Monday, October 3, 2011

Riddling Rhyme

Jake's been here
and has been there,
he has been everywhere.

By foot, by bike,
by car and train.

In the Sun
and in the rain.

Where oh where can the pictures be?
Why oh why? Can't the paparazzi see?

People see him, snap him snacking
and seen the MacBook he' been packing.

How can Jake be in the City for weeks this fall
and not be photographed by the pros at all?


  1. Kids movies seem to be the only ones making money at the box office lately.

    I know - I think I'm finally believing you, Destiny. LOLLLL!! Ssssss! High-Five.

    Man oh man. Look at that first picture. I mean, was there there one has been able to touch that since.

    And the last one? Love the shawl collar grandpa sweaters. He was the most beautiful man walking this earth, I swear.

  2. PG I didn't know what you said last night and I don't pay attention anymore to all the silliness that goes on. I just posted that passage because I thought it was beautiful and in my heart I wish it was the way Jake thought. Please dont fall for all that nonsense. I wanna just post what is in my heart. I am not influenced by anyone. Love you.

  3. It' not like Jake hasn't been mentioned being out in NY. The Jewelry Pop Up event, Sting's birthday, the bathes. But there are no pictures not even of him on the streets.

    Check this out:
    The BOFFO Building Fashion
    Reception In TriBeCa Brings Out Jake Gyllenhaal,
    Grizzly Bear And More

    This is the event Destiny mentioned from Saturday night.

    Again Jake's mentioned but no pics.

  4. Tom, I know why you posted that passage, and I was as touched by it as you were.

  5. Interesting observation about coffee times PG, I don't follow Twitter and FB and assumed the sightings were all early morning. And I was wondering why someone would need to leave their place to work on their computer. To get some peace and quiet?

    Jake wouldn't allow the WSJ to take his photo. Wonder why someone who was so fond of getting his pictures in the tabloids with his beards is so shy about being photographed at events like this. Seems like it would be the kind of publicity he should want.

  6. What is interesting isn't just about the party. But the entire time Jake has been in NY.

    This is the first time it's been known that he's in NY and the paps haven't gotten a shot. And it's not like he's stayed away in Brooklyn. He's been in places that are know for the paps catching celebs.

    It seems like there is an understanding or some kind of deal at the moment between the paps and Jake.

  7. I don't think Jake has the power or ability to make deals with all the paps in NY.

    Jake just isn't papped that much when he's in NY anymore. Usually when it happens he's in the Meatpacking district, one spot he hasn't really been seen this trip.

    I think he's just avoiding the places where they are usually seen, like trendy restaurants and certain neighborhoods.

    He's not allowing photos at the events he attends.

    Fall is a huge season in NY for all kinds of events, paps have plenty to keep them busy without chasing around, and there are currently some more popular stars running around and filming here right now.

  8. I just posted that passage because I thought it was beautiful and in my heart I wish it was the way Jake thought.

    I don't think anyone here on OMG disagrees that the guy had beautiful thoughts. No one is disagreeing with what he said. But that Sean guy (who I haven't even heard of) is not Jake Gyllenhaal. His life, his career, his family & friends are totally different from Jake's. Sean and Jake are not interchangeable like two Ken dolls.

    We do not know what is in Jake's thoughts. We can all speculate to our heart's desires but the fact is, none of us knows what is in Jake's head, his heart, or his future.

    Jake's not coming out right now. He's not coming out tomorrow. Odds are astronomical that he's not coming out in 2011. Austin is still filming so it is not going to happen. So it's kind of fruitless to work one's self up into an emotional knot wishing it to be so.

    The oldest Gyllenichol is 3 yrs old, the youngest under 1. I'm trying to give these guys some time to get their family assembled and situated and then see what they do. But they are not going to come out right now while I believe they have another one on the way. The glare of the media would be circus-like.

    I'm happy right now for the non-bearding. If things are still the same in a couple of years and I'm still here on earth (you never know) and they're still in the closet, yes, I will be unhappy about it and yes, I will highly critical on the blog.

    But right now, no. No, I'm not going to. I'm going to stand by them for now and still offer support until I see signs that they're done popping the buns out of the oven.

  9. Love you too, Tom.

    And yes, what I said last night on the blog is true - my comments were getting deleted next door by the administrator no matter what they were plus they were never up more than a few minutes. They weren't vulgar, not attacking, no character faces, no name slinging; they were totally benign. Every one deleted.

    Guess that's one way of preventing certain posters from talking and certain views from being expressed, huh?

    And that's the last I'll say about that.

  10. Special, that's a good point I think about no pap pictures. Because you see other people getting papped in NYC. And Jake has been papped lots of times there.

    So I wonder why? Sensitivity about the Harold head?

    No, sorry! LOLLLL, I couldn't help it. Oh, who knows. But it's a point that's going to bother me now, I think.

  11. Ahhh look it's about that time again. We have another Jake coffee house photo today!! Can't tell if the Macbook/Ipod combo is in use here.

    ari_zap Aracelis Zapata
    meeting Jake gyllenhaal for coffee... no biggie! Hahhaaa! My day was made today!
    4 hours ago

    Everyone, synchronize the watches! This was at 14:19ET. lol.

