Sunday, October 9, 2011

Out Spotlight

Today's Spotlight is a screenwriter, director, film and television producer, and LGBT rights activist. Today's Out Spotlight is Dustin Lance Black.

Dustin Lance Black was born June 10, 1974 in Sacramento, California, growing up in a devout Mormon household in San Antonio, Texas after his parents moved there shortly after he was born He later returned to California, to Salinas, California after his parents divorced and his mother remarried. His parents met when his father had been during his year of missionary service had baptized Black's mother.

Growing up in a devotely religious home and surrounded by Mormon culture and military bases, Black struggled with the feels about his sexuality at an early age.

He told himself, "I'm going to hell. And if I ever admit it, I'll be hurt, and I'll be brought down" when he found himself attracted to a boy in his neighborhood when he was around six or seven.

He says that his "acute awareness" of his sexuality made him dark, shy and at times suicidal when he was growing up.

While he was attending North Salinas High School, he fostered a love of the dramatic arts and began working on theatrical productions. He began to work in theater at The Western Stage in Salinas-Monterey, California,and later worked on productions including Bare at Hollywood's Hudson Main Stage Theater.

Black attended UCLA, School of Theater, Film, and Television while apprenticing with stage directors, taking acting jobs and working on theater lighting crews in LA. After years of worry about his sexuality Black came out in his senior year of college. He graduated with honors from UCLA's School of Theater, Film and Television in 1996 and was given both the UCLA's Distinguished Achievement in Screenwriting award, "UCLA Festival 2009: New Creative Work," School of Theater, Film and Television and the "Distinguished Service to the LGBT Community by a UCLA Alumnus" Award, the same year.

In 2000, he wrote and directed two films, The Journey of Jared Price, a gay romance film, and Something Close to Heaven, a gay coming-of-age short film.

In 2001, he directed and was a subject in the documentary On the Bus about a Nevada road trip and adventure at Burning Man taken by six gay men.

Black was the only Mormon writer for the HBO series about polygamy, “Big Love,” for which he received two Writers Guild of America Awards. He had written for every season, serving on season one as a staff writer, executive story editor in season two, and was promoted again, to co-producer, for season three.

Black's first visit to San Francisco was in the early 1990s, while AIDS was devastating the city's gay community. He said that, "Hearing about Harvey was about the only hopeful story there was at the time."

Black saw Rob Epstein's documentary "The Times of Harvey Milk" when he was in college, and inspiration struck,thinking, "I just want to do something with this, why hasn't someone done something with this?"

Black researched Milk's life for three years, meeting with Milk's former aides Cleve Jones and Anne Kronenberg, as well as former San Francisco Mayor Art Agnos, before he began to write a feature film screenplay encompassing the events of Milk's life.

The screenplay was written on spec, but Black showed the script to Cleve Jones, who passed it on to his friend Gus Van Sant, who signed on to direct. Black is also an old friend of Milk producer Dan Jinks, who signed on to the biopic after he called Black to congratulate him and discovered that the project did not have a confirmed producer.

In 2009, “Milk” received eight Academy Award nominations and won two. Black received an Oscar for his screenplay and Sean Penn won for best actor for his portrayal of Milk.

When Black accepted the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay he wore a White Knot to the ceremony as a symbol of solidarity with the marriage equality movement. In his acceptance speech at the Oscar ceremony, he said:
"... When I was thirteen years old my beautiful mother and my father moved me from a conservative Mormon home in San Antonio, Texas to California and I heard the story of Harvey Milk and it gave me hope. It gave me the hope to live my life, it gave me the hope to one day I could live my life openly as who I am, and that maybe even I could fall in love and one day get married...'

"I want to thank my mom, who has always loved me for who I am even when there was pressure not to...'

"But most of all, if Harvey had not been taken from us 30 years ago, I think he would want me to say to all of the gay and lesbian kids out there tonight who have been told that they are less than by their churches, or by the government, or by their families, that you are beautiful, wonderful creatures of value, and that no matter what anyone tells you, God does love you and that very soon I promise you, you will have equal rights federally across this great nation of ours.'

