Thursday, September 29, 2011

Second Cup

Put a pot on, grab another cup, it's National Coffee Day here in the US, and while it seems every day is Coffee Day for Jakewhat about Austin?
Does that mean he likes cream and sugar?

Austin looks more like a coffee and donut kind of guy, dontcha' think?
Even though Jake played the cop.

And with all the pictures of coffee runs and cups in hand none can beat this one.
Maybe it's the sugar and the cream talking.


  1. Forgot to say yesterday happy Rosh Hashanah to all who observe.

    Love that sign for the coffee place at the top of the post.

    Take Shelter looks interesting, and lol, when I checked it out on IMDB there's a thread started that says it looks like a version of Donnie Darko.

    I wonder why Jake is spending so much time on the West Side of Manhattan, and up by Columbia.

  2. Sorry about the Sox Special, sounds like a rough loss!

  3. LOLLLL, I don't usually like to comment on WFT2, but I've been sparring with someone all morning, and they finally had a meltdown. I thought for sure it was Jack, but guess what, it's UV! I saw her comment, which said "Get a job Jackie" using her blogger id. Dozens of comments deleted, and dozens more saying the same thing under anon, that I'm sure will get deleted.

  4. UV? LOL! That doesn't surprise me, somehow. Good for you, Destiny!

  5. Evidently that was a fake account. I figured it was since someone kept evoking her name over the last couple of days in comments that were completely ignored. I guess they (Jack) doesn't like being ignored.

  6. That was a fake account Destiny but You aready knew that didn't you.

    Wouldn't be the first time someone here did that.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Special, please delete 5:25pm troll

  10. 5:25 & 5:18 is the same troll that posts on WFT and keeps getting deleted.

    Notice the same cut and paste response, including the bringing down the sites crap.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I'm not sure exactly what is going on but there is definitely mud-slinging and mayhem going on right now. I'm still trying to figure out who is who and what is what.

    There's a slight mini-apocalypse feel to what is going on right now and I will attribute it to this:

    Jake being solo since ol' Tay.

    Austin and Sophia no longer being seen together in a "romantic" sense since the end of last spring.

    Some people are feeling nervous and it shows so now you are starting to see desperation in comments and highly questionable comment censoring next door.

    That being said, can I now say that I am officially sliding off the back of Dino with a huge "Yabba Dabba Do"?? I am off until Tuesday. Yesssss!!! It's been a long time a-comin'.

  13. Love the last picture on today's post of the boys.

    I have been so unfortunately used to seeing Austin with the beard at his side, that it is almost weird and surreal to see him walking alongside Jake.

    I live for that day when we are allowed to see them walking side by side just like that as the totally changed men that they are now.

    Santa, pleeeeaase.......

  14. I've been too busy to visit wft2 for quite some time but hearing about the meltdown there is no surprise.

    Getting ready to head for home, thank god but it looks like more business travel is in the offing. I am ready for another vacation. My protege leaves for Paris in 2 days. I am really excited for him. More work for me but we'll have lots to talk about when he gets back.

  15. I am not a troll. I am a Toothy Believer from way back in the days of the original WFT. I usually post on WFT2, sometimes here. I have been amazed at the harassment that has been going on over there for months. Including the attacks on OMGers who have the guts to still post over there.

    Prairie Girl is probably correct. People are concerned by what's been going on lately. Or, should I say not been going on. Especially, the Babblers who just can't believe that Jake is gay. That wedding ban fiasco over the Labor Day holidays didn't help. Sure they were filming in Barstow and Las Vegas. That's why they took the trip, but those photos that were captured were candid, in my opinion. Ted made it clear that Austin was there that day too. This kind of stuff is driving the Jake is straight crowd bananas. Keep up the good work, everyone. You guys rock something fierce.

  16. Well hi there 20:10!!! Awesome to have you here. I couldn't understand why someone called your comment a trollish comment.

    It's like there's a full moon or the planets are all aligned right now. What is going on right now over there is absolutely bizarre - it's like watching a volcano erupt.

    Hey, guess what? Another tumblr twitpic. Of Jake. Having coffee. At his latest fave place.

    Surprise!!!! lol

    JayPowPow Jason Powell
    Photo: Jake Gyllenhaal in the house (Taken with instagram)
    18 minutes ago

  17. Notice how he seems to be wearing the same grey T-shirt every time he's pictured there. It's another Mumford & Sons Train Ride.

    He appears to have great fondness for wooden benches and the comfort of a brick wall against his back.

  18. patrickcotnoir Patrick Cotnoir
    Oh hi walking by Jake gylenhaal in union sq
    2 hours ago

    Hey, check this out, you guys!!!!! Another Frog pic of Jake today at Moomoo or MuMu - it looks like Jake is wearing GLASSES!! This would be a historical 1st!!!

    BenCapozzi BenCapozzi
    Jake Gyllenhall goin' to the Cafe at MoMA.
    4 hours ago

  19. Hey, there Prairie Girl. Just stopping by. Don't loose the courage of your convictions is all I'm saying. Have a great evening.

  20. I apologize if I deleted anyone by accident.

    Today - road trip to help forget the game.

  21. I can't tell. Now I'm leaning toward them being sunglasses. :(

    Because notice how at the coffee shop he has sunglasses tucked into his shirt.

    But he takes the sunglasses off inside the coffee shop but keeps them on at the moomoo. Think they might be propped down on the nose though.

    **sigh**, the limitations of a laptop screen. These frog picture people need better cameras on their phones, lol.

  22. Special, my big buddy was telling me about last night in the major leagues. My condolences. Sounds very excruciating.

    Special, what do you think? Sunglasses at the moomoo?

  23. Can't tell about the glasses, but I suspect they are of the sun variety.

  24. I have finished directing my show. I look forward to editing and sharing all the great performances with all of you.
    2 hours ago

  25. MoMA=Museum of Modern Art

  26. trolling at 5:25, Special did not mean to delete your first original comment. She can't get it back - honest mistake!

    The person who was on here telling Special to delete that was actually the troll.

    See what's going no here, everyone? There are some people really, really upset and nervous. They are resorting to all kinds of deception to create chaos.

  27. Ohhh, I thought moomoo was the name of a restaurant. LOLLLLLLL!!! **slaps forehead** Thanks, 21:19.

  28. I think those could be the real deal glasses PG.

    Looks like Jake was getting a little art on.

  29. Hmmm. I can't tell for sure!

    Dest, very nice catch. You cracked that one. That deserves the Gold Star of the Week.

  30. And yes good job Dest - gold star work.

  31. Bank of America is trending right now on Twitter so I checked it out and people are saying that B of A is going to start charging their customers $5 a month for using their debit cards. This girl's tweet says it all:

    CynthiaY29 Cynthia Yildirim ✍
    Bank of America charging you to spend your own money, when it is your money being there that allows them to give out loans. They owe you.
    43 minutes ago

    I mean, what in the heck?

  32. I just knew there was going to come a day when they started charging for debit cards, one of the reasons I never used them.

  33. artfulgourmet Kristen Hess
    OMG just saw Jake Gyllenhaal drive by in an SUV in TriBeCa. Love this town!
    8 minutes ago

  34. And since when has Jake driven himself in NYC?