  12. He is in The Village and TriBeCA, how is he avoiding the neighborhoods where the paps are? The only other place he needs to go is Chelsea and he'd have trifecta of paps places.

    I remember them waiting outside of Maggie's place in The Village for him.

    I made the point before, that he hasn't spent the whole time in Brooklyn. I f he had I could get that there weren't pictures. But running around Manhattan and not one picture. Don't buy there isn't some kind of deal.

  13. Jake's not coming out right now. He's not coming out tomorrow. Odds are astronomical that he's not coming out in 2011. Austin is still filming so it is not going to happen. So it's kind of fruitless to work one's self up into an emotional knot wishing it to be so.

    I sure don't think about Jake coming out anymore. I doubt it will ever happen. So I don't let myself get emotional about it at all anymore. None of us should expect Jake to come out. Again I doubt he ever will. I still will follow because I do very much think he is Gay and is the Toothy Ted refers to.

  14. He's not coming out because there is nothing to come out . Is he supposed to do a People cover saying "I'm straight"

  15. not gay said...
    He's not coming out because there is nothing to come out . Is he supposed to do a People cover saying "I'm straight"

    If you really believe Jake is str8 I got a lake to sell you in the Sahaha.

  16. No, you may have had it right the first time, Tom. Sirhaha. LOL

  17. Sirhaha, lol.

    The paps knew where Maggie lived, and it was a few blocks from the Spotted Pig in one direction and the Meatpacking District in the other. It was also right after BBM, when interest in Jake, as well as the gay rumors, were at their peak.

    Now when Jake comes, there is no central place they can find him--and no, paps don't like to hang out in Brooklyn.

    I spend a lot of time in the Village and Tribeca, and believe me, paps are just not as common as you think. Most of them operate off of tips or cathcing people in a trendy shopping area or restaurants and nightclubs that regularly attract celebs. I've only seen a pap once (other than outside an event like a movie premiere) in all my years of living in NYC.

  18. October 3, 2011

    I find it really sad that "fans" want to pick our cast apart, spread rumors, & bemoan the private lives of the actors on this show. Claiming that people have secret "sides" (um, too much effort) or insinuating that any one of us would lie -- especially about spending time together! -- to anyone? For what? It's so depressing. Not to mention preposterous. We tweet to try to let fans in, but this entitlement, this claiming that we "owe" the twitter world photos from personal outings? I'm sorry. But no one "owes" anybody anything. How about we quit the divisive rumor spreading & just celebrate 9 years of OTH & friendship. Thanks y'all.

  19. Sophia is both the pot and the kettle.

  20. Now on one hand, I will say this. These OTH girls are something else in that they are directly tweeting at both Sophia and Austin about their "relationship". When're you going to pop the question? and that kind of nervy stuff. That is ridiculous.

    But on the other hand, I'm wondering just what exactly she's been receiving to prompt this blog post. I bet after this weekend when it sounds like Austin was in NC while she went to Texas, the Sophin fangirls are asking out loud what's going on.

    Now, what those girls should be doing is expressing their opinions and questions on a blog. And maybe they are; I only check one OTH blog.
    They shouldn't be directly DM'ing and tweeting directly at these 2 people.

    But what I would tell ol' Soapy is until her and Austin come clean with their fans, the hounding is probably only going to get worse.

    Now, they wanted to pimp the faux relationship back when they needed to. They tweeted back and forth. They went on and on and on.

    But now that it's kaput, they want attention and focus to just go into a big bearding Cloud in the sky.

    It doesn't work that way, guys. You pimp it when you need it? Then you need to disclose when it's over. End of story, no excuses. Can't feel sorry for either one for the badgering they're getting from those girls until they come clean.

  21. Soapy is trying to make it sound like her privacy is being invaded. Aww. What's a guilty person to do? Hey, I know, let's transfer all of the guilt onto the fans.

    I don't know when her fans are going to wake up and smell the coffee about her.

    But man, she is a piece of work.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Wow that sure is an interesting amazing tweet from Sophia. You are right PG about the OTH fans. They are suspicious of the Sophin relationship and they are demanding proof. They must both be getting hit hard. Too bad Sophin is not together in the places where their fans think they are to produce pictues.

  24. Excellent observation about the lack of pictures. It is highly suspicious. Not just that there are no pap pictures, but only one camera shot by a civilian observer during the whole twitter parade? No, something is up. In fact in prior trips we got very few twitter sightings at all. Notice too how IHJ has dried up with almost no new pictures. That used to be the go to spot.

  25. Wow, that's a lot of pap pics.

    When you line them all out like that, it always puts a different spin on things when you can see the evidence in front of your eyes.

    Sounds like a fan was calling Soapy out on her tweet about Hilarie B. Interesting. If you want to read it, this tweet gives the link because it goes into Twitlonger.

