Thursday, November 27, 2014

Turkey Trot

Jake stopped by The Late Show to chat with Dave on Thanksgiving Eve. He promoted Nightcrawler (with a interesting question from Dave about unions)  as well as Constellations which opens in previews next month.

They didn't talk turkey, but the conversation went to salmon.

 Earlier in day Jake was took a picture at The Rose Center for Earth and Space.

Brushing up on physics to understand his Constellation co-star's part, perhaps?

And as Thanksgiving finished up we saw Jake out for a walk in NY.

 No Starbucks this time.
 Just Leo.

Hope everyone had a sweet Thanksgiving!


  1. tiana. ‏@maikal0ve

    jake gyllenhaal came to our restaurant 😂🙌
    1:15 PM - 28 Nov 2014

    Location: Ototo Sushi Co., San Diego CA

  2. So Jake went from the Letterman show to place himself in New York and then miraculously shows up in Southern California. That seems to happen every year, doesn't it. PR needs a new script.

    How funny. Chloe and Austin were in LA too.

  3. Wonder if Jake and Leo hopped a flight as soon as the pictures were taken Thursday morning.

  4. Letterman has a tendency to tape shows before the holidays for broadcasting. It could be that Jake was already in CA Wed, and the pictures of him and Leo were done ahead of time too.

  5. I think the show was videotaped on Tuesday.

  6. Tweet doesn't say when Jake was in San Diego. Could have been weeks ago. Why would he hop on a plane to eat sushi in San Diego while he's in the middle of rehearsals for Constellations? Doesn't make a lot of sense does it.

  7. Sure it makes sense. It's the holidays. He wants to be with his real family. Once I saw the pic of Jake's new canine prop, I knew he wasn't in New York. And, once I saw the photo op of Austin with the fake girlfriend it was obviously meant for cover so he could be with Jake. These PR teams are not too bright. Instead of letting Austin and Jake not be seen at all, which is the ordinary course of business with both of these guys, they have to go out of their way to put them on opposite coasts at the holidays. Trying much too hard.

  8. Anonymous 114 said...

    Tweet doesn't say when Jake was in San Diego. Could have been weeks ago. Why would he hop on a plane to eat sushi in San Diego while he's in the middle of rehearsals for Constellations? Doesn't make a lot of sense does it.

    lol. You're going to walk right into this one, aren't you? Didn't you do any research online?

    Well, looks like that restaurant just had its soft opening on Nov. 18. Check out the Yelp comments - it's brand new.

    Gee when do you think Jake was there?

    1 check-in

    I stopped by yesterday (hoping to get a light lunch) and was advised that today (Nov 18th) was the soft opening for the general public.

    I'm so sure Jake is rehearsing right through this Thanksgiving holiday. Yep.

    This gives me a whole new meaning for "Let me entertain you".

  9. you don't fake date for New York photos with Leo,

    Well, he did. So get over it.

  10. take private jet to secretly visit Austin in LA

    Well, he did. So get over it.

  11. and then eat out where anyone can take your photos and post them on Internet.

    Not too bright, is he?

  12. LOL! Looks like the agenda has been set for the next GyllenTeam management meeting, hasn't it?

    They might want to call in lunch for this one.

  13. On a serious note, while we let the paid Troll simmer on medium, I have to say that it's mindblowing that word has not been mentioned over what must be the loss of Atticus.

    This is very surprising to me. Jake was seen with Atticus so many times, there are how many pictures? From the time that Atticus was adopted, to walks with the GHaal family, to set pictures on Source Code and Brokeback Mountain, to dog parks and dead man walking photo ops with Gene Hong....Atticus was also seen with Rashida Jones and Reese Witherspoon. There have been many, many tweets about Jake and his dog Atticus from civilian sightings to robot tweets about the origin of Atticus' name and having to do with To Kill a Mockingbird.

    All of his longtime fans knew about him.

    And for Jake to have a new dog and there to be no mention of the passing of Atticus is very, very...just very odd.

    Unless Atticus is still alive and has been alive, but is living in LA with someone else.

    And if he is still really alive? Then Atticus can never be seen again.

    If Atticus had to be put down or something else happened to him, then it really is kind of cold for Jake to be seen with his new dog and no word given on what happened to his longtime, much-publicized pet, Atticus.

    His people know that the fans were attached to Atticus and had been following the "boy and his dog" story all these years. So why do you not say something about what has happened?

    For me, it has to be one of the more unsettling personal stories (or non-story) on Jake that I've seen in recent years. And it is - it's unsettling.

  14. Jake doesn't seem to care too much anymore what fans think now that he is a "mature" and "serious" actor.

    And yes, what an amazing coincidence that we always get photos of Jake and Austin in completely different places around the holidays (rolling my eyes big-time).

    On the plus side, I thought Jake seemed very relaxed on Letterman, and it didn't feel like he was speaking from a rehearsed script as has so often been the case in recent years.

  15. Maybe PR put a photo ban and gag order on all things Atticus? :-)

    Remember, Jake did show up with Atticus in a W. Hollywood dog park back in August 2013, after being MIA for nearly two years. But, now that he's "sold" his Hollywood Hills home, the impression being given is that Jake has nothing left to go back to. Seems to me that anything in Jake's life prior to him signing with WME in 2012 is being hidden away. Intentionally. Just like Austin. Just like the kids.

