Wednesday, December 9, 2015

10 Years Today

Today marks the 10th anniversary of Brokeback Mountain.

It's hard to believe it has been that long, and at the same time it seems a lifetime ago.  We praised the progress that had been made at that time.  Looking at today we see how far we've come -and much further we need to go.

Brokeback was groundbreaking when it came out, now it is one of  most iconic LGBTQ film of all time. Even those who never saw the movie, know about Brokeback.

At the heart of it, a love story that all can relate to, trapped in a time and place full of prejudice, hatred and non-acceptance of what Ennis and Jack shared.  Today in America, same sex couples have the same rights as all couples.

It was Heath's finest performance, and a performance of Jake's that resonated from his truth.

 It can never be recreated but is capture for the ages.

Brokeback was much more than a movie,  it was moment on the timeline of progress.

 Happy Hanukkah


  1. I cant believe its 10 years either. I saw it a few days after it opened in the US based on the terrific reviews and buzz it generated. I watched it more times than I can count on DVD but since Heath died, I can't bring myself to re-watch it. I'm sure that will pass at some time, but its still too soon and it just makes me sad to know that he is gone.

  2. I looked forward to this movie more than any movie ever. I loved it and was devastated when it was denied the Oscar. It certainly is what brought me to follow Jake and to be a big fan of Jake's. He has so disappointed me. I still believe 100 % that Jake is Gay and am saddened that he remains in the closet. He has been left behind though. The world has moved on and changed . He has not. It was so sad what happened to Keith. I believe this movie was a great catalyst for the change to come in the next ten years. I am so glad I have lived long enough to see it. I am also glad of the friends I have made from Waiting for Toothy and Oh My Godot. I still have hope that Jake will be courageous enough to do the right thing.

  3. I am thankful for all the wonderful friendships I have made over the years of the blog. The people I have met through doing this was a wonderful benefit I didn't even realize. Thank you all for coming and supporting OMG through everything, and coming back even now.

    Jake's performance in BBM resonated because he was acting from his truth. That's not to mean that he because he was playing a gay character, but there is a little bit to that. I mean he was acting a true place in his life. He wasn't trying to be what Hollywood wanted him to be... straight. He was definitely flirting with those lines around that time. He was authentic and audiences subliminally picked up on that and connected. I think that maybe part of the disconnect Jake has now. He has had done some great work but it always seems to fall just that little smidge short when it shouldn't have. It just doesn't always connect to the audience or the critics and I have wondered if it is because the authenticate Jake is having to act through so many filters now.

  4. I agree with you totally Special K. Even the young folks loved him and the movie. MTV gave the movie the best kiss award and Jake best actor. Jake might have won the Oscar for that part but it was Clooney's turn. That second kiss in the tent was the most romantic beautiful kisses I have ever seen on film. It was real not uncomfortable between two str8 guys and I think Jake made that scene work.

  5. Nice post, Special. And I love your menorahs, especially the "Keep the Han in Hanukkah". LOL! That's awesome.

    I could never touch upon the impact Brokeback had on me. I don't have a problem watching it and I have watched it several times in the last several years. The reason why I don't watch it I guess, is because of the terribly sad, tragic ending. But this movie is to me, the most beautiful movie I have ever watched. Beautiful in the sense of writing and music and the beauty of the actors. And beautiful in the tragedy of the ending. It's so tragic, it's what makes Brokeback Mountain the classic that it is.

  6. I am thankful for all the wonderful friendships I have made over the years of the blog. The people I have met through doing this was a wonderful benefit I didn't even realize. Thank you all for coming and supporting OMG through everything, and coming back even now.

    No, thank you, Special. Look what this "little" blog has done. First & foremost it has brought us together. Oh my gosh, if I hadn't met all of you, what a loss that would have been. The internet and social media as a whole has done wonders to introduce people to each other where they never would have met otherwise.

    And while Jake & Austin would just love for us to go away, welllllll......

    We're not!!! LOL. We're not. Sorry, boys.

    His people are still trying to sell that ridiculous Telluride ficlet. I just.....heavens. These are desperate times.

  7. It's unbelievable to me too that it's been ten years. On the one hand it feels like a lifetime ago, on the other the film and experience of seeing it for the first time is so vivid in my mind it could have been this year it came out. It is definitely one of my favorite movies of all time, but, like M, I haven't been able to bring myself to watch it again since Heath died. A true masterpiece.

    Maybe once football season is over and work becomes less hectic I will give it a try and see if I can bear to see it.

  8. It's one of my top favorite movies too - I was just devastated by it, and it still brings me to tears when I watch it. Haven't in awhile, I should for the 10-year anniversary. The best thing about it, for me, is the universality of love. A profound movie. The soundtrack just pulls at my heart too.

    Glad to see the menorahs, and looking forward to Special's Christmas gift if she has time!


  9. Brokeback Mountain still stands as one of those rare instances in Hollywood where those risk adverse moneygrubbers were actually sidelined in favor of individuals seeking to create art. The extraordinary script/dialogue set the stage for greatness, followed by the impeccable selection of Ang Lee to bring life and meaning to those words. If I had never seen Jake play Jack Twist with the sensitivity he did I might not think he was ever capable of that kind of honesty on film. For me, his work since then has been predictable and oppresively angsty. Almost like he’s trying to prove he’s a “real man”. A “real actor.”

    What's ironic is that his performance in Brokeback proved at an early age he was not only capable of real emotions, but that he could effortlessly convey what a fierce heart looks like. What a human being, challenged by life, looks like. In fact, I don’t think there has ever been a more profound and simple expression of love and loneliness than this movie. Completely relatable. Characters and emotions difficult to get out of your bloodstream once infused with their force.

    Ten years later, Jake keeps trying to convince us that his current performances are him speaking his truth. But, true art is about universality. Touching people at a place they have all been. Taking them to places they want to go. In actuality, Jake's work today often seems stunted and almost burlesque-like with exaggeration and a lack of originality. I know he’s trying to be noticed. To stand-out among his peers. But, sometimes, just sometimes, the best sparkle comes from a clear sky.

  10. I should have added my thanks Special for this blog and keeping up with it all these years. Because of you so many of us have been able to meet and become friends.

    Also wanted to say that I agree with what you said about Jake's performance in BBM and connecting with audiences. I think Jake is a really good actor, but I don't think any of the roles he has taken on since BBM give him that connection to the audience. I think as you said it is partly him, but I also think he chooses roles that are maybe safe emotionally.

  11. "Ten years later, Jake keeps trying to convince us that his current performances are him speaking his truth. But, true art is about universality. Touching people at a place they have all been. Taking them to places they want to go. In actuality, Jake's work today often seems stunted and almost burlesque-like with exaggeration and a lack of originality. I know he’s trying to be noticed. To stand-out among his peers. But, sometimes, just sometimes, the best sparkle comes from a clear sky."

    Perfectly said - I totally agree.

    Thank you Special for bringing us together. I don't post much but I'm glad I have a place I can share my thoughts with all of you.

  12. Wow lots of rumors about Ronaldo and he is not denying. Ronaldo might be the most famous athlete in the world!!!!
