Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Forward and Back

Here's a bit of an update on the Two Wheeling Texan.
The Crazy Tree isn't the only Austin project that won't be out till 2012.
Last summer Austin went to Detroit for a week and filmed a small role, as a math teacher that has the girls crushing, for the movie LOL.The word was the movie would be coming out in 2011, but with 3 months left and the fall /winter release out with the other movie LOL star Miley Cyrus has So Undercover: Where Cyrus a private eye goes undercover at a college sorority is set to come out at the end of the month, pushing LOL to 2012. Not sure if that is a vote of confidence for LOL.And Austin's other project that's out in there hanging, Fencewalker?
X-Files creator Chris Carter who wrote and directed Fencewalker is coming back to TV, and while there is no firm release date for Fencewalker, it's now being mentioned as a political thriller.
Now how Austin character Tweedy fits in, that's still a bit of a mystery.
Could Austin's 2012 be filled with the projects he's already done and have time for maybe a little more directing? Or surfing.or hanging at home?

And for Two Wheel Tuesday?
How about a throwback. Get on your bike and ride.


  1. Special... Like your choice of pictures and your line "Get on your bike and ride."

    After the last days worth of debate and delirium, I'd be inclined to say " on your bike" with a very British accent, to your nay-sayers and nit-pickers.

  2. #TwoWheelTuesday is still running strong across the globe. Somebody made a tshirt out of it. ------> zazzle.com/two_wheel_tues…
    2 minutes ago

  3. #TwoWheelTuesday is still running strong across the globe. Somebody made a tshirt out of it. ------> zazzle.com/two_wheel_tues…
    2 minutes ago

  4. It's a big wide worldOctober 4, 2011 at 3:18 PM

    Wanted to comment on this quote from the end of the last thread.

    There are, in other words, lots of boring pap photos of celebs taken in Tribeca and The Village all the time

    What may be boring to you may not be boring for the next person. Karolina Kurkova, for instance, is huge deal for the hundreds of thousands of people that follow all things in the fashion world. When you live in a cocoon of following every movement of one or two celebrities, such as Jake and Austin, you forget that there are other just as ardent fans following people like Karolina Kurkova.

  5. Special, I'm not sure what you're saying about Fencewalker. Do you mean it might come out soon somewhere?

  6. Seaweed - I was having a bit of a Freddy moment. LOL!

  7. Like I said there is no firm release date and with Chris Carter a lot of thing are mysterious.

    While there is no firm date for Fencewalker everything that I read about Chris Carter getting this new series these past couple of weeks, mentions it coming and Mehcad Brooks who is one of the leads continues to talk about the movie being out soon.

    Will it be 2012? Maybe, maybe not.

  8. Thanks Special. I know you mentioned there wasn't a firm release date, I was confused because I didn't know what you meant when you said it was being mentioned as political theater. I'm curious to see this movie.

  9. I'd be inclined to say " on your bike" with a very British accent, to your nay-sayers and nit-pickers.

    ^So if you disagree with an opinion (SK's opinion), you're a nay-sayer? Get over y'self! (Thick Southern accent there, toots).

  10. now I've heard everythingOctober 4, 2011 at 4:38 PM

    Karolina Kurkova?????? You're really going there. LOL!

    Are you freakin' kidding me? Now, I know people are just arguing to be arguing. Comparing Kurkova to Jake's status and familiarity as a movie star. Talk about twisting and turning. And, lets' say Kurkova was more famous than Jake (which she isn't), and everyone is scrambling to get that one candid photo of her, that still doesn't answer the question of why no paparazzi pics of Jake at all. The paps know where Jake has been hanging, yet not one. Puhleeeeeeze.

  11. There are no pap pics of Jake because CAA arranged a moratorium during the babymoon (plus the paps are not interested in pics of BT's ass).

  12. Sorry Dest it should be political thriller, damn autocorrect. I went back and changed it.

  13. I need to be sedated till the MLB playoffs are over.

  14. Karolina Kurkova, for instance, is huge deal for the hundreds of thousands of people that follow all things in the fashion world.

    I think the K.C. Chiefs had a player way back by this name?

  15. No, just kidding. LOLLLLL

    It really got a bit silly, didn't it?