    I don't know why Soapy is getting her knickers in a twist because this person's post is not any different than something you would see here, next door or on DataLounge, or even in a comment on JustJared. I bet there's something to this.

    WonderWoman_Fr shay xo
    @SophiaBush READ THIS IT'S WHAT'S THE PERSON WHO SPREAD RUMORS SAYS I QUOTE HER "Every other OTH cast member (cont)
    36 minutes ago

    Sooner or later, Soapy is going to get bit by her excessive tweeting at her fans and need to address anything that gets too close for comfort. Apparently, she has no public relation handlers, lol.

  26. You think Jake's run into Kiki since they're both in NYC? Remember all those pictures of them every time they were in NYC?

    Kiki, got papped in The Village yesterday.

    Kirsten Dunst in the West Village

    And whoa! I didn't even recognize Taylor Kitsch without the long hair.

    Taylor Kitsch in SoHo yesterday

  27. Lots of love for Sting’s 60th

    Posted: 12:07 AM, October 4, 2011

    Jake Gyllenhaal charmed Melanie Griffith and Don Johnson’s daughter, Dakota Johnson, at Sting’s 60th birthday bash, and spies said the up-and-coming actress looked enchanted by the “Source Code” star.

    “She was trying to play it cool, but looked very smitten,” said a witness, adding that Griffith kept a watchful eye over her at Sting’s Beacon Theatre concert.

    Gyllenhaal has been seen hanging with a string of Hollywood starlets after splitting with Taylor Swift in January. And Dakota has no fewer than six new films dropping, including “21 Jump Street” with Jonah Hill and “The Five-Year Engagement.”
    Richie Buxo / Splash News

    Love seemed to be in the air at Sting’s Beacon bash and after-party at the Lambs Club on Saturday, where Sting mugged up with Donna Karan and Lorraine Bracco in a photo booth.

    Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was seen getting cozy with Cheryl Hines at the concert. Bruce Springsteen, who played at the event, cracked, “Sting could have sex for 29 hours straight, although I thought after four hours you should call a doctor.” He also joked, “Stay hard, my friend.”

    Sting cuddled up to wife Trudie Styler, who nearly moved him to tears by flying in a band of more than 30 Afghanistan vets from Scotland’s Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders and the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards as a surprise.

    A source tells us Styler put the vets up in a New York hotel for 48 hours and, “Whenever Sting asked where she was going, Trudie kept saying she was ‘going to the gym.’ But then she would go meet with the band. She just used the gym excuse to do rehearsals.”

    On Sunday, following the show which raised $3.7 million for the Robin Hood Foundation, Styler threw Sting a brunch at the couple’s 15 Central Park West duplex.

    Guests including Springsteen, Gyllenhaal and Sting’s family from Newcastle came for cake and champagne at the apartment, which has terraces overlooking Central Park.

  28. Sk, most of the pap pics you posted are related to him promoting his movies, Sullivan theater, his hotel, etc. Photoshoots,etc. The Sloane - Kettering pics are pap but most likely someone that works there tipped them off. The Apple store was SC promotion, and the SNL party was for the cast, they weren't looking for him. They hang out at airports so that's no surprise.

    They pics with him and taylor were srt up by their people.

    The only candid pics are from Chelsea.

    Jake mostly hangs in Brooklyn now since his sister and parents no longer have places in Manhattan anymore i assume and paps don't hang in Brooklyn.

    Kiki still has a place in tribeca so you will see pap pics of her .

    Kitsch is more news worthy than Jake Sk, sorry.

    Also Jake isn't wandering the streets if Tribeca these days.

  29. Jake's fandom is pretty much dead, and that includes IHJ . Steph is bored with him and the original site owner is no longer in his fandom anymore.

  30. what does it all mean exactlyOctober 4, 2011 at 8:58 AM

    But Special, with the exception of the May '11 pics just about all of this pics relate to Jake being in NYC for press purposes, e.g., Source Code premiere, LAOD screening, big magazine photo shoot. Those pics that don't have to do with PR place Jake in places/situations where paps might normally be, e.g., outside the SNL afterparty, outside the Book of Mormon musical.

    I'm not sure what you're trying to prove with the tedious list of photos.

  31. The Page Six story is interesting for a couple of reasons.

    Why wouldn't they have done this story on Sunday, since the event was the night before instead of Jake at the bathes? Or even Monday? Why wait till Tuesday?

    Do they or don't they remember that Dakota Johnson has been dating Noah Gersh for over 4 years?

    Dakota has only one movie that people would recognize - The Social Network. Which makes it look like they were trying to get her some print time.

    Nice touch with mom Melanie mentioned, she needs the press too.

  32. Sounds like Jake is the one that needs the press, hence the late mention. His PR is a bit slow.

    The PR wasn't from Dakota's people, as you pointed out , I would assume her people knows who she is dating, Jake's people wouldn't.

    And Jake just doesn't care.

  33. Well it was pointed out that Jake wasn't papped anymore in NY and there aren't paps in the Village or TriBeCA.

    And all of these pictures were taking by paparazzi and filed under pap pictures over at IHJ.

