Saturday, December 31, 2011

Easy as A, B, C....

A is for Austin, (Jake said he loves Austin. Austin like to tweet it. ), and Art since is it like oxygen.B is for Beautiful Boy, Berlin, boots, backpacks, burning bridges, and tiny tiles.

C is for Crazy Tree, cops, Cafe Gratitude, and coffee.D is for Directing, Doctor's office, and donuts.
E is for End of Watch, end of the Tree, Evelyn no more, Empire State Building and Edible School Yards.

F is for friends, flushes, filming and FIVE.

G is for Global Green, Golden Globes, Grand Marshal, Grey Goose Pops, grins, Grandma's and glasses.

H is for Hurricanes (How else would have Austin show how those hot rubba boots.), hats, and Hawaii.I is for Indonesia, Italy, Iceland, and Israel.J is for Jake, jokes and El Jefe.

K is for Kale (what else for Jake?) and Keister (for Austin)

L is for Austin's Leaf, LA, late night dining, and... yeah they are.... love.

M is for Madrid, Marfa, movie night at the Arc Light, and mud.N is for New York, New Eyes, and no faux Jake.

O is for Austin's O face, Oscar, Obi Wan's "Sand people always travel single file to hide their numbers.", and OMG.P is for Austin's autocorrect of POR FAVOR to PORN FAVOR, Princess Bride, Palm Springs, and Pee Wee.

Q is for questions, like "Does Jake have more than 4 pairs of pants?" "And where were Jake and Austin one weekend in October?"

R is for Ring, River Ride, Railroad Tour Revival.S is for San Francisco, Source Code, Soul Cycle and Soul Glo.T is for Tree Hill, Two Wheel Tuesdays, Twitter, and Twactors.

U is for Unicycles as props, and Uncle again.

V is for Vegas, Vitamins, Vega as in Casa Vega for dinner.W is for Water, Wig (Austin's), Whitney Houston Wii Sing a long, and Wild (as in Man vs.)

X is for XXX see P for Porn Favor.

Y is for Yes this is the truly the end of Crazy Tree.Z is for Zeitgeist.

Here's wishing everyone a very Happy New Year!

And to The Two plus crew, hoping next year will be filled with leaps and bounds!


  1. How do you do this, Special? Good grief, how did you think of all of these? I'm completely dumbfounded.

    I don't know - this is yet another favorite post of mine. That was just awesome.

    Leaps and bounds. LOLLLLL!!!! Lookit Austin's hair in that picture. It is leaping all over the place - whaaaa??? What in the heck? Awww, but he has a great smile on, doesn't he?

    Just incredible, Special. I don't know how on earth you remembered all of that.

    And WOW - look at Jake in that picture of a Source Code premiere. In the navy suit and navy shirt? WOWee wow wow. **wolf whistle!!!**

    Happy New Year, everyone!!!! I reckon everyone's partying it up about now. What am I doing? I'm spending my New Year's Eve with......Molly, Lucy &....yes, you know it. Rotten little Jingles. Heckuva way to ring in 2012, don't you think? LOLLLL! It's a quiet one, not going anywhere, not seeing anyone. Just me and 3 dogs. I'm trying to decide between Johnny's BBQ or Chinese. Let me tell you, it truly is a major decision.

    Ah, it's great to be alive and it's a great day in the world of Jake and Austin, I do believe.

  2. @IveL0stmyMojOKapn F. Charisma
    Just spotted my 1st celebrity in L.A. - Jake Gyllenhaal
    1 hour agovia UberSocial for Android

  3. Happy New Year to YOU! I love you. You know who you are.
    10 minutes ago

  4. My New Years Resolution is to live everyday as if it's my last. Join Me And RT. #GoodAtLife
    4 minutes ago

  5. Ha! Easy as ABC Kitchen, right Special?!

    This is an excellent alphabetize list for a Jake and Austin Year in Review, Special. I just knew that Jake's favorite veggie would have to make a spotlighted appearance. "K" is a tough letter to associate with our guys so it's a good thing his favorite food isn't brussel sprouts. Let's face it, Jake and Austin already have more than enough "B"s to go around. *wink*

    One suggestion. You might have selected, "P" for photoshopped, but then again I'll leave that for another time. Although your letter "Q" came closest in so many ways.

