Monday, December 8, 2014

To Eleven

Eleven isn't just for music.

American Film Institute (AFI) has announce their list of Movies of the Year for 2014

"Each year, AFI AWARDS honors the 10 films and 10 television programs deemed culturally and artistically representative of the year's most significant achievements in the art of the moving image. This is the first time in AFI AWARDS history that the voting procedure — including tiebreakers — has resulted in the inclusion of 11 motion picture honorees."

Nightcrawler joins American Sniper, Birdman, Boyhood, Foxcatcher, The Imitation Game, Interstellar, Into the Woods, Selma, Unbroken and Whiplash on the prestigious group's list. 


  1. I'm happy that Jake is getting reward recognition. He and Austin certainly gave up a lot to help it happen so at least the effort was worth it. Hollywood and the public are fickle though so they can only count on it one day at a time.

  2. Congratulations to Jake who was nominated for the Golden Globe award today.

  3. I second that SK. Congrats to Jake, he earned it.

    Still confused how some here are upset about the nomination and continue to criticize him about it and for everything he does. He acts for a living, he should be rewarded for that great performance.
