Sunday, April 10, 2016

Rules of Engagement

A housekeeping note:

For a while now we've had to keep the blog on moderation, and there's no real fun in that for anyone.  It cuts down on the interaction, things need to be released (and we try to release them as soon as they come in the queue) and it slows things down.

When OMG started we let everyone come and comment and said all we wanted is them to give themselves a name be it for a post, a day, a week or forever.  We need to amend this a bit so we can go back to have open interaction like we did

We are asking that you use a Google account to now post.  Many of you already have a Google/Blogger ID so it will be no difference for you.  For others it will just take a few minutes to set up a Google/Blogger ID.



  1. Just checking to make sure I have the proper acct. I'm not the most computer literate. Glad to see the change as I miss the immediate replies that allowed us to talk.

  2. Hi m!!! Great to see you. :-)

    Just got back from the big W where we spent the weekend celebrating my niece & nephew's birthdays. Always love being in Wichita and we have some great laughs.

    Boy, on the way to Wichita and also on the way back, we saw two male turkeys. They are something else to see - so much larger than the females and when they span out their feathers - wow!

    And then tonight on the way home, right after seeing some turkeys, there was a bobcat running away from them across a field. He/she was good sized.

  3. Turkeys and a bobcat, that's cool. I've never seen the latter out in the wild.

  4. Forgot to add that it's great to see you M. Hope all is well with you.

  5. Happy to see things back on real-time responses, and hope that will fan the flames of engagement just a bit. Always happy to join in on the conversation when it's current and see what the gang have to say. Thanks for keeping the faith Special. Cheers !!!

  6. Those male turkeys were something to see. Sooo big. And someone told me that they can be quite mean. I mean, I thought it was weird that the bobcat was trotting away from them. I would've thought he'd be trying to catch one and eat it.

    Does anyone watch Outlander? It looks very intriguing and that guy who plays Jamie is quite one. The story itself sounds intriguing and so I found Season 1 at a half price store and decided to give it a whirl. The sets look incredible and I don't know, it just intrigues me. I hope it's not too violent.

    I can't tell you guys how many pictures there were from The Walking Dead/One Tree Hill fans who attended Nashville Con this past weekend and took pictures with him. There are just a bunch of them out there on Twitter, probably Instagram as well.

    We're playing Houston for a 4 game series and I don't know how it's going to go. The Astros are a really good team. As in, really good.

    One funny thing came out during Jake's press junkets for Demolition (which opened this past weekend) and that's that one of his favorite movies as a child was Pete's Dragon. LOLLLLLL!!! I thought that was cute-funny.

  7. who attended Nashville Con this past weekend and took pictures with him

    I was talking about Austin here. I should have proofread my comment better.