  16. Of course when Jake does his upcoming Broadway play, the family will be relocated to New York via another Witness Protection Program like in 2012. Easy enough to do.

  17. And he's still thereNovember 29, 2014 at 2:16 PM

    Kendall Hogenmiller @KendalllH · 32 min 32

    THE Austin Nichols of One Tree Hill at target in Austin WHAT?! Still lookin hot as ever

  18. Okay, first before the football game, we're addressing this:

    Anonymous dogmeat said...

    Atticus is dead get over it

    And how do you know that? Why don't you go tell Jake's people to have an interviewer ask him about his dog? You know, just like you have interviewers ask him about having kids?

    That is one ugly statement. This is the kind of troll that Jake's money is paying for. Someone who gives that kind of comment about his dog and then gives the name of dogmeat??

    It's trash, that's what it is.

  19. Sure it makes sense. It's the holidays. He wants to be with his real family.

    Surely you're talking about Mom, Maggie and Peter, right. lol

    Oh, and then there's his two neices.
    That's family enough. Think he brought the girl, what's here name, Leo. Don't know of her yet.

  20. And how do you know that? Why don't you go tell Jake's people to have an interviewer ask him about his dog? You know, just like you have interviewers ask him about having kids?

    Oh goodness, PG asking someone "how do you know that"! Interesting.
    She can't be asked that question, but she asks it.

    He said he don't have any children. Did you not hear that interview? Now I'll ask you, how do you know he has children? Have you seen them. No, not some random child in a stroller in Paris during Reese years.

    Evidence, Pictures, Birth Certificates!
    Otherwise, it exist only in PG and 2 other fans here heads.
    Nobody believes Jake fathered 6 children but you! Nobody!
    Deal with it!

  21. oops! said...

    "take private jet to secretly visit Austin in LA"

    lol. Wow.

    This is how big this find was. This is how BAD it is for Jake to have been found in L.A. at Ototo.

    Sorry, no dice.

    #1, where is ol' Chlo at the game? Did she stay behind and help clean the dishes from the Nichols' holiday meal? She never tweeted anymore about being in Austin TX after that Pajama Pants Pic and you know when that was? The 25th; that was four days ago. Somebody forgot to keep up the pretense, didn't they?

    #2, Not buying this football pic, sorry. Funny how this wasn't mentioned when the San Diego tweet was being talked about several hours ago. And Target? Really? LOL! Tweeted about an hour ago?

    This is why the troll disappeared on us. He left to go get busy and conjure up this Austin back up.

    No. Dice Go sell it somewhere else.

    This is how important it is. The fact that the troll is fighting this one shows you how bad it was for Jake to have been seen in San Diego.

    Oh, and btw, can we bring up the blue nail polish on Austin's middle fingers?

  22. Not buying this football pic, sorry.Funny how this wasn't mentioned when the San Diego tweet was being talked about several hours ago.

    this football pic was posted almost 2 days ago on WFT

    Do your homeworks girl!

    Anonymous Austin in Texas said...

    Katie Eulenfeld @Katieeulenfeld · 4h 4 hours ago
    Hook Em with Austin Nichols from one tree hill 😍😍
    Austin and fans watching game

    November 28, 2014 3:06 am

  23. No, not some random child in a stroller in Paris during Reese years.

    Not exactly.

    BT was in a carrier and the nanny was carrying him while pushing the stroller. No random child in a stroller.

  24. this football pic was posted almost 2 days ago on WFT

    I see that. Doesn't matter.

    BTW, why didn't Austin tweet from the game? He has before.

    Feels like we're backtracking, doesn't it?

  25. proof that he was really at the game!November 29, 2014 at 3:42 PM

    Oh, and btw, can we bring up the blue nail polish on Austin's middle fingers?

    Yes, the girl next him has the same nail polish,kind of cute huh?

  26. Yes, the girl next him has the same nail polish,kind of cute huh?

    lol. Does ol' Chlo think it's the same kind of "cute"? Where was Chlo supposed to have been that night? Why does she travel to Austin but yet stay home while Austin would go to the football game?

    If she did go, why didn't she tweet about it?

    This is like swatting at flies at a picnic, lol.

  27. That pic of Austin at the Longhorn football game is photoshopped.

  28. Yes, the girl next him has the same nail polish,kind of cute huh?

    Wouldn't you think if Austin was going to paint his fingernails for the game, he would have painted them Longhorn orange? Why baby blue?

    Another stork arrival?

  29. Let's pretend Austin doesn't f*** girls and didn't spend Thanksgiving in Austin, TX with Chloe.

    lol. If they spent Thanksgiving together, then why wouldn't she have been at the ballgame with him? Or why wouldn't she have tweeted about being at the game or why didn't Austin tweet about being at the game?

    You know why? Because this story was just made up several hours ago after the San Diego Ototo tweet was posted.

    It's all false. Jake got caught. Again.

    Game over. He lost this one.


  30. Definitely, photoshopped. Proportion is off for one thing. Look at the huge heads of those two guys behind them. Also, where is Austin's seat? There's no room for him yet we are led to believe by the matching baby blue fingernail polish that Austin is with her. As PG already pointed out it also makes no sense that Austin would take his girlfriend home for Thanksgiving and then he doesn't take her to the big game.

  31. Scrubbing the gay awayNovember 29, 2014 at 11:27 PM

    Jake trying to scrub the gay away in Southpaw

    pic from movie
