Monday, August 10, 2015

Good thoughts and prayers

Moms are special. The carry us for 9 months, bring us into this world and keep caring for us no matter how old we are.  They know what makes us smile, how to fix everything from skinned knees to broken hearts, and keep the family traditions.  They are referees, peacemakers, and our first teachers.  They take care of us, where we live, where we go and what we do. They never give up on us, and are always force of nature.  They are superheroes who never seem to tire or weaken. Moms are universal, we all had a mom.   Moms are special.

And some are bad asses.  Just ask Austin.

We've known for a long time how Austin feels about his mom.  How proud he is of her accomplishments, her fight, her strength.

It's now that becomes important.

Earlier today Austin tweeted this:

This is my beautiful family! Yall, my mom is battling cancer. We need your thoughts and prayers!!!

This isn't Kay's first battle with cancer.   She fought back and beat it before.  She has the fight and  the family to help her face it again.

This time Austin is asking for a little more help for the fight.

 Some times we need to step back and put aside the little things we find ourselves getting so focused on and look at the big things,  the universal things - things like moms.

Here's leaving all the stuff for a while and sending good thoughts, prayers and love Austin's and his families way.


  1. No doubt. Sending my thoughts and prayers for strength and faith for the Nichols family.

    Austin's post broke my heart a bit. I doubt there is anybody who hasn't been touched by this terrible disease and anyone who has watched a parent battle the big C knows how kind of helpless it makes you feel.

    Best wishes to Austin, his mom and his family.

  2. So sad. I wish the best for her and her entire family. The treatment for cancer is as bad as the disease. I wish there were more advances in treatment but they seem to be a long time coming.

  3. Definitely praying for Austin and his Mom. It is pretty obvious Austin loves her very much.

  4. I read an article about Kristin Stewart a couple days ago and people are really questioning her sexuality. Sounds like she even has a female significant other. When asked about her sexuality he mad a comment that pretty much said she cant talk about it because of the industry she is in. She said she has to be different people all the time. I guess she was referring to her roles. She also said she does hope that a time comes when it doesn't matter and this question does not have to be asked. For me that was a very honest answer. I think she is Gay as is Robert Pattison.

  5. I agree, Tom. I saw quotes from what was probably the same interview. She has been out alot with her girlfriend lately. She's about as out as you can be without saying something.

    And no guf from me on that one. I'm glad for her. Hopefully she's done with the merkin game now.

    What a turnaround that was, that her people did. They made her out to be a cheater & homewrecker with that whole "affair" thing. Then they had her lay low for a long time.

    And now she's out and about with her girlfriend constantly.

    How long did that take? Several years, I think. It was a real strategy.

    But they did it. It can be done.

  6. It been be so nice to see Jake and Austin follow her lead. Seems women like her have lived their life without officially coming out for a long time. EX: Jodie Foster and Queen Latifah. When will the men find the courage to at least live their lives this way. It would be a huge step in the right direction. This certainly now puts the eye on Pattison. It will be interesting to see how he handles it.

  7. So sad about Austin's mother; sending all my thoughts and love to him and his family, and wishes for a recovery.

  8. I haven't had time for the gossip sites lately, but awhile back there were lots of romantic-looking photos of Stewart and her girlfriend in Hawaii, and Just Jared certainly described them as being a couple. Very interesting about the interview. I bet her keeping quiet has as much to do with the bearding during Twilight as it does with getting future work.

  9. David Denson, a minor league first baseman and outfielder in the Milwaukee Brewers organization, has become the first active player in affiliated professional baseball to reveal he is gay.

    This is awesome.

  10. Brewers farmhand David Denson reveals he's gay

    MILWAUKEE (AP) — Milwaukee Brewers minor leaguer David Denson has become the first openly gay player on a team affiliated with Major League Baseball.

    The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel said Denson, with the help of former major leaguer Billy Bean, reached out to the newspaper to tell his story.

    The 20-year-old first baseman plays for the Helena Brewers in the rookie Pioneer League. Bean, Major League Baseball's first Ambassador for Inclusion, revealed he is gay after his playing career.

    "Talking with my teammates, they gave me the confidence I needed, coming out to them," Denson told the newspaper. "They said, "You're still our teammate. You're still our brother. We kind of had an idea, but your sexuality has nothing to do with your ability. You're still a ballplayer at the end of the day. We don't treat you any different. We've got your back.'

    "That was a giant relief for me. I never wanted to feel like I was forcing it on them. It just happened. The outcome was amazing. It was nice to know my teammates see me for who I am, not my sexuality."

    In June, pitcher Sean Conroy of the Sonoma Stompers of the independent Pacific Association, revealed he is gay. The Pacific Association is not affiliated with Major League Baseball.

  11. "That was a giant relief for me. I never wanted to feel like I was forcing it on them. It just happened. The outcome was amazing. It was nice to know my teammates see me for who I am, not my sexuality."