    And, PG. Keep that Champagne away from Rotten little Jiggles! I don't think he needs any encouragement. LOL!

    Happy New Year, Everyone!

  6. Jingles being pretty quiet today. I reckon he's storing up for some kind of nonsense tomorrow or Monday.

    And the winner was........barbeque!!!! Things are pretty lively out there, grocery stores still packed. Boy, nothing like waiting til the last minute to go get your snacks, huh? lol

  7. Happy New Year to YOU! I love you. You know who you are.

    Yes, we do, Austin. Now, all we have to do is get you to visit a city with the name of Jake so you can shout out your amour without qualification like Jake did at SXSW. Hey, I know! How about Jacob City, Florida? True the population is only around 300, but I still think you could pull it off, Big Guy.

  8. adamlambert Adam Lambert
    Enjoying the last sunset of the year w my love @saulikoskinen1 ! 2012 is gonna be nuts!!
    15 minutes ago

  9. Whatever happened to Johann Strauss Jr on New Years Eve, I ask? It used to be tradition!!!

  10. "K" is a tough letter to associate with our guys

    Of course now that I have it done there could have been Kites (Austin),K9 and starts with ki ends with ds.

  11. Happy New Year to YOU! I love you. You know who you are.

    It looks like Austin was making sure his favorite fella knows who loves him.

  12. Because he's not right next to him to tell him?

  13. Oh but he is, 23.18. And the kids are tucked into bed. Or maybe the guys are out on a date and a babysitter is in charge. But you don't know where your boy Jake is, do ya? That's what brought the snark.

  14. Happy new year to all. Just finished a nice Petrale Sole dinner after a slight delay. I needed some corn meal for the light breading so my hubby went to the store and brought home corn starch, not corn meal. The 2nd trip worked and the meal was great. Now on to champagne.

    Oh yes Austin, we know you you love, and its not sophia. Thanks for the confirmation.

    Did you all read that Johnny Weir got married today. Thats a surprise. He was so low key about being gay for years, finally came out more openly and boom, now he's married. Good for Johnny and I wish him well.

    Thanks of that lovely song today. One of my favorites.

  15. Just noticed a typo, should read we know "who" you love.

    Also should read thanks "for" that lovely song.

    I'm typing too fast and have had some champagne already!

  16. Happy New Years everyone. It would be nice to see the guys together this year.

  17. Happy New Year to YOU! I love you. You know who you are.

    I love it. Happy New Year to all at OMG, and our favorite guys!

  18. Funny about the corn starch/meal, m. lol. Happy New Year to you and your hubby!!

  19. And for pete's sake what is up with Ryan Gosling? Watching him with Eva Mendes right now is like watching Reeke - The Early Years.

    Hiding his face with magazines at the airport and now with a duffle bag on the way into a party. Gosling? You are too old for this kind of nonsense behavior, bud. You've got too many miles on you.

    Thanks for helping to convince me too what you are hiding. Just really, really a joke.

  20. And the joke tweet of New Year's Eve night goes to.........

    Sharon Lawrence.

    Who for whatever reason, seemed to think she needed to give a Sophin plug on a reply tweet to Soapy, who never even mentioned Austin in the first place.

    Sharon Lawrence? You're pathetic. Don't tell me this was just a 2 for 1 tweet either.

    SophiaBush Sophia Bush
    @sharonlawrence happy new year mama! Love you. xo
    19 hours ago

    sharonlawrence Sharon Lawrence
    @SophiaBush Sophia Love you too lady. Hugs to you and @AUS10NICHOLS for 2012 :)
    18 hours ago

  21. Now that these two gripes are out of the way, back to our regularly scheduled New Year's Day.

  22. hadn't heard that oneJanuary 1, 2012 at 1:46 PM

    Thanks for helping to convince me too what you are hiding. Just really, really a joke.

