Monday, January 16, 2012

Now this is serious

Jake skipped the red carpet last night and just hit the stage running introducing former co-star and friend Michelle Williams' movie "My Week with Marilyn" early in the eventNot the first time was there for his friend. Jake was there for Michelle last fall when Marylin debuted at the NYFF. That time going for something a bit more casual.But last night he ditched his NY go to fall formal wear and cut a dashing figure as he stepped out into the Hollywood fishbowl for the first time without his former long time manager or his former agency.

Looking fabulous in a Ferragamo double breasted tux that fit him like a glove, he faced his new future in Hollywood head first and got down to business right away.
Hmmm....Maybe I should have
opened with Candle in the Wind...
why'd Elton have to be here tonight

Jake inspired much a twitter flutter last night even making the trending top ten.

Speaking of tweets. Think he might have inspired this particular one?

Even when they seem out of reach, never stop chasing your dreams. Run at them. Head First. - Aus10

But it wasn't business all weekend. Jake did have time Saturday to have breakfast with friend and Michelle's Golden Globe date Busy and her family.
He had hood shields up but showing of some colors heading in.
and looked like there was a lot on his mind as he said goodbye to everyone.

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!
Today we stop and remember a man who called for acceptance, tolerance and rights for all.

Let us continue the legacy he left behind.


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    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    DAMN!! I've nearly forgotten just how gorgeously handsome Jake can be when he actually put his mind to it. Delicious!!

    I loved that he introduced "My Week with Marilyn" and was thrilled that Michelle Williams won.

    But I can't help believing if Michelle wasn't nominated, Jake probably would not have been there. At the mike he looked bored and uninterested. In fact he's been giving off that impression in pap photos for a long time now: bored and uninterested even when he's with friends and family. He seems to be going through a prolong melancholy period.

    January 16, 2012 4:05 PM

  3. trolls disagree just to disagreeJanuary 16, 2012 at 5:10 PM

    Busy once tweeted to the PopSugar girls to leave Marc out of pap pics because he hated that. Maybe Jared read that tweet and honored Busy's request.

    That has to be the most bizarre speculation of why Jared didn't have a pic of Busy's husband in one of those photos that I've ever heard. And, by the way, it wasn't just the lack of a picture of Marc it was the misleading headlines that made it seem like Jake and Busy were out on a date: Jake Gyllenhaal: Breakfast with Busy Philipps

  4. Dear Ted:
    Brucey Huskers has to be Derek Jeter, right? He's an athlete, he just had a high-pro breakup and you recently mentioned that Minka Kelly is both Derek's type and Jake Gyllenhaal's. Am I right?

    Dear Swing and a Miss:
    Not a bad guess, A, but unlike Derek, we doubt B and his former babe will be reconciling anytime soon.

  5. Jared is on the payroll of whatever agency is bankrolling him at the time. Definitely, up to the highest bidder. This time, the "benefactor" in question was probably CAA. Eng could care less if Busy Philipps' husband tweeted a personal request to please stop. Oh, but were it just that easy.

    Jared had no problem including Marc in this photo

  6. Some End of Watch News

    David Sardy has signed on to score the upcoming cop drama End of Watch. The film is written and directed by David Ayer (screenwriter of Training Day) and stars Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Pena as two LAPD officers as they confront love, marriage, fatherhood and the harsh realities of the Los Angeles streets. Anna Kendrick and Natalie Martinez are co-starring as the officers’ love interests. Ayer is producing the film through his production company Crave Pictures and John Lesher is producing through Gribisi Productions. Ayer’s previous directorial efforts (Harsh Times, Street Kings) featured music by composer Graeme Revell. End of Watch is currently in post production and a release is expected later this year.
    Film Music Reporter

  7. One more about EOW.

    It is listed as one of the 50 original properties slated for 2012.

    20. End Of Watch

    The Film:
    Yes, that is Jake Gyllenhaal with a shaved head and a gun, screaming right in your face. Why? Well, he’s playing a cop in David Ayer’s hard-bitten cop drama.