    Well yes he has been papped. He had been papped in TriBeCa and Chelsea.

    And sorry Jake has seen hanging in TriBeCa, and The Village over and over the past two weeks.

    And the point about Kiki and Taylor there are paps hanging in the area where Jake has been hanging and yet not one picture.

  34. Jake=boring is absolutely right about the photos mentioned of Jake.

    Jake makes sure he gets seen when he wants to promote something, otherwise it is only when Jake gets caught at pap magnets, like the Beverly Hills medical center.

    As for Kiki, she's currently promoting her new movie, Melancholia, which will be shown at the NY FIlm Festival, which is currently under way. In other words, she wants to be seen.

    And gee, it sure didn't take long for the "jake flirting with a girl" story to counter the "nasty" bathhouse story insinuating that Jake is gay. Can't have that, can we Jake.

  35. Let's see, Jordan is a newbie posting on OTH forum, I wonder who it is LOL!!!

    And Mr and Mrs Soapy was in Texas???

    Offline Jordan

    Posts: 1

    Re: The Sophia/Austin Support Thread!
    « Reply #9206 on: October 03, 2011 at 09:36 PM »
    So any news on the couple? It's been forever that they were spotted or mentioned each other. I sure hope they didn't break up

    Re: The Sophia/Austin Support Thread!
    « Reply #9207 on: October 03, 2011 at 09:40 PM »
    Jordan: they were just spotted in Texas over the weekend spending time with Austin's family...
    why dont you go spread your rumors somewhere else.

  36. Like I said in one of my earlier posts, paps hang out at places where they know they'll see stars--and in NYC that includes outside the studios where stars film television appearances. I walk by those places all the time, and you see the paps there all the time. Saw it when I went to the Regis & Kathy show to see Matt Bomer. You see photos of stars coming out of shows like David Letterman on Just Jared all the time.

    Plus we all know that when a star has something to promote, they alert the paps themselves.

  37. Right, hanging out together in Texas. That's why Sophia was the only one photographed there. Because those OTH fans, they don't want a picture of the two of them together, no, they just kicked Austin to the side and told him they only wanted Sophia.

  38. Yes we know that the pics were filed under "pap" on IHJ SK, but they aren't candid paps, they all showed up at those places because he was promoting a movie, going to see a play, etc.

    And The twwets of Jake for the past 2 weeks seem to from Brooklyn, not Chelsea and Tribeca. And the Manhattan tweets seemed to be at parties or events not coffee shops and wandering around.

    Jake isn't "hot" anymore and the paps aren't going to go out of their way to take pics of him and Jake and his people don't have a reason to be seen in popular places now since he isn't promoting anything at the moment like Kiki.

  39. Well it was pointed out that Jake wasn't papped anymore in NY

    But but it was YOU who pointed that out. LOL

  40. Jake was seen at La Colombe for coffee at least 4 times (tweeted by fans)

    La Colombe is not in Brooklyn.

    They are in TriBeCa and SoHo.

    319 Church Street
    New York, NY 10013

    270 Lafayette Street
    New York, NY 10012

    La Colombe

    TwitPic Jake at La Colombe yesterday

  41. I don't think Jake has the power or ability to make deals with all the paps in NY. Jake just isn't papped that much when he's in NY anymore. Usually when it happens he's in the Meatpacking district, one spot he hasn't really been seen this trip. I think he's just avoiding the places where they are usually seen, like trendy restaurants and certain neighborhoods.

    I agree with real m regarding Special's interesting and accurate observation about the complete lack of even one pap photo since Jake has arrived in NY two weeks ago. It's not a matter of Jake's power and ability to stop them. That would be CAA's power and inflluence and believe me they have mega power and their reach is long.

    Jake used to be papped all the time. Doesn't matter if he's in town promoting something or not. Chris Martin was just papped in Tribeca by himself on September 29th...strolling. Wow! That's exciting.

    In the past, there would be few twitpics or tweets, but this time that's all we are getting, even though Jake keeps returning to the same places and would be easy to find. Something's up. Because this is a change from previous visits.

  42. Jake is not hanging around Brooklyn. He is hanging around Tribeca and The Village. That's more than apparent.

  43. but they aren't candid paps

    They look candid to me. Last time I looked no one photographed me walking to my car or leaving a hotel, laying on a bench, talking on a phone, arriving at an airport, or coming out of a theatre. I believe that is the very definition of candid photography which is focused on spontaneity rather than technique, unposed, unplanned, immediate and unobtrusive. None of those photos of Jake are staged or required a lengthy camera set up.

  44. Jake has nothing to promote ergo no pap pics. And let's face it, he's heading toward yesterday's news. The ultimate goal of a pap taking pics is to get those pics into a major publication for $$$. As someone up thread called themselves - Jake=boring.

  45. Jake isn't "hot" anymore

    He just came off his most successful movie since Brokeback Mountain with Source Code and once people realize he's in a coffee house, he has to pack up and leave. Why would the Wall Street Journal want a picture of him, if they didn't think he was popular? And, at the Sting birthday bash, he was singled out, amid hundreds of celebrities, in all the news outlet articles about the event.