"Thank you, and thank you God for giving us Harvey Milk."

Black also received the Writers Guild of America, Best Original Screenplay, 2009 Writers Guild of America, Paul Selwin Civil Rights Award, 2009, "to the member whose script best embodies the spirit of constitutional and civil rights and liberties", the American Film Institute (AFI) Awards, and the Independent's Spirit Awards, Best First Screenplay, for Milk.

On October 11, 2009, Black joined those marching in the National Equality March in Washington, DC and delivered a speech in front of the Congress Building to an estimated crowd of 200,000 LGBT rights activists.

Black also continued working for marriage equality and legalizing gay marriage in his home state.

In 2010, Black narrated 8: The Mormon Proposition, a documentary about the involvement of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in California's Proposition 8. He accepted the award for best documentary for 8:The Mormon Proposition at the GLAAD Media awards in San Francisco and spoke out on discrimination in the Mormon church and meeting with the church to make it more LGBT-inclusive.

Black was one of the Official Grand Marshals in the 2009 NYC LGBT Pride March, reuniting him, Anne Kronenberg and Cleve Jones.

That same month, photographs of Black engaging in unprotected sex were published by columnist Perez Hilton. Black released a statement saying: "It is unfortunate that individuals and other outside parties are trying to profit from material which is clearly private." He also emphasized the importance of responsible sexual practices. In July 2009, Black filed a lawsuit against photo agency Starzlife, alleging they illegally obtained the pictures and distributed them without his permission. He is claiming invasion of privacy and copyright infringement and asking for $3 million in damages, as well as any profit the company made from the photos.

Black’s recent works include the screenplay for “Pedro,” profiling AIDS activist and MTV personality Pedro Zamora. He is the screenwriter for “J. Edgar,” a film about FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, directed by Clint Eastwood and starring Leonardo DiCaprio that is coming out this fall.

In September of this year there was a special one night benefit, a chamber reading of Black's new play 8, a drama based on the litigation to overturn California’s Proposition 8, at New York City's Eugene O’Neill Theatre.

The play draws on the verbatim transcripts of the Proposition 8 trial, along with observations from the courtroom and interviews with the same-sex couples on whose behalf the challenge was mounted. All the proceeds of the evening, which topped $1 million, benefited the American Foundation for Equal Rights.

Look ahead Black has more on his plate including director Paris Barclay slated to direct his screenplay "A Life Like Mine" and reuniting with Gus van Sant is working on Black's film adaptation of Tom Wolfe's book The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test.

In 2009, Black topped The Advocate’s list of the “Forty under 40” most influential openly gay people. He is an outspoken LGBT activist, serving on the boards of The Trevor Project and the American Foundation for Equal Rights. Black frequently speaks about gay rights to college students across the country.

He lives in Los Angeles California.

"You hear people say, 'This is my reason for being here. This is my compass.' For me, that's 'Milk.' I wanted to maybe inspire the younger generation to start becoming activists in a grassroots way. There's a lot of stuff that still needs changing — not just gay rights."


  1. It's also good to know that Jake took the time to remind us, once again, that Maggie, Peter, Ramona, and Mommie are his only real family. Thanks, Jake. Appreicate it.

    So has somebody on this blog come to their senses?

    Yep MM, I agree his mom, sis, bro in law and niece are his only real family.

    A fantasy husband and rug rats? Not so real.

  2. Wow, wow, wow, what an incredible guy Dustin Black is. I had never heard of him and I didn't know he wrote the screenplay for Milk. I wanted to watch that movie but because I know he died in the end, I just couldn't, and still can't, bring myself to watch it.

    But this guy's story is just fantastic! So, so inspirational. And hey, he is one really nice looking guy - very fresh faced and All-American looking.

    And what kind of bull was Perez Hilton trying to pull? What's with that guy doing something like that?