    It’s more ambitious than that initially sounds, though. The film's composed entirely from footage that's shot to look like it’s been captured through the handheld cameras of police officers, as Jake and Michael Peña work to keep the dirty city streets clean. Jake’s compared it to Glengarry Glen Ross. Make of that what you will.

    If It Was Based On Something: It’d be based on the biography of a retired cop.

    Check out the picture of Jake on the job

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. It's threefer!

    People are critical of poor weapon handling and tactical skills as portrayed in movies. The number of people that are tactically proficient and militarily savvy is probably the highest its ever been...The problem, of course, is that while there are some very squared away technical advisers out there, directors nearly always want to go for sexy rather than realistic...Rick Lopez is a friend of mine. I know what he taught the guys from Street Kings and what he’s teaching Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Pena for End of Watch, but I’ll bet it’s not all reflected in the final product.

    Under the Radar

    Guess we will have to see if Ayer make it as realistic as the POV.

  10. Thanks for the comment 6:22, but there are no Anonymous comments here at OMG. Please put a name on you comments so they don't get deleted.

  11. Covering for 18:22

    Anonymous said...
    It’s more ambitious than that initially sounds, though. The film's composed entirely from footage that's shot to look like it’s been captured through the handheld cameras of police officers, as Jake and Michael Peña work to keep the dirty city streets clean. Jake’s compared it to Glengarry Glen Ross. Make of that what you will.


    Love the contributions but you can't post as Anonymous.

  12. Why is Jake always getting papped with this lady? Are these photo ops or what?

    Is Jake sad because he is in the closet or because people want him to come out of the closet. Or is he sad because he is being papped with other peoples kids but never his own. If he has kids?

  13. you can't post as Anonymous.

    Why no?

  14. We want OMG to be a community and not just a group of anonymous comments.

    You can pick a name and stick to it for every time you comment, or if you want pick a name for just the day or the comment.

  15. But I can't help believing if Michelle wasn't nominated, Jake probably would not have been there. At the mike he looked bored and uninterested. In fact he's been giving off that impression in pap photos for a long time now: bored and uninterested even when he's with friends and family. He seems to be going through a prolong melancholy period.

    I don't know how much of a factor Michelle played in Jake deciding to be at the GG's but you make a good point. Jake just didn't look into it at all last night - so serious.

    He didn't do the red carpet. It didn't look like he was out in the audience; in fact, it looked like he just sneaked in, did his stint as presenter, and then left. Plus, there have been no mentions thus far of any party attending.

  16. Is Jake sad because he is in the closet or because people want him to come out of the closet. Or is he sad because he is being papped with other peoples kids but never his own. If he has kids?

    My take on it? Jake looks sad in those pictures because I bet Birdie asked why her friend(s) BT(s) couldn't come, too. And yeah, because he is in the closet.

    There's not a happy picture in that whole lot. And look how he's back to having the hood drawn up.

    It's a whole different thing when being in the closet begins to affect the children. How does Jake explain to little Birdie the reason why her little friend(s) can't be there? What does he say?

    Not to mention what it is doing to Jake. Look at his face in those pictures. It's undeniable the somber mood of those pictures. They just finished eating, you can tell because Birdie has the kiddie menu placemat still in her hand. They should all be smiling and chatting as they say goodbye. I don't care that it is just a few snapshots, I think the mood is undeniable.

    That's just my take on it.

  17. This is what the Boston Globe via said about Jake at the Golden Globes.

    8:33 p.m. Seriousness and memo to Hollywood

    Jake Gyllenhaal has just walked out in a decent double-breasted tuxedo. He looks like he’s going to a dinner at the UN. Why so serious, dude?

  18. Saying good bye in the breakfast pictures Jake's expression looks so heavyhearted. I think Busy was doing what everyone who sees Jake in that picture thinks he needs, a hug.

  19. Well it is time to stop doing things that make him sad. He has the choice. I can't feel sorry for him. He has choosen his path and now it is gonna be even tougher for him to come out. He is gonna make other people look foolish.