    Oh my gosh, that is awesome, Tom. A wonderful story for today. Something positive and encouraging.

  12. A married rugby player in the UK has just come out as well.

    Rugby league player Keegan Hirst, 27, has revealed that he is gay"

    Hirst becomes the first British openly homosexual rugby league player

    Married rugby league player Keegan Hirst has come out as gay, making him the first openly homosexual Englishman in the sport.

    The 27-year-old prop has spoken of the moment he told his wife why they could no longer be together.

    Hirst, captain of West Yorkshire side Batley Bulldogs, said the relief of finally coming out felt like 'letting out a long breath that I’ve held in for a long time'.

  13. Austin, you have my deepest condolences, and I pray your Mom makes a speedy recovery.
    Love to.her,

  14. Nice news about the rugby and baseball player.

    Does the baseball player have any chance of playing in the majors?

  15. Does the baseball player have any chance of playing in the majors?

    Let's hope what happened to Michael Sam doesn't happen to David Denson. Hopefully not.

    And if Curt Schilling has any say in it, lol. Whew! Did anybody hear or see Curt Schilling on his podium last night on ESPN during the baseball game about the situation? He really spoke up and said he didn't care about a teammate's sexuality, that all he cared about was if he could play and was he going to contribute to the team. It was an awesome rant he went on, lol. He was really fired up.

    M&M had to tell me who that was because I didn't recognize him. I recognized John Kruk (who wouldn't? lol). I didn't know that was Curt Schilling, tho.

  16. I am not a big fan of Curt Schilling. He is a loud mouth jerk and very conservative. He was probably not happy about this kid coming out. I will take Charles Barkley any day he is so supportive of Gay players coming out.

  17. Destiny said...

    Nice news about the rugby and baseball player.

    Does the baseball player have any chance of playing in the majors?

    I do not think his odds of making it are very good Destiny.

  18. That is really interesting to hear, Tom.

    So I wonder was he secretly lying with everything he said during the national broadcast? Was he overcompensating and for what reason?

    Maybe he's thinking of running for political office, lol.

  19. I have been real curious about Robert Pattison. I read that he is engaged to a female rapper. I never really got the gay vibe from him actually so maybe he was playing the role of a male beard for Kristin. Who knows though. What he and Kristin did just makes it so clear how prevalent it is in HW to hide The Gay

  20. Not only hiding the gay Tom, but creating phony relationships to promote a movie. Even if they were both straight they probably would have still been promoted as a couple (and even if they had real straight relationships on the side).

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Read today that Paul Haggis the director Of Crash said Crash should not have won the Best Picture Oscar in 2005 that BBM should have. He said bbmit was a better movie.

  23. Please pardon this. I'm sorry, but I cannot, I cannot let this one pass.

    Gossip Cop ‏@GossipCop 37m37 minutes ago
    Susan Sarandon And Jake Gyllenhaal NOT “Hooking Up,” Despite Report A Dawn and Shout cocktail can't even touch this stain of desperation
    8:40 AM - 20 Aug 2015 · Details

    Susan Sarandon and Jake Gyllenhaal are NOT “hooking up,” despite a new tabloid report. Gossip Cop can exclusively correct this rumor. We’re told by a source close to the actor it’s 100 percent not true.

    According to the National Enquirer, Sarandon was spotted earlier this month “snuggled up” with Gyllenhaal while attending the opening of the Broadway play “Hamilton” in New York.

    The tabloid cites a so-called “source” as saying, “The rumor is they’ve been hooking up on the down-low. A lot of people are hoping they go with the flow and give it a shot.” A source close to Gyllenhaal, however, wonders where that “rumor” began, other than in the office of the Enquirer. Regardless, our impeccable source exclusively tells Gossip Cop the tabloid’s latest story is “not true,” and Gyllenhaal is not hooking up with Sarandon.

    It should come as no surprise that the tabloid’s story is wrong. Gossip Cop has busted several rumors about Gyllenhaal in the past, including a report in March by the Enquirer’s sister company RadarOnline, which falsely alleged Busy Phillips wanted to set him up with Michelle Williams, with whom he worked on Brokeback Mountain.

    "snuggled up" with Jake? Are they sure he wasn't the one doing the snuggling up - in her lap? BWAHAHAH!!! #mamacomplex

    Freud would have just had a hayday with Jake, wouldn't he?

    I'm rolling on the floor here.

  24. Just going to leave this here.

    This is what's kind of spine-shimmying about the whole Sarandon/Jake rumor plant, and it's that she is the same age as his mom.

    Naomi Foner is 69 yrs this past March. Susan Sarandon will turn 69 in another couple of months.