  46. M&M you are so naive. If an actor is in town to promote a film then the paps know what studio he is going to be at and what hotels they are staying at. Paps hang out at airports and a lot of stars want to be papped coming out of a theater where one of the hottest play is at. Jake is an actor, hence to phony natural or annoyed looks

    Paps don't care about Jake wandering around Tribeca or how many times he goes to LaColumbe, he's boring.

    If he was promoting a movie or had a movie in the theaters , you can bet that he and his people make sure they are seen.

    I think that you, SK and PG are angry because your dream man, Jake is no longer popular anymore so there are very few tedious pics to drool over, even the fangirls on IHJ are bored.

  47. Actually Austin was not in Texas and Sophia was not in Austin TX, she was in Arlington, a suburb outside of Dallas.

    Point one:

    A guy who is a JFC fan tweeted Austin talking about their chat at the Mayfair mall in Wilmington.

    jon_andrade13 Jon Andrade
    @AUS10NICHOLS is was a pleasure meeting u and speaking to u breifly yesterday at mayfaire. I wish u best in your career. #johnfromcincinnati
    2 Oct

    and his wife tweeted too:

    TheresaAndrade Theresa
    Jeeeelouus that my hubby @jon_andrade13, met @AUS10NICHOLS yesterday! Looove OTH n John from Cincinatti!
    2 Oct

    Now about Sophia:

    She tweet about having breakfast in Arlington TX.

    SophiaBush Sophia Bush
    I just had the best breakfast tacos in Texas. If you're anywhere near Arlington, hit up this spot. #Foodgasm
    1 Oct

    That prompted someone to ask her for suggestion for places in Austin.

    @SophiaBush im going to Austin in a few weeks.. Any recommendations? Food/hotel?
    1 Oct

    Sophia Bush
    @ashlicrow If you like sushi check out @UchiAustin ! And make sure to have queso at Guero's or Maudie's!
    1 Oct via Echofon

    Sophia never tweeted she was in Austin.

  48. Pap pictures are taken all the time without someone promoting anything. That's the nature of pap photography. The camera person is not interested in a project, they are intersted in the celebrity. Chris Martin is not promoting anything. He was strolling. Not earth shattering stuff. There are 1,000s of pap photographs of famous people walking around LA and NY. Making stuff up doesn't make it so. Good try though.

  49. Okay, now I'm weighing in on this. Jake is not popular anymore? Please. People are twitpicking him everywhere. Read tweets and he's constantly being discussed, enthusiastically. The points made about papping are accurate. Not buying, what you are trying to sell. Whatever the hell that is.

  50. If he wasn't hot the press would not use him in the headlines or for the leads in articles. They use those to attract the reader.

    Clearly from this morning's Post they thought he was hot enough for both. And buried the amount of money raised in the article. Which should have been the most important point.

  51. Poor naive M&M, Jake was the most well known name at the event WSJ covered, hence to request for a pic.

    And as far as Jake's name being mentioned at Stings party, he wasn't singled out, they mentioned all the celebs that were there including hasbeen Melanie Griffith.

    Jake's people make sure his name is mentioned at these events, its their job.

    Paps don't care about Jake's last film, it's on DVD, he has nothing on screen now and he isn't dating any A list actresses.

    They followed him 24/7 in NY back in 2006 after BBM and the rumors plus he was always in Manhattan/Tribeca because of Maggie, Peter and his parents plus his friend Chris, there are tons of pics of them and the paps knew where he worked and lived as well.

  52. Church and Lafayette Streets are not the kind of places the paps hang out at, they are not considered the hot areas of Soho and Tribeca. Especially Church Street!

    Chris Martin, part of the interest in him is that the paps can never get a picture of him with Gweneth, so if someone called in something about him the paps might turn up to see what they can get.

    I just don't think there is that much interest in getting a shot of Jake sitting in a coffee shot.

    The reason the WSJ wanted a picture is because they were running a story on their society/gossip page about the event, and who knows, maybe the writer is a Jake fan. They probably figured their readers would know Jake more than they would know all the indie musicians that were there.

    And what would be the point of Jake making deals to not get papped??????

  53. Good grief, why the big wasp nest over pap pictures?

    Must be something there if there is this constant arguing over the issue.

    It seems like the point is trying to be proven that Jake is no longer papped because his star has so drastically fallen, he's undesirable, he's boring, and therefore he is a failure because he bearded.

  54. Chris Martin is not promoting anything.

    No, but Chris is known to be a reclusive musician married to a very famous actress whom the press like to paint as living a marriage apart. Papping Chris in TriBeCa puts him in the vicinity of his and Gwyneth's home in TriBeCa which would mean that he's actually spending time with his wife.

  55. If Jake is so boring, why are you here? You must enjoy discussing boring people so what does that say about you.

    And no, there were tons of other celebrities at Sting's event. Jake was, however, one of them singled out because as you say he is "well known." If he were boring like you said, there would be no mention at all. Boring doesn't sell. Don't keep changing the subject.