    I noticed something in some comments that that Reese said. It seemed like she was kind of silently denying that Jake was ever in her life. I was hoping that this meant that she was distancing herself from reeke because she was worried he was planning on coming out. OOnly can hope:-(

  20. If Jake doesn't come out soon. It isn't gonna happen for a very long time.

  21. I know, Tom. I hear you. I feel encouraged by some of the baby steps we have seen him take so far. Seems like there are some signs that Jake is trying. I really think he is trying to reassert himself.

    And it probably just can't all come at once but hey, at least he isn't bearding. And he dropped his manager. And we are watching as he and Austin are both in L.A. at the same time, something we haven't been allowed to see for several years now.

    And I also agree with you about Reese. She's been saying some things lately that are rather interesting.

    It's impossible for me to be able to tell where the guys are headed right now. You can't put a timetable on this kind of thing like it needs to be in 30 days or it needs to be in 90 days.

    Jake doesn't even have a project in the works right now nor does Austin. Seems to me like I'll just need to sit tight.

  22. With a new agent and Jake not working, again I find it odd that he seems to have avoided any industry parties. Maybe we just haven't heard about it, and he did go to some?

    Agree he doesn't look too happy in the pictures with Busy, and he did look awfully serious last night, kind of like it was just something to get through.

  23. That's very possible, Dest, about the parties. Maybe we haven't heard anything yet. Although remember last year, how we saw him out in the audience with Jenny Lewis and he was schmoozing/visiting during program breaks?

    Very secretive this time around.

  24. I think things are perfectly set up where Jake has the opportunity to come out. If not this year then I really don't see it happening. Maybe his new management company is telling him the same things CAA did. A company whose clients include Denzel and Matt Damon make me feel like they support the straight married manly type client. The one thing that is good is that these two seem to be not highly involved in the other crap that goes on in HW. Neither seemed to be planted on covers of US or People. Thank God for that.

  25. Tonight we're having trouble with the TV signal, so I threw in a Partridge Family dvd.

    LOLLLLLLLL!!!! Oh my dog. The clothes on these people - you need to practically wear a welder's shield. They have Laurie wearing dresses that look like they were made from curtains!! LOLLLL!! And the wallpaper in that house. The orange cannister set. And Keith wearing like a plaid shirt with a totally clashing argyle vest. LOLLLLL!! I mean, what in the heck. All of this polyester. It's just dangerous, that's what it is. And why must we endure a solo at the end of every episode by this little Ricky kid? Aaargh.

  26. Jake and Austin have to accept that if they come out their chance of being leading men star stars are nil. There are so many other thing that they can do though. They have so many options. Jake has made movies that are classics. Between BBM, Donnie Darko and Bubble Boy his career is already a huge success. There are definitely other options for two very attractive and talented well connected men.

  27. N ow is the time. Jake must choose between being a screen star leading man or a Gay man with a family. The choice is clear. History says there can't be both. He seemed to have choose screen star over family so far. Again now id the time to reelevate. We will see who he chooses. Enough said for me.

  28. Great comments, Tom.

    If I could just say one thing and that is I am really missing Austin.

    I am. I miss his goofy tweets and I just miss news on him. Talk about someone who has gone underground and that is our boy, Austy.

    If I need to watch OTH on Wednesday, that's what I'll do. I tell you what, this scene of him with his mouth full of coffee cake is just HILARIOUS!!! LOLLLLL!!!! He is awesome in that scene. I don't know if this coffee cake scene is in Wed's episode or not but it is really funny.

    I really miss the guy. You know, I hope he feels good about his work on OTH. I know I have been critical and whatnot about the show but Austin earned a paycheck at an honest job. He got directing experience and he always looked so professional when he was on set from the pap pictures that I've seen. He is wonderful with the OTH fans and it's easy to feel very proud of him. Sophin was impossible to stomach, LOL, but he did what he felt he needed to do. And hey, there aren't that many available acting jobs in HW. He was supporting his family and helping Jake out at the same time.