  3. I'm sure M&M is going to be answering you, 19:12.

    Sorry - but it is true and you just fell for a big case of dripping sarcasm.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. One of my aunts is in town because she's going to have to have surgery because..yup, the big C. Her main symptom started out just like my dad's did (out of breath) - it brings back all those memories, you know? But they want to do surgery because it is contained on the lung and so hopefully they can catch it in time. She's staying up here with my mom right now.

    So anyone who prays out there, maybe think about my aunt in the next couple of days so that they can do surgery as quickly as possible. She's fun and this one hurts because the sisters are all so close. My Vegas aunt will be coming out as soon as they find out when surgery will be - those girls are all so close and when one goes down, they all rally around each other which is always so fascinating to watch.

  6. Black's BF had a hidden camera set up to tape them having unsafe sex.

    If Perez didn't post them someone else would have, big deal.

    OMG has Perez's site linked.

  7. Have I said before how much I hate cancer? My mom has a neighbor who is battling it as well and he's not doing well. It's just heartbreaking. He lost his wife to ALS several years ago and we grew up with their kids when we were little.

    I'll never forget when we were little and playing in our backyard. And this man hollered something to us ( who knows what we were doing!) and I muttered in a voice that I thought there was no way could be heard way over there into the next yard, "Boy, your dad's mean!"

    And he heard me! lol. He yelled something about not being mean, he just needed to keep his kids in line.

    LOLLLL! I have never forgotten that and for the longest time, I always kind of feared him because he had a loud voice. But he's really the nicest man and he has been such an incredible neighbor for my mom since my dad's death.

    I don't know why this terrible disease takes good people like this; it's maddening. But you know, it's also funny. In the face of that disease, I just have seen some real bravery and beautiful things from both the sufferer and in people's reactions and deeds in their efforts to help and be a comfort.

  8. ((PG)) Cancer sucks. Sending good thoughts and praying for you, your aunt and your family.

  9. Thanks, Special. We've always been close with her and I was so afraid when I heard she was having shortness of breath because she's always been a kind of heavy smoker.

    Hey, on a happier note, look at this tweet by Adam. He cracks me up. He talks a lot with his fans, I love it.

    adamlambert Adam Lambert
    At least ship me w secret loves that would even go for a dude in the first place. Y'all keep pairing me w straight guys. It's hilarious.
    55 minutes ago

    And then, he very cool-like tells his fans to calm down instead of yelling and capping at them like Sophia does.

    adamlambert Adam Lambert
    But most importantly: quit fighting w eachother. I hate that my personal life causes some of u to call eachother names and get angry. Relax!
    51 minutes ago

  10. And on to the boys for a moment...

    I find it very, very interesting that there are absolutely no online sightings of Jake today. Nada. Zilch. Big fat Zero. Not one coffee bean, leaf or petal sniff of him.

    And Austin takes the extraordinarily rare cyber time and space to inform everyone that he is editing all day long.

    Suddenly, it feels like Groundhog Day.

  11. Thanks so much for today's spotlight. I've been interested in Dustin since I saw Milk and this filled in lots of blanks. There was a picture of him about a week ago with some guy who talked about how cute he thought Dustin was and how he had flirted with him. I can't recall who he was now. A fashion guy I think. they were photographed at some event recently.

  12. ((PG)) so sorry about your Aunt, keeping you and your family in my thoughts.

    LOL, love those tweets from Adam. I can so hear his voice saying those things too.

    And I love Dustin, great to see him featured in the Out Spotlight

  13. A fantasy husband and rug rats? Not so real.

    Tsk, tsk. I know the possibility of Jake being a Daddy and Hubby scares the living daylights out of you, but Jake is a married man (as he has admitted himself) and has his own children with the love of his life, Mr. Austin Don Nichols. And no, they don't have rugrats, but they do have an adorable German Shepherd name Atticus, with a whimsical floppy ear.. Sorry, if that disappoints you.

  14. Jake is a married man (as he has admitted himself)

    You always seem to omit that Jake has also said he has no children. Jake the liar or Jake the denier. Which is it?