    Of course, they are not following Jake around like in Brokeback days. He was in the most buzzed about film at the time. The point Special made is completely valid. Absolutely, no pap photos after 2 weeks is a flagrant aberration from the norm.

  56. The only "source" that singled out Jake at that Sting party was that rag the NY post. I suspect that was a PR plant by Jake's people because they didn't know that Dakota was recovering addict or has a BF, they need to be more careful next time!

    The WSJ article mentioned him because he was the biggest name there.

    You can't compare "civilians" tweeting pics of actors they see in their local coffee shops to paps looking to make a buck on hot stars.

    Chris Marin is Paltrows husband? If so with the rumors around them no wonder he is being followed.

    Jake is a bore and not interesting anymore face it. Check out what's left of his so-called online fandom.

    I think you are upset that your man is yesterdays news.


  57. Good grief, why the big wasp nest over pap pictures?

    Gee, I dunno PrairieGirl. Why don't you ask the person who started all of this...your girl SpecialK! LOL

  58. And how many people even know who Chris Martin is and that he's married to Goopey? Not many. Jake is much better known. Yet no pics. The absence of pap photos is telling as well as your insistence that the reason for them is because he's boring. I've seen thousand of pictures of famous, well known people who are boring. They are still papped because they are famous and well known.

  59. And how many people even know who Chris Martin is and that he's married to Goopey? Not many.

    Oh you MUST be joking. Good god do you not follow ANY music?

  60. If Jake is so boring, why are you here? You must enjoy discussing boring people so what does that say about you.

    LOLLLL! I was just going to say that. Talk about trying to avoid the point that was being made which is how odd it is that there's no pap photos of Jake. Seems strange to me although I hadn't thought of it until now. Jake did say he wanted to be discreet. His CAA reps maybe put the word out that he just wants to chill on this trip. I also find it odd that Peter and Maggie went to MA while Jake was in town and there was no mention of Ramona's birthday. Jake wants to be under the radar on this trip it appears and the paps are cooperating.

  61. The "civilians" tweeting are the ones who make Jake famous. Duh! So yes, it does make a difference.

  62. I know who Chris Martin is but there are tons of people who would not physically recognize him. Jake, on the other hand, is recognized immediately because he is a movie star and has been in the limelight for twelve years nonstop. No comparison.

  63. His CAA reps maybe put the word out that he just wants to chill on this trip. I also find it odd that Peter and Maggie went to MA while Jake was in town and there was no mention of Ramona's birthday. Jake wants to be under the radar on this trip it appears and the paps are cooperating.

    Could be.

  64. I don't reacall pap pics of jake last time he was in NY, lots of tweets, so under the radar this time makes no sense.

    Of course he seemed to have spent a lot of time in Brooklyn then because of Maggie.

    Jake, Peter and Maggie are on MV so no need for him to hang out there that much this time.

    Maggie has her own life and family and must get a bit creepy when your brother hangs around you all the time.

    In the limelight 12 years for dating A list actresses.

    Jake and his team call the paps when they want, this time they aren't, too tacky. It was when they called the paps when he was Kiki as well but they and to get him some attention in the beginning.

    Jake is a bore and looks like he doesn't bath BTW.

    Twitter tweets are not the same as pap pics and not a sample on how popular an actor is.

    Jake and his PR should be grateful for tweet or there would be no news about him, he has pretty much fallen off the map.

    reminds me of what happened to Orlando Bloom.

  65. If Jake had the power to tell NY paps to leave him alone (LOL!) then he should be getting better scripts and not have to resort hooking up with actresses for PR.

  66. Just Speculation ButOctober 4, 2011 at 11:00 AM

    Since Jake was seen in an SUV is it possible that he's in town with his kid and his reps made a deal to lay off Jake during this trip? For whatever reason, Jake keeps wanting to place himself in Tribeca. Yet he is obviouly taking the train from Brooklyn or that's the impression he's giving off. Jake's a clever and devious guy. He knows people are following his moves and has no doubt made arrangements to distract and misdirect. I think that's why some folks are going overboard with this strange pap argument that a celebrity has to be promoting something to be papped. That is all kinds of crazy and, of course, false.

  67. It's kinda funny/strange but it's beginning to feel like OMG is being treated like it's Gyllenbabble.

  68. The last time Jake was in NY he was papped.

    It was May and he was papped in Chelsea.

    This is the first time he's been back to NY since then. Because he was in LA training and filming EoW.

  69. One thing I'll agree with PG is I don't get why it is so important to think that Jake somehow called off the paps on this trip to NYC.

    But I do know why I keep going on about the topic--because I feel like no one is giving any weight to my arguments. But hey, I only live here and spend a lot of time in the neighborhoods in question, what could I possibly know about the subject.

  70. Oh, now I see, people think Jake is going out in public with BT.

    All I can is we've had dozens of tweets and not one mention of a child.