    What a deal.
    lol, now I'm all depressed.

    Someone tell a joke, please.

  29. One pic PG and this :-( will turn to this :-)

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Oh Tom, don't get me too excited.

    Oh my gosh. I think I will just about pass out the next time we see them together. It's been two years. I remember it so vividly because I was at Special's and it was Memorial Day weekend and I called you right away. That was so wild.

    They have both been through so much since that last photo op they did. I cannot imagine what they will look like together the next time.

    I may need CPR.

  32. And I'm saying it now - the next time it happens, I need a phone call or a text. I don't care what time of the day it is.

  33. adamlambert Adam Lambert
    I'm gonna be singing Better Than I Know Myself on Leno tomorrow night!! Set ur dvr's and tivos!!
    3 hours ago

  34. I've been watching the entertainment shows recaping last night's events, like ET and Access Hollywood, but not a single mention about Jake. Usually, you'll see some appreciative comment, even if it's just about him being one of Hollywood's hottest eligible bachelors or they'll show him in his tux and ooooh and ahhhhh. But, nothing this time. Not one word. Clooney, Cooper, DiCaprio, Pitt, Gerard Butler, extensive discussion of fashion and inside coverage of the parties...but no Jake.

    It really hit me how so much of the coverage was couples related and/or about children. The fact Jake didn't want to be portrayed as an eligible bachelor, I felt was noteworty. Definitely, a step in the right direction given the past four years.

  35. Hey, thanks for the heads up about Adam. DVR set.

  36. Have to agree about Jake looking too serious. He displayed no personality at all. Also, I viewed one replay of it this morning before rushing out to work, but have not gone back to view it again. Did It seem like the band started to fade off but resumed playing due to mediocre applause? I may be wrong but I left home saying to myself I need to listen to that a second time.

    He looks pretty serious in that photo with Busy too. She looks concerned. Austin's family emergency could have been some sick kids at home.

  37. mawnie
    Monica Nguyen
    I'm like 75% sure Jake Gyllenhaal came into my work today and ordered coffee from me. ugh, the 25% of unsureness.
    21 minutes ago

  38. YoungActorsSpc Young Actors Space
    YAS Alumni at the Golden Globes tonight: Shailene Woodley, Emma Stone, Jessica Biel, Jake Gyllenhaal. Did I miss anyone? Bravo everyone!!!!
    23 hours ago via Facebook

  39. Swift teases songs about heartbreak on next album

    Should Jake Gyllenhaal be worried?

  40. TaterTots_D Deedee(a.k.a Tater)
    It's funny how Austin Nichols plays a producer/writer on #csimiami and he plays a producer on #OneTreeHill :P
    6 hours ago

  41. MollieDolci
    Mollie Dolcimascolo
    we later find out those two lookers were @AUS10NICHOLS and #jakegyllenhaal. Thanks again! You two are adorable and awesome xo!
    8 minutes ago

  42. MollieDolci Mollie Dolcimascolo
    @Jolene962 and I randomly asked two handsome la gentlemen to watch over my illegally parked car at pinkberry.
    46 minutes ago

    MollieDolci Mollie Dolcimascolo
    we later find out those two lookers were @AUS10NICHOLS and #jakegyllenhaal. Thanks again! You two are adorable and awesome xo!
    47 minutes ago!/MollieDolci


    You guys, WAKE UP AGAIN!!!!!!!!

    This girl has had a twitter account since 2009. She only has 52 tweets but she has had her account since 2009 - she's not a chronic tweeter.

    Gee, I wonder if she has an LJ account?! LOLLLL!!

  44. It is The Day After Tomorrow, isn't it? What a wake up call. What a way to wake up.

    I'm speechless.

  45. @toddkolojeski
    Todd Kolojeski
    Ate pinkberry next to Jake Gyllenhaal tonight and had no idea until @KatieCeciil told me it was the broke back mountain