    Man oh man, I got to thinking about the whole deal on my way home from work today and wow. Snap! that Lego piece clicked. Special, you kept talking about that, no pap pics, no pap pics, and it just wasn't dawning on me. I kept thinking, Why does she keep going on about that? and now I know.

    You are one very sharp cookie and so was Just Speculation, who brought it out to light.

  16. Incredible picture of Austin on that balcony. Holy torpedo.


  17. You are one very sharp cookie and so was Just Speculation, who brought it out to light.

    ^^ LOL! It was obvious what SK was inferring about lack of pap pics, and even more obvious why she is ignoring Destiny's posts.

  18. Well, it was not obvious at all to me. And no, she was not ignoring, she was addressing them - what in the heck are you going on about?

  19. And no, she was not ignoring, she was addressing them - what in the heck are you going on about?

    ^^ LOL! (again). Repost for pg:

    destiny said...

    ...But I do know why I keep going on about the topic--because I feel like no one is giving any weight to my arguments. But hey, I only live here and spend a lot of time in the neighborhoods in question, what could I possibly know about the subject.

    October 4, 2011 11:08 AM

  20. Get The Facts StraightOctober 4, 2011 at 10:51 PM

    No one ignored her argument as you are suggesting. They disagreed with her assertion. Two different things, my friend.

  21. This is another sort of stressful week at work and I came armed to the office our first day back today with just the right defensive weapon...........

    One solitary, precious bag of..........Sweet Tart Jelly Beans!!!!

    Yes, been holding on to them since Easter and everyone attacked them all day, lol. Oh my gosh, they are THE best jelly beans ever and everyone was in a kind of orgasmic bliss.

    They just kind of helped to cope with that dreaded word - change. Change is hard, you know?

  22. Everyone in the office just loves those jelly beans. And every time you turned around, you would hear a hand in that bowl and then a couple seconds would pass....and then you would hear this scattering sound as the person would drop their little handful onto the surface of their desk, the best possible ammunition and coping mechanism against all that was new, unexpected and unknown in our little world as we once knew it.

    lol. And my big buddy - he takes care of the yellow ones because you know, even though they are the most desired Sweet Tart jelly beans, the yellow ones are still the least favorite of everyone. But he likes them.

  23. How come no one ever likes any kind of yellow candy? Because it's always lemon. Why do companies even bother making yellow candy? Everyone likes red! Red is always the favorite, right? You hold out a handful of candy and a little kid always reaches first for the red piece. Everyone wants red. So why waste our time with yellow and orange? I dunno.

    Well, I must say I'm a little disappointed there was no tweet-documented 1500 coffee run today. That's going to throw the NYC Tweet Word Doc all out of whack now.

  24. Latest news is that Leonardo DiCaprio and that gal he's been seeing, Blake Lively I think her name is, are over after 5 mos. Here's Michael D's take on it. "As much as this news saddens me, because it makes me long for the days when celebrity couples showed they were really committed to each other by signing long-term contracts (see: Reese and Jake), this shit was bound to happen." I guess bearding is going out of fashion as being gay gains in acceptance.

  25. That pesky bike againOctober 5, 2011 at 6:59 AM

    Isaiah_Isaac Isaiah Isaac
    I'm almost 95% certain I just saw Jaje Gyllenhal riding a bike down broadway. Omfg!

  26. @Isaiah_Isaac Isaiah Isaac
    I'm almost 95% certain I just saw Jaje Gyllenhal riding a bike down broadway. Omfg!
    19 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone

  27. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  28. stephgyllenhaal Stephen Gyllenhaal
    It's Raining in NY. Traffic isn't great. A guy cleans the sidewalk, steam rising like mist. TAX THE RICH.
    4 Oct

    LOL! Just because you are poor now?

  29. should be a pic coming soonOctober 5, 2011 at 10:05 AM

    Jaje Gyllenhal?

    Yeah that person must really be a fan! Mmmm. Wonder how he recognized Jaje? LOL!

  30. Never heard of Sweet Tart jelly beans, they sound good. Yeah, I always like the red ones, but I also like the yellow/lemon ones, so if I was there I would be polishing those off.

  31. DonnaDisko
    Donna Dragotta
    Just realized I was running next to jake gyllenhaal (whatever) in prospect park #brooklyn
    35 minutes ago
