nightcrawler. He has been honing his craft, taking some risks building on his maturity as a man and as actor. He can handle the weight of some these heavy roles, many he could not have pulled off 6-7 years ago.

    While not everyone will like every film choice he makes or the roles he portrays one thing you can't say that Jake hasn't had strong performances. He has had consistent solid performances again and again.

    I've said it before you might not be a fan of the character of Lou Bloom, but you do have recognize the amazing work Jake does to portray him.

  5. Jake hasn't had a bomb in a while. I really think End of Watch was the movie that began to turn his career around. Younger str8 males loved that movie.

  6. can't believe he was bubble boyNovember 7, 2014 at 7:28 PM

    I really think End of Watch was the movie that began to turn his career around.

    And Prisoners close the deal,
    he has completely overshadowed the bigger star( and very talented, to be honest) Hugh Jackman,with his amazing perforformance.

  7. Damn shame I don't feel like I want to see any of them. Can't support someone I had so much hope for to be honorable and not be afraid to be honest with his fans.

  8. Releasing this film last week was also very smart since it got to top the Box Office.

    Actually it didn't top the box office. Ouiji came out ahead after all the tallies were done.

    The other thing that was deceiving? That the movie actually was released on Thursday, prior to the weekend, as if to include that money in the weekend totals.

    I'm sorry, I don't like to burst bubbles. I'm sure Jake is very good in the movie - I'm not saying Jake is a bad actor. I think he does drama sensitive very, very well.
    But you should see some of the tweets eeking through now. Not everyone is stunned by it. And I have watched this pattern happen now with every movie Jake's been in since he came under WME.

    Tremendous talking up on Twitter and Facebook - Oscar talk, it's the best movie ever. Then the movie comes out and either the movie doesn't do well (ie. Enemy-yes, Enemy was not a success at all) or else the awards were not a sure shot like we were lead to believe, i.e. Prisoners and Enemy.

    I will wait to see what happens with Nightcrawler. But if you were to look at all the tweets for the past 3 weeks, you would think NC was an absolute hands down cinch.

    This is what I am debunking. This is what I'm saying that I don't like it when a studio plants and pays for hype. Let the people speak for themselves. I want honesty. I don't want faked hype. I just want honest reactions. But Jake's people have ruined that for Twitter. They've totally soiled that social medium as far as his movies are concerned.

    It's all the fake build up and talk that I am talking about. That I don't like. If you're going to do it, then the awards need to follow through and happen. Otherwise, it's all just fake.

  9. Interesting find on the LA photos, Special. I wonder why Jake doesn't mind being seen in LA on Election Day for a one-day trip? Because you know he could do a mail-in ballot.

  10. Maybe he wanted someone who was tweeting the Get Out and Vote to give him more than a sticker if he did.

  11. lol, could be.

    And great news on the state of Kansas!!!! I'm very happy about my hometown state.

  12. Knock it off, Paid Troll.

    Hang it up with your lame argument on not "finding" any children.

    Hear this - 50 more years can go by and we still may never see these kids. Jake and Austin could very well plan on hiding these kids for the rest of their lives.

    Doesn't matter. I know what I know and no lame taunting you bring is going to change this.

    You're hacked because we won't go away. But hey, look at it this way. You're still getting a paycheck.


  13. arschersetzer ‏@cybernetickitty

    there was no story it was literally just jake gyllenhaal is an annoying sociopath for two hours

    3:51 PM - 7 Nov 2014

    just saw nightcrawler. sooooooooo bad. so very terrible so extremely disappointing