    Many of Jake's female co-leads or romantic interests in his films have been older than him:

    Reese Witherspoon (kind of co-star/beard) - 4 yrs older
    Michelle Monaghan - 4 yrs older
    Amy Adams - 6 yrs older
    Gwyneth Paltrow - 8 yrs older
    Jennifer Anniston - 11 yrs older
    Ellen Pompeo - 11 yrs older
    Naomi Watts - 12 yrs older
    Catherine Keener - 21 yrs older
    Rene Russo - 26 yrs older

    And now this rumor comes around, pairing him with a woman who's 35 yrs older than he is, the same age as his mom?

    It's interesting. I have my own theory that I'm batting around in my head and it has to do with trying to meet his mom's approval. Is he seeking it from all these ladies who are significantly older than he is? Just throwing that one against the wall to see if anything sticks.

    Who knows. But there's something up with all of that. I just found that rather unusual.

    I also don't know that Gossip Cop is all that he tries to make himself out to be. Is the Enquirer non-story put up just so that someone can bat it down? Kind of like tossing up a harmless badminton birdie.

    I have no idea how anyone can think Jake is straight after all this time. He can't seem to "settle down". He gets paired with maternal types. His photo ops with beards are all kinds of hinky with blurry, dark one-shot "civilian" photos.

    What happened to Ruthie?
    What happened to Rachel?
    What happened to Rhianna?
    What happened to 5005 others?

    lol. I mean, it's just a joke. Ah well, I really just mainly wanted to mention that whole age thing. I found it interesting.

    G'night all. Special, we were tired tonight!!!! We didn't get into Boston until 5 this morning. We'll try again tomorrow night. Sox vs. Royals. GRRRRR!!!!


  25. Leave it to Dlisted to skewer that story so well. Michael has all the beards shaking in their boots about Sarandon moving into their territory.

  26. BWAHAHAHAH!!!! "dry fart out a story" - OH my dog, I about busted a gut on that one.

    When I first saw this picture from earlier this month of Susan Sarandon gazing at the field of man fur on Jake Gyllenhaal’s face, I just knew that some tabloid’s summer internet would eventually dry fart out a story about how these two are rubbing crotches. The National Enquirer came through and didn’t disappoint!

    34-year-old Jake and 68-year-old Susan were both at the premiere of Hamilton on Broadway on August 6th and some witness type claims they were “snuggling” while taking pictures. One of the pictures of them getting into a so-called snuggling situation is above. Another source says that Jake and Susan, who were in that Moonlight Mile movie together, are keeping it casual and are just “hooking up.” Susan broke up with that ping-pong mogul a few months ago.

    If there’s a tiny sliver of truth to this, every aspiring beard in Hollywood is going to shake herself crazy with fear. Because the minute Susan Sarandon steps into the beard game is the minute that the beard game belongs to her. And Susan could definitely teach Jakey a few things.

    But of course…

    Those fun killers at Gossip Cop had to shit on this totally real rumor.

    Regardless, our impeccable source exclusively tells Gossip Cop the tabloid’s latest story is “not true,” and Gyllenhaal is not hooking up with Sarandon.

    Shut your holes, Gossip Cop! Nobody asked you. Just let me sit here and patiently wait for completely natural paparazzi pictures of Jake and Susan gleefully strolling down the street together.

    And here’s Jake looking like a hot constipated lumberjack business man at a Hollywood Foreign Press Association event last week.

    Too too funny from Michael K

    Michael K just spits it right out anymore with Jake. Doesn't even try to pretend.

    Jake's people should be so embarrassed over this story. It's hilarious.

  27. That is hilarious about Susan Sarandon, a real roller alright PG. And so is that piece by Michael K.

  28. How come no one mentioned what I believe was just an bizarre story about Marcus Mumford and Jake frolicking in Disneyland? That had to be the strangest photo op I've seen in awhile. And, there were lots of tweets of the sighting too. Jake's PR must be smokin' too much weed.

  29. ^Probably, more "anyone but Austin" kabuki theater. Grown men in Disneyland is really seriously shuddersome. And, the pics came right when everyone knew Mumford was in the LA area because of his tour. I think their concert was at The Forum in Inglewood. Mumford and Jake sure have some kind of business arrangement. He pops up at interesting times, although I really don't know what the point of this sketch comedy routine was.

  30. How come no one mentioned what I believe was just an bizarre story about Marcus Mumford and Jake frolicking in Disneyland?

    Well, for one thing, because that thing was all kinds of hinky. For another, as time passed along, you realized that it was another Tony's night all over again. Remember that big farce?

    LOL. M&M and I were watching the Disneyland nonsense and we soon both agreed that it was the Tony's all over again.

    Too bad for them that it didn't get the rise that they wanted it to.

    And I mean, really. Are pictures of Bumford chomping down on a giant turkey leg hot? LOLLLLL!! Whoever wants to ship that, go right on ahead. smh.

    Business arrangement is so right, Jake's people. "comedy sketch routine". LOLLLLL!! Exactly. Embarrassing, really.