    What's he hiding? Is he gay too?

  23. Happy New Year to all my favourite OMG Friends and Denizens...

    2012 should prove to be outstanding for us all, keep the faith and cherish the love. Thanks to Special for keeping us informed and constantly in awe with your blogging talents!


  24. What's he hiding? Is he gay too?

    Oh, please. Eva Mendes is a lesbian. Haven't you heard? Catch up! Maybe if you stopped hanging out here all day, you might learn a thing or two.

    Note: Anytime you see an article that stresses "low profile" you know it's a planned photo op.

  25. Happy New Year's, Seaweed!! Great to see you!

    Is your snow melting yet?

  26. This coming from the man who posts fake comments under other blogger names all over the Internet.

  27. Happy New Year to everyone at OMG. May 2012 bring you everything you need, and most of what you want.

    Great post today Special, truly inspired, not to mention it must have been a lot of work.

    Spent the evening with two of our closest friends, with appetizer-type foods for dinner (salmon dip, cheese, chips, etc). Low key, but that's the way I like it.

  28. Yeah, don't get what Ryan Gosling is doing either PG. Talk about someone who doesn't need to do something like that--unless he's gunning for some big franchise type movie.

    And Austin's tweet about living your life as though it's your last day? I'm sorry, but there is no way someone living in the closet can do that, it's an oxymoron for a deeply closeted gay man to say something like that. But I guess it'll have all those fangirls will be eating it up.

  29. Sounds nice, Destiny!! You cannot go wrong with cheese. Oooh and salmon dip!! I don't think I've had that.

    They have been having a Pink Panther marathon on one of her HBO channels this morning. LOLLLL!! Was there anyone funnier than Peter Sellers as the Inspector Clouseau? LOL. It cracked me up when his boss Chief Inspector Dreyfus is demoted and Inspector Clouseau calls him Former Chief Inspector. LOLLLL!!

    The slapstick in these movies just absolutely kills me every time. Rakes hitting Dreyfus in the forehead, Clouseau pumping up the parrot on his shoulder, Clouseau falling off of the edge of the sofa, getting his hand stuck in a vase and then saluting himself in the head. All of it just classic slapstick and there is not anything funnier, I don't think.

  30. Yeah, don't get what Ryan Gosling is doing either PG. Talk about someone who doesn't need to do something like that--unless he's gunning for some big franchise type movie.

    I know. Obviously he's doing it for some reason or another. And in that group of pictures, the what now seems to be the obligatory fuzzy, grainy "natural" pic of the couple kissing. So he holds a bag up to his face because he doesn't want to be photo'd but then he takes the time to openly kiss his companion in the middle of the street for the cameras.

    It's an insult to intelligence.

  31. And Austin's tweet about living your life as though it's your last day? I'm sorry, but there is no way someone living in the closet can do that, it's an oxymoron for a deeply closeted gay man to say something like that. But I guess it'll have all those fangirls will be eating it up.

    I know. I'll hold onto the hope that maybe there'll be something to show this is so in 2012.

    But then I sure don't live every day like it's my last. I sometimes live like I have 60 more years to live, and all of them young years, too. lol. So I can't really criticize that one too much. He's really brave to say it, let me put it that way.

  32. Happy New Year!! Great POST! T'is so good, having my friends here, with your good wishes, when I'm scared sh*tless that the BIG C coming back...and look how gorgeous the brilliant Austin is with a head full of curls.
    He's had a wonderful year..wish I could have gone to day maybe...or maybe my son will visit.


  33. Covering for Sass:

    Happy New Year!! Great POST! T'is so good, having my friends here, with your good wishes, when I'm scared sh*tless that the BIG C coming back...and look how gorgeous the brilliant Austin is with a head full of curls.
    He's had a wonderful year..wish I could have gone to day maybe...or maybe my son will visit.

