Friday, September 21, 2007

Laughing Stock

Much can be dissected and discussed regarding Jake's answer to this personal question that he gave in a past interview. But it is the latter part of the answer that brings a smile. "I know when I wake up in the morning with the person I love, we end up laughing. It really is the morning time, the waking up time that I look forward to."


  1. Jake in the morning is something I can only dream about. And I do. Maybe once a week. But I'll bet he's fun to be with, defences down more than during the day, smiley, gently tousled like a little sleepy gerbil, nuzzley and probably quite chatty. He appears to be a regular early riser, but that space of time between wakefulness and getting out of bed is obviously precious to him. Quiet, and complete freedom for him and his sweet boy. S i g h.

  2. But if you are dating a surfer who heads to the beach at 5:30 to catch the best waves...

  3. I've always liked this quote.

    OT, Brothers is now up on IMDb.

  4. J - You crack me up! - A

  5. Are you in the back of the car in the Jar pic, Austi? Jake is talking to someone!

  6. You never know.

    If I can have magic shoes floating in mid air next to me, who knows what can happen. ; )

  7. What I like about the quote is, that is stated in the present tense.

  8. Wasn't this interview from the end of 2005? The present tense is odd because it does imply a current relationship at that time though he claimed to be single.

  9. Lovely quote, and one of the finest examples of someone playing the pronoun game that I've ever read!

  10. There is a BI on the Entertainment Lawyer's site about an A list actor hitting on a D list actor and then crying when he got rejected.

    They are all guessing Jake as the A list actor.

    I don't think it is. I can't see Jake crying about something like that.
    You also have to put the EL's alphabet in perspective.

    He ran a BI a few weeks ago about an A list actress doing weird stuff outside a coffee shop. He later revealed the answer to be Eva Mendes.

    If Eva Mendes is an A list actress then the A list actor list just grew to about 500

  11. I love this quote. Can't you just see Austin looking at him with that confused face he always did as John and Jake just cracking up?

    Kind of OT but I have been thinking about Baby Tile (again...):

    I have been wondering if Jake being so rarely photographed this year might be connected to Baby Tile. If he is being private now, he can later keep the baby out of the spotlight without having to listen to (too much) people saying he's just hiding the baby because he's ashamed of it.

    If you think about it, he started to become more private around the time Ted first mentioned Baby Tile. If it's true, they must have either been planning at that time, knowing it would happen soon or the surrogate was already pregnant.
    He started to walk backwards to avoid the cameras and he even ducked out of the frame once.
    If you consider the fact he must have been treated a lot worse by the paparazzi as well as random people right after Brokeback came out, it's interesting he didn't do these things back then, but does them now.

  12. If you go to FanChitChat, the general concensus is that the Entertainment lawyer is just making stuff up.
    So he might have meant for this to be Jake, but unless someone more credible reports on it too, I doubt it happened.

  13. I think Fanchitchat have officially banned EL BIs after the Timmy debacle

    Says it all

  14. I really believe baby-Tile is true. I have had my doubts, but the last months, i have believed.
    What i`m not sure of is if Jake and Austin will come out when the baby arrives. They might want to hide it for awhile, and they might find their ways to do so. My biggest fear is that they will get caught on a pic with the baby without wanting so!
    I have tried to read something about gay couples in California who use surrogacy to have a child. My impression is, it`s a very big risk that the surrogate-mother can choose to be a part of the baby`s life even though the fathers might not want her to. From what i can understand- the intendent fathers should be in a domesticated partnership before the baby is born, and the non-biological father should adopt after the birth-to be as safe as they can be against a surrogate-mother who suddenly wants to keep the child.

    I guess someone who live in the U.S.A can tell us the real rules. Hope thay can, because i`m really interested:)

  15. Ag, that actor is supposed to be B+ list not A list--a big reason why I don't think it's Jake.

    I'm thinking it's someone like James Franco or a guy of that ilk.

  16. 10:33 Good insight. Is there a name we can put with it?

  17. I'm drawing a blank with the Timmy BI - who and what was it about again?

    I went to see Ryan Adams in Toronto tonight - stunning.

  18. Austin Nichols:
    Hardest part to film: His scenes with Jake. "He was always making faces at me, trying to crack me up," says Austin. "It usually worked too. I was trying to be all serious and I'd see him sticking his tongue out and I'd lose it."

  19. From Austinmedia:

    new Austin pics. The woman who took the pics wrote this comment:

    "me talking to the best looking man I have ever seen in real life (and he is from TV - my other real life)"

  20. Thanks for the link for the rest of those pics.

    Gotta love that comment.

  21. Be on the lookout, Jake is on the cover of the October Interview Magazine interviewed by David Fincher!

  22. There is a child in those pics, baby-Tile? :P

  23. Thanks TBS! We will have to get that!

    Giusi -- The guy sitting next to the stroller looks like Austin's brother in law, so that little girl might be his niece Ella.

  24. Interview Magazine extracts

  25. Thanks 11:21.

    And thanks to WDW.

    Is there a name that we can call you instead of Anon or 11:21?

  26. It's quite revealing that the magazine prompts him for a heterosexual answer to a genderless previous response.

    Magazines always assume everyone to be heterosexual.
