Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Couch Trip

With a week left till The Crazy Tree comes back for it's final season the press is starting to roll out. Today it's TV Guide, and asking the crew their favorite episodes.

And what was Austin's?The camping episode? Not that kind of camping.

The one camping with the guys. (He did get to quote BBM)

Greased Lightening?Being a not so little German?The doggone one?Nope... none of those.
It was last season's " "Darkness on the Edge of Town""It was really challenging to watch your [on-screen] fiancé almost die in front of you. That was hard and satisfying in the end, but it's scary to go to those places. Plus: It was action-packed, and I'm a guy!"

Interesting choice of words. Isn't it Dr. Freud?

Satisfying. ...Very in-ter-esting
What did you find so satisfying Mr. Nichols?

You can check out what the rest of his co-stars picked as their favorite episodes at TV Guide.

And if you are wondering what his "co-star" picked. The one she told everyone what to do directed.

And don't think you can bike when it snows? Think again.
Get out and ride on the first Two Wheel Tuesday of 2012.


  1. IHJ put up some new - old pictures from March 2007 when he was there doing press.

    It's a set of Jake heading out with Chris.

    March 1 Out with Chris in NYC

  2. That wasn't me who posted at 4:22pm on the previous post. Troll is up to his usual games. Can you please delete that post Special? Thanks :)

  3. Thanks Jason for letting me know, will take care of that now.

    Yes, it seems the trolls are not happy. Not happy at all. Guess it's tough when Jake and Austin seem to both be enjoying being in the same place at the same time.

  4. I sure feel like we are at a big point here. This year is setting up for the perfect time for the guys to finally come out. Jake is not bearding and OTH will soon be a thing of the past. I am not getting my hopes up but unless I see a change of course here maybe things will get bright. Austin and Sophia could have really put on a show over the holidays. But nothing. I doubt they even saw each other. I will be watching closely and right now I am feeling more positive than I have in a long time. Got my fingers crossed. It would be sweet.

  5. Guess it's tough when Jake and Austin seem to both be enjoying being in the same place at the same time.

    And yet not a single sighting, mention or whisper of them being in the same place at the same time. Funny how that goes.

  6. And you're not going to see pictures of them together.

    They. Are. In. The. Closet.

    I hear you, Tom. No one knows what is on the horizon. But I, too, am encouraged that at least the two guys are refraining from high, even medium profile bearding.

    My huge hope is that when that Crazy Tree is officially done, last episode finally aired, that we get to see Jake and Austin together in pictures somewhere.




    Yogurt. Lakers game. Jogging. Biking.

    Well, can't do Borders anymore.

    Barnes & Noble? The local library?

    Tennis? Golf?

    Mexican dinner?

    Kale-infused lunch?

  7. I'm not going to get my hopes up for a coming out, especially at least this year. We still have End of Watch to come out.

    But once Austin is free of the shackles of OTH and the CW, to see these 2 guys together again in a pap photo EXTRAVAGANZA!!! would be unbelievable. How long has it been?

    The PoP premiere weekend? The gym when they had to tolerate the inclusion of the Beard? Was that the last one? I think it was the last time these 2 guys were together in public.

    Or was it Leadville?! LOLLL! Oops.

  8. ToriCramer Tori Cramer
    How come @AUS10NICHOLS always has a toothpick in his mouth during season 6 of @RealOneTreeHill ?!?!
    23 hours ago via Twitter for iPad

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. ^^^ They reveal their nervousness and discomfort by their nonsense.

    I would imagine this frequent comment moderation is most likely due to profane and personal attacking comments.

    Well, the trolls can try to disrupt all they want.

    That is what this person is trying to do just like other forums have been brought down in the past. Now OMG is under hostile attack.

    But let it be said - you WILL NOT bring this blog down.Simple as that.

    We are stronger than you.

  11. Hope the guys had a great New Year's.

    Well for myself today, it is back to my semi-cubicle with a slap of cold reality. lol


    I don't want to go.

    But......oh well. Here we go. But just remember.

    This OMG Guardian Angel WILL BE around.

  12. How come @AUS10NICHOLS always has a toothpick in his mouth during season 6 of @RealOneTreeHill ?!?!

    I never watched Season 6 of OTH, but Jake certainly has bee papped with a toothpick in his mouth many times particularly once Reeke began. Possibly another homage and/or shout out to Jake. Like that JG monogram sweater Austin wore.

  13. I never watched Season 6 of OTH

    I'll join you there, Another Thought, lol. I don't think I did either (I've lost track) but when I hear "toothpick in mouth", I do think of Mr. Jake during his Reeke years. Wasn't he frequently with a darned toothpick in his mouth?

  14. carolyndawnn Carolyn
    the only thing better than a boy in jeans and a white t-shirt is when that boy is jake gyllenhaal
    4 minutes ago

  15. I was thinking the same thing, PG. Plus, the word toothpick and "Toothy" do have a root connection too. We already know the guys send signals to one another and Jake likes to play games like when he wore the plaid shirt with the flock of geese pattern at the hem. Or, when Jake does the Hook 'em Horns sign when he's out and about. Never mind, as Special already pointed out in her post, the camping trip on OTH where Austin got to quote Brokeback Mountain.

  16. The only reason I am looking forward to OTHs return is so that the darn thing will be over for good.

    I too feel hopeful about them in 2012. All the signals point to a change.

  17. Not going to hold my breath on any big changes even after OTH is done. Too many bridges burned I think for anything other than, perhaps, dropping all the bearding and showmances. Jake is still at CAA, and with Jim Toth one of the biggies there, he's not going to do anything to piss off Reese.

  18. Well, I'm not saying there are going to be big changes as soon as OTH is done. That would be too obvious.

    But I think even our present situation is 10x better than it has been since I first came to this blog which just around Rome time.

    The big difference right now that I'm greatly encouraged by? Jake is minding his own business. He's in L.A. at the same time that everyone knows Austin is. When is the last time we've been "allowed" to see Jake and Austin in the same city?

    You know what else? We're not getting all the NYC Citywide Restaurant/Coffee Bar Tour stops. I'm sure he's going out but we're not getting the play-by-play.

    You have to ask yourself why aren't we?

    I say it's because Austin is home now.

    Thank God.

  19. Yeah I think Austin did do those little things like the toothpick as shout outs to his man.