  71. I know who Chris Martin is but there are tons of people who would not physically recognize him. Jake, on the other hand, is recognized immediately because he is a movie star and has been in the limelight for twelve years nonstop. No comparison.

    It's apples and oranges. Most of my friends and extended circle of friends are either musicians or music fans who know who Chris Martin is, know who Coldplay are, know who he's married to, and wouldn't be able to pick out Jake in a lineup. I suspect there are lots more people out there like my friends. It may seem a "no comparison" to you because you're deep into the Jake thing, which means you lack objectivity.

  72. One "candid" oic in May of Jake in NY, the rest the paps knew because he was promoting , going to a cast party, and Jake was in a popular area.

    You make perfect sense Destiny, that's why you are being ignored, notice how they are ignoring you? They only reason they aren't calling a troll, etc is because they know you.

    You live in NY and should no.

    M&M, PG and SK are pissed that Jake star has fallen.

    There is no CAA/pap agrement. The spin to make it seem like Jake is this hot up and coming star is absurd.

    He is no longer of interest for the most part. The rare times he is mentioned nowadays is when he is supposedly dating someone, seen a place that they can make fun of him or PR planted stories.

    I doubt the rags are interested anymore, only when he is seen with some actress.

  73. Oh, now I see, people think Jake is going out in public with BT.

    All I can is we've had dozens of tweets and not one mention of a child.

    Destiny, I could kiss you! Mwaaaa! And FWIW, even though I'm not a blogged ID'd poster, I completely respect your opinion and the fact that you live, work and play in the very areas being discussed. One might even say you're the resident expert in this conversation. So there are people reading this blog who are nodding their head in agreement with your take on things. :-)

  74. Not everyone, 11:22.

    Destiny, I respect anything you have to say. I know you live there and all.

    But the fact that Jack & ol' IHJ smiley face up there are the ones agreeing and high-5'ing with you, it's....well, it's downright scary.

    Is it Armageddon? LOL

  75. Sorry DL

    It wasn't a one candid pic, here is the set from May.

    Here go look for yourself.

    5/2/11 Out & About In Chelsea (New York City)"

  76. Yeah we know Sk, one means one time/set not one pic. The rest of the NY pics from earlier are not candids.

    The paps are not stalking Jake like they did before SK and that really bothers you.

    If you are a fan, that shouldn't anger you but it does.

    There are plenty of pics on IHJ of Jake where you can swoon over, he doesn't look that great nowadays.

  77. M&M, PG and SK are pissed that Jake star has fallen.

    Huh? Nonsense.

    I have no investment in Jake's "star". I like him and Austin very much. I am still rooting for them to be able to have the family they want.

    Stop trying to instill false emotions. Because you would be extremely wrong on this one.

  78. Since Jake was seen in an SUV is it possible that he's in town with his kid and his reps made a deal to lay off Jake during this trip?

    Good point Just Speculating and something I had thought about.

  79. I love when the troll gets all bothered.

    Baby Tile or Tiles is getting old enough that the need for cover is stronger. Cant keep him locked up inside the house forever.

    Here's a funny one, there was an article about Google being used for gaydar and how far off it is on ONTD. And the example in the accompanying photo of the screen page was is Jake Gyllenhaal gay. From the article "Do this. Go to Google and type in “Is [celebrity name] gay?”. You may actually get an answer. Google seems to have (silently) rolled out a sexual orientation determinator. Give em’ a celeb, and it (sometimes) searches out anything mentioning that person’s sexual orientation, aggregates the data, and it “guesses” them a team. Why? Because Google knows humanity is ENDLESSLY fascinated with what famous people are up to in the sack.

    The problem is that the ones we know are sucking dick don’t pop up! We tried Kevin Spacey, John Travolta, Taylor Lautner (oh, come now), Cruise, etc. Those stars don’t appear, but out celebrities (Elton John), straights, and a smattering of semi-out celebs (Jodie Foster) do. What does this mean?

    It means that it’s a massive conspiracy! Google OBVIOUSLY approached all of the closeted actors in Hollywood and threatened to add them to their Google Gaydar as “gay” unless they funded Google +. Because Google + doesn’t seem to have any actual function, amiright? So they couldn’t get any backers, and needed the cash!

    Yes, the flaw in that theory (“the” flaw, you ask? There’s only one?) is that these guys aren’t appearing at all. Wouldn’t it be better for their closet case status if they came up as “straight” in this fun little tool?

    There’s an obvious answer! It’s because Google knows their credibility would be blown if Anderson Cooper or Queen Latifah came up as hetero. Everyone would laugh and switch to Bing. Hell, if Will Smith came up as straight, we’d start using Yahoo."

    Got to run, late for work as usual but noticed today is papa gyllenhaals birthday.

  80. why are you ignoring Destiny?October 4, 2011 at 12:07 PM

    Special K said...
    Since Jake was seen in an SUV is it possible that he's in town with his kid and his reps made a deal to lay off Jake during this trip?

    Good point Just Speculating and something I had thought about.