  15. Or perhaps he was telling the truth (the one you don't want to hear).

  16. Thanks, Dest, appreciate it. And isn't Adam funny? I like the way he says "y'all". lol. And how his fans keep pairing him with straight guys. LOL.

    He chats a lot with his fans through his twitter, asks them for feedback on a line of lyrics or whatever's on their mind. I just love him.

  17. Hey, Jake was at the premiere of Michelle Williams' Marilyn movie and it's on Just Jared.

    He's wearing his glasses! Isn't that great?! Good for him - the butterfly has flown from its cocoon.

    Good for you, Jake!!! So proud.

  18. Tom, totally agree with your assesment of Mr. Dustin Lance Black... just soooo much awesome in one package, and very accomplished.

    Sending some prayers in the direction of your dear Aunt PG and keeping the good vibes going too.

    Enjoying a gorgeous stretch of summer like weather here, and had a tasty Canadian Thanksgiving Dinner at my sister's place last evening. Today is the holiday so will just soak in all the sun and enjoy.

    By the way... when Jake was making faces at the organic shop the other day did I see him exchanging some very big flirty smiles with the guy at the counter???? Looked like a whole lot of "smitten" to me! Just sayin!

  19. And no, no link! I'm at work.

    Shhhhhh!!! lol

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. "But most of all, if Harvey had not been taken from us 30 years ago, I think he would want me to say to all of the gay and lesbian kids out there tonight who have been told that they are less than by their churches, or by the government, or by their families, that you are beautiful, wonderful creatures of value, and that no matter what anyone tells you, God does love you and that very soon I promise you, you will have equal rights federally across this great nation of ours.'

    Awesome words.

  22. By the way... when Jake was making faces at the organic shop the other day did I see him exchanging some very big flirty smiles with the guy at the counter???? Looked like a whole lot of "smitten" to me!

    I dunno, Seaweed, was it that eye poking that convinced you?

    LOLLL!!! It just kind of looks to me like they were exchanging pleasantries. I visit with checkout people of both sexes all the time at grocery stores, Target, Westlake Hardware, etc.

  23. Great to see you,Seaweed - had to give you a hard time there. Hope you had a good, productive summer!
    And thank you so much for sending good vibes - appreciate it!

  24. Happy Canadian Thanksgiving to you as well, Seaweed. Put the feet up!

  25. Jake and Michelle both look really good; Michelle's dress is really simple and beautiful.

  26. Happy Canadian Thanksgiving Seaweed.

  27. Happy Thanksgiving Seaweed.

    Sorry about your Aunt PG. I hope she does well.

    Awesome memory. Myself, PG, Destiny and Wicked saw Dustin in DC at that rally. What a great day.

  28. You always seem to omit that Jake has also said he has no children. Jake the liar or Jake the denier. Which is it?

    This old questionn again. I think it's pretty clear that Jake is a liar, and a denier about who he really is. He's been living in the closet his entire adult life, most obviously since 2007. At least, when it comes to his public persona because he's most certainly out to his friends and family.

    I love Dustin Lance Black. No shame or lies for this man. Jake should try it some time.

  29. Jake at Michelle's Premiere

    Just Jared

    Just one more of Jake in his glasses
    Jake and Michelle

  30. did I see him exchanging some very big flirty smiles with the guy at the counter???? I thought he looked flirty too. But Jake is almost always flirty around men.

    I saw the pics of Jake with Michelle today. Nice to see them together. Had to laugh though. The caption said they were drinking Grey Goose.

  31. @WagsisSticks
    Andrew A. Wagner
    Excellent cup of coffe this a.m. with @nakishairene and Jake Gyllenhaal.
    3 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

  32. Thanks for the Thanksgiving greetings PG, Tom, Destiny & Special. Wonderful, wonderful day here.

    M... as you say, Jake almost always has big flirty smiles for the guys. His interaction with the ladies can be endearing BUT,
    it's the charm that seems to ooze out of him when he's in the company of men. Perhaps its just my projection, but I do love to see that playful side of our bearded and bespectacled boyo.

    Also, love seeing Jake with Michelle, memories of special days from years ago.