    How did you completely miss Destiny's earlier post? Let me refresh your memory.

    destiny said...
    Oh, now I see, people think Jake is going out in public with BT.

    All I can is we've had dozens of tweets and not one mention of a child.
    October 4, 2011 11:09 AM

  81. Wanted to see what kind of momentum Jake was coming off with Source Code and looked over the Winter/Spring quarters at Box Office Mojo for Action/Thriller genre to see how Source Code has measured up.

    Here's the basics.

    Domestic: $54,712,227
    Foreign: $68,566,391
    = Worldwide: $123,278,618
    Source Code was in the Top 5 overall.

    2. The Adjustment Bureau
    4.The Lincoln Lawyer
    5.Source Code

    Ranked Fourth for opening weekend.

    Was second in Foreign Gross

    2.Source Code
    3. Unknown
    4. The Adjustment Bureau
    5.Lincoln Lawyer

    And came in 4th in Worldwide Gross

    1. Limitless
    2. Unknown
    3. The Adjustment Bureau
    4. Source Code
    5.The Lincoln Lawyer.

  82. I have no idea who Chris Martin is.

    I know there used to be a Chris Martin who played for the Kansas City Chiefs years ago.

  83. Chiming in on whether more people would recognize Jake than Chris Martin. The answer is a resounding, "YES"!!!! I know music fans who wouldn't recognize Martin at all. But certainly know who Jake Gyllenhaal is.

    I guess BT might be a reason for the pap silence. Isn't the youngster's birthday coming up this month? Four years old soon. If there are more children, Jake would even have more of a reason to be left alone. I think he's purposedly being seen in Tribeca and The Village and then goes back to Brooklyn. He's trying to make the public believe he has a place there or something. You know the single bachelor pad.

  84. spotted out and aboutOctober 4, 2011 at 1:40 PM

    I have a list of celebs who have been recently papped in The Village: Jennifer Aniston, Amber Rose, Liv Tyler, Julianne Moore, Cuba Gooding, Jr. And, lots of models and celebs are caught out in Tribeca too. Let's put it this way, if Karolina Kurkova is considered "famous" enough to be papped in Tribeca then so is Jake.

    I live near Canal Street and the Lafayette Subway Station so please this whole line of nobody paps anyone in The Village or Tribeca is off the mark absurd.

  85. Let's see, Jordan is a newbie posting on OTH forum, I wonder who it is LOL!!!

    Oh please, Troll.

    No, that was not me. LOL on you.

  86. Since Jake was seen in an SUV is it possible that he's in town with his kid and his reps made a deal to lay off Jake during this trip?

    BINGO!! Wow, now see I wasn't putting the 2 and 2 together. I wonder if that is why?

    Great contribution, Just Speculation.

  87. If Jake is so boring, why are you here? You must enjoy discussing boring people so what does that say about you.


  88. Well, I'll have to catch up when I get home. I used my lunch hour to write. Ch. 33 is coming along very, very nicely!! Think I've hit the cut-off point, m. Ready to turn it in to the beta now, I think.

  89. spotted out and aboutOctober 4, 2011 at 1:51 PM

    I'm off to work now, but how come we don't get a photo like this of Jake?


  90. I didn't say nobody paps anyone in the Village or Tribeca, I said they tended to do it in trendy shopping areas and restaurants. If a celeb avoids those areas, they are not likely to be papped. Paps are not going to rush to a coffee place to pap someone if they get a tip because for all they know the person will be gone when they get there, or unless it is a really big catch, they are not going to hang around outside waiting for someone who could be in there for hours to come out.

    Plus you're not even taking into consideration the people that alert the paps as to where they are exactly because they are nobodies or because they want publicity.

    Jake is not that kind of catch, no matter how well SC did. Would they take his picture if they caught him--absolutely. But to go chasing after him? Not unless there is something special to catch.

    Some people may have no idea who Chris Martin is, but Coldplay is one of the biggest bands in the world at this point, and most people who follow gossip know who he is and they certainly know who Goop is and how she avoids being papped with her husband (who really avoids paps in general), so yes, Chris Martin is someone a pap would recognize and want to catch. If they managed to get a shot of the two of them, they could make some good money.

    Finally, n NYC realistically you can't even hang out in a car waiting for shots if you're a pap. Too difficult to get around. The ones I've seen have been on foot or in rare cases on a bike.

  91. Just Speculation ButOctober 4, 2011 at 1:55 PM

    Great contribution, Just Speculation.

    Thank you.

  92. spotted out and aboutOctober 4, 2011 at 2:07 PM

    Okay, I haven't left yet. LOL!

    No one has made the argument that paps should be chasing after Jake. The statement was about the oddity of after two whole weeks not a single photograph. There are, in other words, lots of boring pap photos of celebs taken in Tribeca and The Village all the time, yet after Jake having been there for a couple weeks, no one has taken a single candid shot of him yet. This is very peculiar.

    Now watch, we will be inundated with pap shots of Jake drinking coffee, riding a bike, coming out of a coffee shop, talking to himself, skipping down the sidewalk....LOL!
